Therapist Directory

The Therapist Directory can be searched in three different ways. You can search for a member by name, region, or specialty. Use the first drop down menu to select your search criteria. In the blank third field enter the name, or use the drop down menus for region and specialty. Click on Search to bring up a list containing names that satisfy your search criteria. Click on a name to find information about that member. Use your browser's back button to return to the list or search page.

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Alice Michael Ann Arbor area
    • Adults
    • Adolescents
Barbara L Gamble Ann Arbor area
    • Adults
    • Adolescents
    • Children under 12
    • Family
Bertram P. Karon PhD Lansing Area
  • Adults
Brenda Lovegrove Lepisto Lansing Area
    • Adults
    • Adolescents
    • Children under 12
Carol Levin Lansing Area
  • Adults
Carol Stratman Metropolitan Detroit
  • Adults
Cynthia Hockett Lansing Area
  • Adults
Cynthia Hockett Lansing Area
  • Adults
David Freiband Ann Arbor area
    David Klein PhD Ann Arbor area
      • Adults
      • Adolescents
      • Children under 12
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