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Fall Courses
*Psychoanalytic Writing
Ann Arbor
David Klein, Ph.D.
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
, 734 998-0949
Wednesdays, September 14-November 9, 2011, 11:00 a.m. -12:30 p.m. (course meets alternate Wednesdays)
This 5-session course will serve as an introduction to psychoanalytic writing. There will be some readings and discussion of published papers on the topic of psychoanalytic writing.

A second intention of the course is to help each candidate or other enrollee write a brief psychoanalytic article or essay. Hopefully these pieces of writing will appear as a special section in the next volume of the MPC Bulletin, as a Writers Workshop.

Approval for 7.5 CE credits pending. [A]

Psychoanalytic Writing
Price: $100.00

*, **Termination in Psychoanalysis
Ann Arbor
Lynne Tenbusch, Ph.D.
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
, 734 973-3232
Wednesdays, September 14-November 16, 2011, 1:00-2:30 p.m.

In this course we will examine various aspects of the termination process in Psychoanalysis, not only as the final stage in the therapeutic work, but also in general as it relates to losses, endings, and death. Analytic and associated writings, as well as clinical material will be used in an effort to examine the anxieties and resistances aroused by termination, and to develop an approach to listening to patients' unconscious communications as a guide through this important process.

Approval for 15 CE credits pending. [A, C, P]         Syllabus

Termination in Psychoanalysis
Price: $195.00

*,** Character, Narcissistic and Borderline Disorders
East Lansing
Peter Wood, L.M.S.W.
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , 517 881-6845
Mondays, September 12-December 19, 2011, 1:30-3 p.m.
This 15-week course examines the various causes, manifestations and treatment of these very difficult to treat disorders. Differential diagnosis will be emphasized as well as a through understanding of transference and countertransference manifestations.
Special Note: this course will include a three-week "master class" section with Bertram Karon, Ph.D. on schizophrenic and manic-depressive disorders.

Approval for 22.5 CE credits pending. [A, C, P]             


Character, Narcissistic and Borderline Disorders
Price: $275.00


Understanding and Treating Schizophrenia
A master class with Bertram Karon, Ph.D. 517-322-3085
This three-week course will explore schizoid and schizophrenic experience and treatment, taught by a master clinician who has devoted his career to research and treatment in this area.
Master class fee: $50, $60 non-members. Free to those taking the course on Character Disorders.

Mondays, November 7, 14, 21, 2011, 1:30-3 p.m.

See Character Disorders course syllabus above for this class. 

Understanding and Treating Schizophrenia
Price: $50.00

**Assessment and Psychopathology of Infancy and Early Childhood
East Lansing
Brenda Lovegrove Lepisto, Psy.D.
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , 517 333-0332
Mondays, September 12-October 24, 2011, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
This course will focus on the understanding of the assessment and indications of psychopathology of infants, young children and their relationships with their parents. Various methods and theories of assessment will be studied, including Greenspan and Hampstead Profile. It is suggested that participants have a child case to enroll in the course, but not mandatory. We will share clinical material where appropriate.

Approval for 15 CE credits pending. [C]

Assessment and Psychopathology of Infancy and Early Childhood
Price: $195.00


(E) = elective          [A– Adult analysis; C– Child analysis;  P—Psychotherapy]
* Denotes a required course in the Adult Psychoanalysis Training Program
** Denotes a required course in the Child Psychoanalysis Training Program
§ Denotes a required course in the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Training Program