Content provided by the Michigan Psychoanalytic Council (MPCPSA.ORG).
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MPC Professional & Community Development

All of these courses can be used for Continuing Education Credits
for Michigan Social Workers!!

Schedule of Classes - Fall, 2006 - Spring, 2007

Child Therapy

Working with Parents in Child Therapy 
A three-part seminar

Instructor: Brenda Lovegrove Lepisto, Psy.D
Date: Thurrsdays, September 14, 21, and 28, 2006 
Length of class: 10 a.m to 12 noon
Location: 4572 S. Hagadorn, Suite 2D, East Lansing
Fee: $60 for full professionals, $30 for new professionals (3 years or less since graduation), $15 for students.

For more information: e-mail or call her at (734) 769-8050

Approved for 6 hours Continuing Education Credits

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Child Consultation Study Group
A four-part seminar

Instructor: Brenda Lovegrove Lepisto, Psy.D
Date: Thurrsdays, October 5, 12, 19, and 26, 2006 
Length of class: 10:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m.
Location: 4572 S. Hagadorn, Suite 2D, East Lansing
Fee: $80 for full professionals, $40 for new professionals (3 years or less since graduation), $20 for students.

For more information: e-mail or call her at (734) 769-8050

Approved for 8 hours Continuing Education Credits

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Trauma and Addiction

Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, and Clinical Application
A two-part seminar

Instructor: Elizabeth Waiess, Psy.D.
Class Meeting Times:  Saturdays, 9 a.m. to noon
Term:  November 4, 11, 2006
Location: 4990 Building, Northwind Drive (Executive Offoces Park) East Lansing
Fee: $60 for full professionals, $30 for new professionals (3 years or less since graduation), $15 for students.

For more information: e-mail or call her at (734) 769-8050

Approved for 6 hours Continuing Education Credits

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Psychodynamic Perspectives on Addiction
A two-part seminar

Instructor: Patricia Marciniak, MSW
Class Meeting Times:  Saturdays, 10 a.m. to noon
Term:  October 21 and 28, 2006
Location: 6026 Harkson Drive, East Lansing
Fee: $40 for full professionals, $20 for new professionals (3 years or less since graduation), $10 for students.

For more information: e-mail or call her at (734) 769-8050

Approved for 4 hours Continuing Education Credits

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Psychoanalytic Theory and Practice
A ten-week seminar

Instructor: Hugh McPherson, MSW
Class Meeting Times: Tuesdays, 3:30 p.m to 5 p.m.
Term: 10 sessions starting October 10, 2006
Location: 523 West Liberty, Ann Arbor
Fee: $150 for full professionals, $75 for new professionals (3 years or less since graduation), $37 for students.

For more information: e-mail or call her at (734) 769-8050

Course Syllabus

Approved for 15 hours Continuing Education Credits

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The Shame-Disgust Interface
A Two-part Seminar

Instructor: Susan Miller, Ph.D.
Class Meeting Times: 10:30 a.m to Noon
Term: Saturdays, March 10 and March 17, 2006
Location: 202 East Washington, #508,  Ann Arbor
Fee: $30 for full professionals, $15 for new professionals (3 years or less since graduation), $10 for students.

For more information: e-mail or call her at (734) 769-8050

Approved for 3 hours Continuing Education Credits

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