May 15, 2011
MPC Executive Board members: Anderson, M., Freiband, D., Freiband, S., Gartland, D., Hutchison, R., Lovegrove-Lepisto, B., Meisels, M., Orosan-Weine, P., Pierce, L., Rudy, Waiess, B., Wixom, J., Wood, P.
MPC Members, Committee Chairs and Representatives: Jennifer Rahn
I. Secretary's Report - Diane Gartland
- March meeting minutes approved
II. Treasurer's Report - Michael Rudy
-Submitted a paper copy accounting of current assets and debits.
-Dr. Michael Singer will be returning his honorarium as a gift to MPC.
III. President's Report - Murray Meisels
-Dr. David Klein was nominated and elected president for 2013-2015.
-Michelle Rivette will be Vice President of Programs for 2011-2013
-Maria Slowiaczek will be Member-at-Large (female) for 2011-2013.
-Sonya Freiband will be Vice President of Certification for 2011-2013
There continues to be a need for more candidates and more students.
There is a call going out for a chair and committee members for the Professional and Community Development Committee.
There is a call for a Member-at-Large (male) for 2011-2013.
IV. Past President - Brenda Lepisto
-Noted that there is a book sale today for the Sophie L. Lovinger Memorial Fund and that it was requested that the lowest donation for books be $5 apiece. All books not sold would be added to the MPC library. The Sophie L. Lovinger Memorial Fund and MPC will be jointly sponsoring today's presentation.
-Noted a proposal to invite analysts from overseas for the 2012 October conference and to hold it as collaborative effort with the Association of Play Therapy.
V. President Elect - Beth Waiess
-Mentioned that there were 123 invitations that were sent out for the June banquet including 55 gratis invitations for those who have served on committees, on the board, as presenters to MPC over the years and 68 invitations to other members.
-She will be offering the space necessary for 3 bookcases in her office for MPC books. A discussion ensued about listing the books and making them available to others.
VI. VP for Education and Training Report - Peter Wood
-No electives are being taught this coming fall.
-There are not enough candidates for a continuing case conference.
VII. VP for Programs - Jean Wixom
-The calendar for the upcoming year is coming together. Some of the presenters on the schedule are Drs. Vangie and Alvin Spindler, Dr. Marilyn Charles, Dr. Patrick Kavanaugh, Drs. Beth Waiess and Dr. Bertram Karon.
-The new VP of programs will be considering the October conference.
VIII. VP for Certification Report - Pamela Orosan-Weine
- A motion was made and carried to certify Michelle Rivette as a psychoanalyst with MPC.
- A motion was made and carried to certify Sheila Wasung as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist with MPC.
Committee Reports
IX. Membership - Laura Pierce
-No report. We have about 117 members to date.
X. Elections - Mary Beth Atwell
-No report. Results are contained in Presidents Report.
XI. PCD - Sonya Freiband
-Discussed the need for a committee and members. The PCD program has scheduled a number of classes for this coming year in Ann Arbor, East Lansing, Bloomfield Hills and Dearborn.
XII. Old business
- A brief discussion ensued about the status of the newsletter and a request for a reference check of past meeting minutes was made. (Board members are directed to the minutes of September 2010 for clarification).
- A motion was made and carried to table the production and development of the current MPC newsletter until the board has had a chance to meet and decide on the future of the newsletter.
-The service rendered over the years by the outgoing Board is most gratefully recognized and appreciated: Dr. Murray Meisels (President 2009-2011), Dr. Brenda Lepisto ( President 2007-2009), Dr. Jean Wixom (Vice President of Programs 2009-2011), Pamela Orosan-Weine (Vice President for Certification 2009-2011), Bruce Klein (Member-at-Large 2008-2011), Mary Anderson (Member-at-Large 2008-2011) and PCD committee chair Sonya Freiband (2008-2011).
XIII. New business
-A discussion of Emeritus status for MPC members is tabled to September.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane M. Gartland, Psy.D.
Recording Secretary