Meeting of the Board
University Club, East Lansing, MI
February 19, 2012
Present, MPC Board members: M. Atwell, S. Freiband, M. Frye, R. Hutchison, L. Pierce, M. Rivette, M. Rudy, M. Slowiaczek, E. Waiess, P. Wood. Members: Carol Levin, Rena Liberman.
1. The minutes of the meeting of January 15, 2012 were approved unanimously.
2. Treasurer (Michael Rudy)
- Year-to-date figures in all accounts are satisfactory (detailed reports were mailed to Board members).
- Expenses for a meeting at the AA City Club strike the treasure as pricey.
- The web designer has been paid, and expenses for the bulletin have been paid.
- Board members interested in better tracking of who is paying memberships and fees. Rudy notes that relevant information is in the report he provided, which will be posted on the Board’s Google docs page.
- Rudy recommended moving some of the organization’s cash out of money market funds and into certificates of deposit. This is management of cash, not moving cash to investment. Board agreed without a vote.
- Treasurer is asked whether there is anything we need to refer to the Finance Committee now? Answer: No.
2. President (Elizabeth Waiess)
- Thanks to Klein for another wonderful Bulletin.
- Thanks to Reena Lieberman, Laura Pierce, and Pam Orosan-Weine on getting the membership list on web.
- Board members are asked to bring bylaws suggestions to next meeting.
3. Past President – No report.
4. President Elect – No report.
5. Education and Training – No report
6. Programs – Michelle Rivette
- Fran Waters, who specializes in child dissociation and trauma, is interested in giving a workshop. 2013-14. This would dovetail with our child psychoanalysis program.
- A couple of people have offered to help with production of conference in the fall.
- Wood moved to table discussion of future uses of the April meeting, pertaining to location in Southfield or Ann Arbor. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
7. Certification – Sonya Frieband
- Michael Singer has applied for cert as child psychoanalyst of MPC. All requirements met. Moved approval. Motion passed assed unanimously. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
8. Committee Reports
- Membership: Laura Pierce
- defer new member packet discussion to next meeting
- new membership booklet at printers.
- Elections – Marybeth Atwell
- Elections are still delayed. We do not have candidates yet, male or female, for member-at-large positions.
- PCD: Ralph Hutchison
- The Objection Relations class was cancelled because there was not enough enrollment.
- Bulletin: No report
- Website – No report
Training and Certification – Peter Wood, Vice-President for Training and Certification
- Wood moved to Recess for 45 minutes to discuss the state of the candidate training programs. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
o In coordination with the program chair, Wood moved we devote the April 2012 meeting to an open forum on organizational and training issues. Seconded by S. Frieband.
- The meeting will be advertised just to members, not the larger mailing list.
- The announcement will stress the importance of this and that it is not an ordinary monthly meeting.
- Rudy offered an amendment to the motion, to include that Development Funds would be used for the actions/projects decided upon and subsequently undertaken. After further discussion, the amendment was not made. At the meeting, we can develop ideas of what funding is needed for the long-term project.
- A regular meeting announcement will not bring enough members; board members need to contact members to explain the importance of the meeting and urge attendance.
o The question was called. Motion was passed unanimously.
o Rudy moved that the board authorize use of Development funds for both the April meeting, as needed, and to development decisions arising out of that meeting, as approved by the Board at subsequent board meetings. Seconded by Wood. The questions was called passed unanimously.
- Social Action: no report
- Gender & Diversity: no report
- Newsletter: no report
- Parliamentarian & Bylaws: no report
- Strategic Planning: no report
- Bylaw Committee – No report
- Library Committee – No report
9. New Business – none
10. The meeting was adjourned.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Marilyn Frye, board secretary.
Note: it is MPC policy that Board meetings are open to all MPC members. Priority is given to Board members to address issues, but all MPC members may speak at meetings, time permitting.