Meeting of the Board
University Club
East Lansing, Michigan
November 13, 2011
Present, MPC Board members: S. Freiband, M. Frye, R. Hutchison, D. Klein, M. Meisels, L. Pierce, M. Rudy, E. Waiess, P. Wood,
1. The minutes of the meeting of October 23, 2011 were approved unanimously.
2. Treasurer (Michael Rudy)
- Current: about $13,000 in the bank account; net worth up a bit from last report; $17K of Development Fund is in cash, $20K in equity position; year-to-date figures are satisfactory, given the expected membership income.
- Membership letters will be out by December, both mail and electronic. The group discount situation with the International Journal of Psychoanalysis is not clear.
- Thanks to Hutchison for the printable logos for mailing envelopes.
- The possibility of again making the June banquet free of charge for board members and committee chairs and their guests will be considered.
- Student payments for classes are currently close to up-to-date.
2. President (Elizabeth Waiess)
- Bylaws (reviewed every three years) are up for review this year. At the January board meeting, board members can bring up their suggestions, then it goes to the bylaws committee for wording, then to a membership vote on any changes.
- Update on the June banquet: a room has been reserved.
3. Past President’ (Murray Meisels)
- Meisels will propose a change to the bylaws regarding the alternation of genders of Board president and members.
- Proposed the Board sending flowers to Diane Drayson; proposal accepted unanimously.
4. President Elect – No report.
5. Education and Training – No report
6. Programs – No report
7. Certification – no report
8. Committee Reports
- Membership: Laura Pierce
- Discussion of directories—the electronic directory and how long to maintain the hard copy version. The latter costs about $2K, and is likely to go up. The paper version is ready to go out for this year. There are issues about whom the directory should be accessible to. The sense of the meeting: continue using the paper directory for the next year.
- Using Google to pay for memberships incurs a small transaction fee. There is thought of increasing the membership dues to cover this; a proposal would come to the board. Wood indicated that membership fees have never been raised, and suggested that they be raised. No action was taken on this suggestion.
- Elections: no report
- PCD: no report
- Bulletin: David Klein
- Beginning next year we will have a book review editor, Bob Cohen.
- Website: no report
- Social Action: no report
- Gender & Diversity: no report
- Newsletter: no report
- Parliamentarian & Bylaws: no report
- Strategic Planning: no report
9. The meeting was adjourned.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Marilyn Frye, board secretary.
Note: it is MPC policy that Board meetings are open to all MPC members. Priority is given to Board members to address issues, but all MPC members may speak at meetings, time permitting.