2013-14 Full year courses
* Continuous Case Conference
Ann Arbor
2 @ 15-week consecutive seminars
Case material will be used to further the participants' understanding of psychoanalytic technique and theory. Ongoing assessment issues and various theoretical approaches will also be delineated. Each participant will share clinical material. Enrollment is limited to MPC Candidates in Psychoanalysis. [A]
Approved for 30 CE credits.
Relational Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
A 30-week seminar
Taught by Julia Davies, Ph.D., Maria Slowiczek, Ph.D., and Jane Hassinger, L.M.S.W.
In contemporary psychoanalytic theory, the focus of analytic inquiry has shifted from a one-person intrapsychic conflict model to a two-person model in which conflict, desire and personal growth are understood to develop in the context of relationships and the social world. Influenced by postmodern critiques of the bounded self, as well as feminist theory, complex systems theory, and attachment theory, the “relational turn” in psychoanalysis has led to innovative clinical approaches and new theoretical perspectives including the Relational, Interpersonal, Intersubjective, and Self Psychological schools of thought. This Psychotherapy Program is designed to give experienced clinicians the opportunity to learn to think and practice from these relational perspectives. [P] 54 CE credits
2013 Fall Courses
Freud's Papers
15-week seminar taught by Bertram Karon, Ph.D. and Elizabeth Waiess, Psy.D.
Mondays, 12 - 1:30 p.m., September 9, 2013 - December 16, 2013
The reading of Freud’s seminal papers will focus on the continuing development of psychoanalytic theory and technique in Freud’s thought.
* † [A,C, P]. 22.5 CE credits pending
Freud's Papers - $280 Member; $300 Non-Member
Development 1-Infancy and Toddlerhood
Ann Arbor
8-week seminar taught Ivan Sherick, Ph.D.
Wednesdays, 12 - 1:30, September 4 – October 23, 2013
This course covers the integration of biological, psychological, gender and social development during infancy and toddlerhood.The course explores the early development of the mind, drives, object relations, and the self.
*†[A, C, P]
Development 1 - $160 Member; $180 Non-Member
Psychoanalysis and Spirituality (E)
Ann Arbor
10-week seminar taught by Lynne Tenbusch, Ph.D.
Wednesdays, 3:30 - 5p.m, September 11-November 13, 2013
We will explore the interface of psychoanalysis and spirituality; how spirituality impacts the practice of psychoanalysis and how psychoanalysis impacts spiritual practices. This will lend itself to curiosity about how psychoanalytic attitudes toward spirituality and religious practice has evolved over the past century as well as whether and/or how spiritual and religious practices have changed in the past half century.
Psychoanalysis and Spirituality - $195 Member; $215 Non-Member [A, C, P]
Winter 2013-14
Psychopathology, Symptom Development, and Assessment
Ann Arbor
10-week seminar taught by Carole Symer, Ph.D.
Wednesdays, 1:30-3, November 20, 2013 – February 5, 2014
Basic concepts on the development of psychopathology will be addressed in this course. A special emphasis will be on diagnostic considerations.
*†[A, C, P] 15 CE credits pending
Gender and Sexuality (E)
Ann Arbor
5-week seminar taught byKaren Baker, M.S.W.
Saturdays, 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., January 18 – February 15, 2014
This course will review the literature on gender and sexuality, with particular focus on sexual orientation. Revisions in theory and clinical approaches will be explored. Topics will include, but not be limited to, issues of transference and countertransference, coming out, developmental issues and gender non-conformity. Clinical material will be welcomed.
[A, C, P] 15 CE credits pending
Freud’s Cases, Part 1
An 8-week seminar taught by Peter Wood, M.S.W.
Mondays, 12 – 1:30p.m., January 6-March 3, 2014
This exploration of Freud’s early case studies will explore how Freud used the cases to work out his basic tenets of psychoanalysis. Supplementary articles will offer current perspectives on theory, examine the ongoing reassessment of Freud’s cases, and explore implications for clinical practice.
Course fee $255 ($275 non-members) for Parts 1 and 2. * † [A, C, P]. 22.5 CE credits pending
Development 2 - Preschool and Latency Development
Jackson -
6-week seminar taught by Ira Schaer, Ph.D.
Fridays, 10 a.m.-12 p.m., November 1-December 13, 2013
This course covers the integration of biological, psychological, gender and social development during the preschool and latency periods. The vulnerabilities and conflicts of this stage for both boys and girls are elaborated. Various theories of development during these age periods will be discussed.
* †[A, C, P]
Spring 2014
Development 3 - Preadolescent and Adolescent Development
Ann Arbor
6-week seminar taught by Michael Singer, Ph.D.
Fridays, 12-2 p.m., March 21 - April 25, 2014
This course will cover the physical development and physiological changes that affect the psychological challenges that face the child as he/she matures from latency into adolescence. Early, middle, and late adolescent development will be discussed. Various theories of development during these age periods will be discussed.
† [A, C, P]
Development 4 - Adult Development
Ann Arbor
10-week seminar taught by Ivan Sherick, Ph.D.
Wednesdays, 12-1:30 p.m., April 16 – June 18, 2014
This course will explore the developmental issues involved in the transition from late adolescence to old age, focusing on the consolidation of identity, intimacy and work. Various issues of development during these age periods will be discussed.
† [A, C, P]
Freud’s Cases, Part 2
Ann Arbor
7-week seminar taught by Sonya Freiband, Ph.D.
Wednesdays, 10 – 11:30a.m., March 12 - April 23, 2014
This exploration of Freud’s later case studies will explore how Freud used the cases to work out his basic tenets of psychoanalysis. Supplementary articles will offer current perspectives on theory, examine the ongoing reassessment of Freud’s cases, and explore implications for clinical practice.
(See Part I for fee,Winter Courses)* †[A, C, P] 22.5 CE credits in combination with Part 1
Basic Concepts in Psychoanalysis
East Lansing
10-week seminar taught by Margretann Sweet, M.A.
Meets on Mondays, 9-10:30 a.m., February 10 – April 21, 2014
This course will emphasize the importance of the unconscious and its universal power in determining human behavior. In this course concepts such as psychic determinism, topographic and structural theory, intrapsychic conflict, defense and symptom formation will be discussed. Other concepts such as Oedipal dynamics, phasic development (oral, anal, and phallic will be covered as well.
* †[A, C, P ] 15 CE credits pending
(E) = Elective
[A = Adult Analysis; C = Child Analysis; P = Psychotherapy]
* = Required course – Adult Psychoanalysis Training Program
** = Required course – Child Psychoanalysis Training Program
§ = Required course – Psychotherapy Program
* To enroll for psychoanalytic training courses, register on-line atmpcpsa.org or print out a registration form and mail along with fee to Rebecca Hatton, Psy.D. 2035 Suffolk St., Ann Arbor, MI 48103-5049. More information: [email protected]