2010 - 2011
Full Year Courses:
*Continuous Case Conference - IAnn Arbor
Julia Davies, Ph.D.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- 734.761.2434
Course fee is $325 per term
*Continuous Case Conference - II
Ann Arbor
Merton Shill, Ph.D.
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- 734.662.0294
Course fee is $325 per term
Approval for CE credits pending [A]
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - 517.333.0332
Course fee is $325 per term, $350 for non-members per term
Fall Courses:
Basic concepts on the development of psychopathology will be addressed in this 10-week course. A special emphasis will be on diagnostic considerations. Case material will be used for illustration.
Approved for 15 CE credits [A, C, P]
[A, C, P]
Suggested donation to the Sophie L. Lovinger Memorial Fund of $25 is tax deductible and can be paid by check to the instructor.
This 15 week course is the first of a planned two part sequence oriented to an understanding of psychoanalytic theory and research findings regarding psychic trauma and the development and re-formation of the self. The course will take an historical approach with an exploration of both classical and modern theories of psychological trauma. In addition, research studies explicating important findings about the effect of severe experiences on the human psyche will be examined. A study of the impact of severe experiences cross-nationally and cross-culturally will be integrated throughout the course as appropriate. The first part of the course will cover the period from 1890 through 1985.
Approved for 22.5 CE credits (E) [P]
In this 10-week course, we will explore classical and contemporary self psychology, the psychoanalytic theory of development and treatment formulated by Heinz Kohut (and elaborated by his followers) as he encountered narcissistically injured patients who didn't respond to the conflict/defense/resistance analysis of classical psychoanalytic treatment. We will learn from reading and clinical vignettes about self psychology as a patient-centered approach to treatment that begins with a foundational acceptance of the patient as s/he is and the empathic immersion in the patient's psychic world. We will study the formulation of interventions that are grounded in empathic knowing and the self-object transferences that emerge as our patients search for responsiveness to the unmet developmental needs that left them unable to deal effectively with life's demands, as well as the shift in self psychology from a one-person to a two-person theory.
Approved for 15 CE credits [A, C, P]
This 10-week course will consider the development of the object relational approaches to psychoanalysis and their implications for treatment. Readings from Freud, Klein, Fairbairn, Guntrip, Winnicott and Balint will be discussed. Object Relations Theories and Psychopathology – a comprehensive text, by Frank Summers will be a reference text.
Approved for 15 CE credits [A, C, P]
This 10-week course concentrates on issues revolving around the introduction of patients to the analytic process. Issues to be explored include: development of a course of action based upon assessment, development of a treatment alliance, perspectives on free association and other treatment structure elements, ground rules, the beginning of transference and countertransference, and development of an analytic ‘style.’ Readings will span Freud to contemporary theorists. Clinical material from participants and instructor will be used for illustration.
Approved for 15 CE credits [A, C, P]
This 6-week course covers the integration of biological, psychological, gender and social development during the preschool and latency periods. The vulnerabilities and conflicts of this stage for both boys and girls are elaborated. Various theories of development during these age periods will be discussed.
[A, C, P]
Winter Courses:
This 10-week course will emphasize the importance of the unconscious and its universal power in determining human behavior. In this course, concepts such as psychic determinism, topographic and structural theory, intrapsychic conflict, defense, and symptom formation will be discussed. Other concepts such as Oedipal dynamics, phasic development (oral, anal, and phallic) will be covered as well.
Approved for 15 CE credits [A, C, P]
This 6-week course will cover the physical development and physiological changes that affect the psychological challenges that face the child as he/she matures from latency into adolescence. Early, middle, and late adolescent development will be discussed. Specific topics will include adolescent sexuality, identity formation, conscience development, and parental reactions to adolescence.
[A, C, P]
Course fee: Members $170; Non-members $190
This 10-week course will consider more recent developments in the object relational approach and their implications for treatment. Readings from Kernberg, Ogden, Green, and Bollas, among others, will be discussed.
Approved for 15 CE credits (E) [A, P]
Spring Courses:
In this 10-week course we will consider the concept of 'self' from both the western psychoanalytic tradition and the Eastern psychological tradition. Our explorations will include questions like: What is a self? Do we have one, many, or none? Is the western psychoanalytic goal of strengthening the self opposed to the eastern spiritual goal of attaining no-self? Our readings will include psychoanalysis, Buddhism, Hinduism and postmodernism.
This 10-week course will explore major tenets of the relational approach, focusing on concepts of mutuality, intersubjectivity, paradox, dialectic, and enactment. We will also explore the place of relational psychoanalysis in historical context and in the wider world of psychoanalytic thought and practice.
Approved for 15 CE credits [A, C, P]
This 8-week course will explore the developmental issues involved in the transition from late adolescence to old age, focusing on the consolidation of identity, intimacy and work. Various theories of development during these age periods will be discussed.
[A, C, P]
This 10-week course will help participants to appreciate and utilize psychodynamic/psychoanalytic principles and techniques in on-going therapy contexts.
Approved for 15 CE credits [P]