2008 - 2009
Full Year Courses:
*Continuous Case Conference - I and IIAnn Arbor
Karin Ahbel-Rappe, Ph.D., L.C.S.W.
Course fee: Members $170; Non-members $190
This course will explore various approaches to the interpretation of dreams within the context of psychoanalysis. Readings will include examples of dream analysis from the Freudian classical approach through ego psychological, object relations, self-psychological, interpersonal, and relational approaches. Participants will be encouraged to bring in clinical material.
How do we communicate our trust in analytic process - our hope - to our analysands, and how do we help them to develop shared analytic goals? What are the contributions to the transformative power of psychoanalytic process of insight and experience, of fit, of the analyst's empathy, understanding, and of his/her effort to help the patient create meaning/find words for what he/she is saying/feeling/doing? In grappling with these questions, we will discuss both readings from a multiplicity of theoretical perspectives and clinical vignettes from class participants' analytic work.
This course examines the various causes, manifestations and treatment of these very difficult to treat disorders. Differential diagnosis will be emphasized as well as a thorough understanding of transference and counter-transference manifestations.
Brenda Lovergrove Lepisto, Psy.D.
Course fee: Members $170; Non-members $190
Winter Courses:
Jean Wixom, Ph.D.
Course fee: Members $85; Non-members
Robert Hooberman, Ph.D.
Course fee: Members $170; Non-members $190
Ira Schaer, Ph.D.
Course fee: Members $170; Non-members $190
This course will explore symlptomatic presentation of etiology of psychopathology of latency aged children and preadolescents. Emphasis placed on fixing these problems within the context of the Developmental Profile developed at Hampstead Clinic to undertand the compent drive derivatives, ego, superego, and defensive structure, and self/object issues. Structuring the course within a developmental context will amplify the unfolding of devleopment, conentrating on why and where it goes awry.
* Neurosis
David Klein, Ph.D.
Course fee: Members $170; Non-members $190
This course examines the various causes, manifestations and psychoanalytic treatments of neurotic disorders. The first part of the course focuses on a general theory of the neurosis; the second part of the course focuses on 3 models of neuroses: hysteria, obsessive-compulsive neurosis, and neurotic Depression.
Lynne Tenbusch, Ph.D.
Course fee: Members $170; Non-members $190
This course will explore various aspects of the termination process in psychoanalysis. We will study termination as a phase in the psychoanalytic process, premature termination and post termination. To the extent that time allows, we will consider the termination process from a variety of theoretical approaches including classical, ego psychological, object relational, self psychological, interpersonal, and relational. Participants will be encouraged to bring in clinical material.
Ira Schaer, Ph.D.
Course fee: Members $170; Non-members $190
This course explores symptomatic presentation and etiology of psychopathology of adolescence. Emphasis will be placed on fixing these problems within the contxt of the Developmental Profile. Adolescence is a particularly difficult time to initiate and sustain treatment, due to the need to separate and individuate from all adults, parents and therapist alike. Understanding the particular developmantal and psychopathological issues of this statge of development is essential for the treatment process to occur.
Brenda Lovergrove Lepisto, Psy.D.
Course fee: Members $170; Non-members $190
This class will focus on the understanding of parental dynamics, developing a treatment alliance with parents, and the problems that often arise when treating children. Premature termination can occur in child therapy as a result of parental dissatisfaction, unilateral decision-making, changing dynamics between parent and child, musunderstanding of the treatment process and a number of other issues related to the parent-child and parent-child therapist relationship. Using clinical and reading material, techniques that enhance parent and child treament will be explored.