Ann Arbor - Wednesdays Technique III: Working Through* (Fall) This course will explore various theoretical positions in relation to the concept of working through. Conflict, structural, deficit, object relational and self psychological positions may be examined. Psychoanalytic technique as it applies to each theoretical position will be emphasized. Clinical material will be used. Instructor: Karen Baker, MSW
Ego Psychology (Fall) This course will consider the major contributions to the development of ego psychology. We will begin with classic papers. Prominent contemporary contributors will also be included. The implications for treatment will be considered throughout this course. Instructor:David Klein, Ph.D
East Lansing - Mondays Continuous Case Conference* Case material will be used to further the participant's understanding of psychoanalytic technique and theory. Various theoretical approaches and ongoing assessment issues will also be delineated. Each participant and the instructor will be sharing their clinical experiences. Course enrollment is limited to Candidates. Instructor: Sue Zager, MSW
Psychoanalytic Theory and Treatment of Trauma (Fall) This course is designed to help acquaint professionals with the vast psychoanalytic literature on the topic of psychological trauma. The individual who takes this class will be aware of the historical psychoanalytic base of current trauma theory, the contribution of many psychoanalysts who worked with individuals traumatized by war, and the most recent developments in the field of attachment and neurobiology that have profound implications for trauma theory and treatment. Instructor: Elizabeth Waiess, Psy.D
Readings in Child Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic Technique(Fall) This course is designed as a study of various phases of child/adolescent psychoanalysis and various other topics in working with children/adolescents and their parents. The implications for treatment will be considered through reading various papers and course discussion of clinical case material. The impact made by child and adolescent analysis on psychoanalytic conceptualization and technique used in adult psychoanalysis will be discussed. Instructor: Brenda Lovegrove Lepisto, Psy.D
Ann Arbor - Wednesdays Dreams in Clinical Practice* (Winter) Beginning with some of the writings of Sigmund Freud, and continuing with contemporary contributions, this course will emphasize the role of dreams and dream interpretation in the practice of Psychoanalysis. Instructor: Robert Hooberman, Ph.D.
Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy: This course will focus on the practice of Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. We will spend the first four weeks looking at the evolution of the theoretical foundations of the relational approach. Specifically we will look at the classical dictates of anonymity, neutrality and abstinence and see how relational analysts position themselves and why. We will read at least two different applications of the relational approach to psychoanalysis. Instructor: Lynne Tenbusch
Buddhism and Psychoanalysis(Winter) This fifteen-week course will explore the overlap of Psychoanalysis and Buddhism. We will begin with an overview of Buddhism followed by an overview of psychoanalysis. The remainder of the course will be dedicated to an exploration of the intersection of these two systems of thought. Some of the questions to be explored include: 1) What does psychoanalysis claim to offer? 2) Does psychoanalysis deliver on these claims? 3) What does psychoanalysis miss? 4)What does Buddhism offer? 5) Does Buddhism deliver on their claims? 6) What does Buddhism miss? 7) How does the use of both systems offer a more complete approach to psychological growth? 8) Is there synergy in combining psychoanalysis and Buddhism? Instructor: Lynne Tenbusch
East Lansing - Mondays
Continuous Case Conference* Case material will be used to further the participant's understanding of psychoanalytic technique and theory. Various theoretical approaches and ongoing assessment issues will also be delineated. Each participant and the instructor will be sharing their clinical experiences. Course enrollment is limited to Candidates. This course is limited to candidates who have taken the Fall course. Instructor: Sue Zager, MSW
Technique III: Termination*(Winter) In this course we will examine various aspects of the termination process in Psychoanalysis, not only as the final stage in the therapeutic work, but also in general as it relates to losses, endings, and death. Analytic and associated writings, as well as clinical material will be used in an effort to examine the anxieties and resistances aroused by termination, and to develop an approach to listening to patients' unconscious communications as a guide through this important process. Instructor: Brenda Lovegrove Lepisto, Psy.D