Beginning in September
15 Sessions
Ann Arbor-Wednesdays
Continuous Case Seminar* (Fall & Winter)
11:30 a.m. -1:30 P.M.
Technique III: (Part 1, Working Through)* (Fall)
3:00 - 4:30 P.M.
This course will focus on the analytic process and the working through of various forms of resistance, including association resistance. Several collateral topics, such as insight, structural change, mourning, and termination, will also be highlighted.
Instructor: Franklin Sollars, Ph.D.
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (248) 646-9322.
East Lansing-Mondays
Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Addictions (Fall )
1:00 - 2:30 P.M.
This course will study the expected underlying dynamics of individuals struggling with addiction(s) to substances, sexual activities, gambling, and high-risk behavior. Dynamics to be focused upon include self-representation,; the capacity for self-care and the blocking of self-caring functions; ambivalence in object relations; affective functions; maternal transference and body image; internal blocking and overcoming; fusion-individuation conflict; problems in retaining the good introject; psychic blocking; and transference. Writings from Freud, Krystal, Kumin, Levin, Wurmser, Lichtenberg, Zetzel, Khantzian and Ornstein among others will be used to discuss clinical material.
Instructor: Patricia Marciniak, M.S.W.
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (517) 332-2006.
Dreams in Clinical Practice* (Fall)
3:00 - 4:30 P.M.
Beginning with some of the writings of Sigmund Freud, and continuing with contemporary contributions, this course will emphasize the role of dreams and dream interpretation on the practice of psychoanalysis.
Instructor: Bertram Karon, Ph.D.
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (517) 332-3083.
WINTER Ann Arbor-Wednesdays Continuous Case Seminar* (Fall & Winter) Instructor: Robert Hooberman, Ph.D. Open only to participants in Fall Seminar.
Technique III: (Part 2: Termination)* (Winter) In this course, we will examine various aspects of the termination process in psychoanalysis not only as the final stage in the therapeutic work, but also in general as it relates to losses, endings, and death. Analytic and associated writings, as well as clinical material will be used in an effort to examine the anxieties and resistances aroused by termination, and to develop an approach to listening to patients' unconscious communications as a guide through this important process. Instructor: Mark Root, MD
East Lansing
Ego Psychology*(Winter)
This course will consider the major contributions to the development of ego psychology. We will begin with classic papers by S. Freud, A. Freud, Bibring, Hartmann, Rapaport, Sandler, and Sterba. Prominent contemporary contributors will also be included. The implications for treatment will be considered throughout this course. Instructor: Edward Gibeau, Ed.D. The Metapsychological Profile and Its Applications to Clinical Work (Winter)
Instructor: Denia Barritt, Ph.D., Ed.D.
*Indicates a required course for candidates. |
for candidates.