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MPC Course Offerings: 2001-2002

Beginning in September
15 Sessions

Ann Arbor-Wednesdays

Continuous Case Seminar* (Fall & Winter)
11:00 a.m. -1:00 P.M.

This seminar will consider clinical material from psychoanalytic work with adults.  We will use a variety of perspectives, with an emphasis on developmental, attachment, and object relational theories.  We will address numerous clinical issues, including the clinical use of countertransference.

Instructor: Murray Meisels, Ph.D.
Cost: $325 for 15 weeks
For information, call (734) 662-0884.

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Agents of Change in Psychoanalysis (Fall)
2:30 - 4:00 P.M.

In this course we will attempt to clarify which elements in the psychoanalytic setting promote change in patients/analysands. We will examine such elements as interpretation, empathy, mirroring, self-disclosure, etc. from the vantage point of Object Relations, Self Psychology, Interpersonal, and Drive theories. We will also consider the effects of gender combinations in the analytic pair on promoting growth. Discussions will included the use of relevant clinical material.

Instructor: Lynne Tenbusch, Ph.D.
Cost:  $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (734) 973-3232.

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East Lansing-Mondays

Developmental Theory, Part I: Infancy and Early Childhood* (Fall )
10:30 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.

This course will explore psychoanalytic theories of human development and of the development of mind, from infancy to early adolescence.  Theoretical concepts and research findings will be related to clinical material.  Fonagy, Bion, Papousek, Furman, Greenacre, Feldman, and O'Shaughnessy are some of the authors whose thinking will be explored.

Instructor: Kathleen Koepele, M.S.W.
Cost:  $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (517) 333-8158.

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Technique I, Part 1: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Psychopathology and Psychodynamic Assessment* (Fall)
1:00 - 2:30 P.M.

As the universe is ordered, so too is the human mind.  Psychoanalysis explains human dimensions, healthy and pathological.  Assessment is the task of diagnostics.  Treatment is determined in accordance with the principles governing the mental apparatus.  In preparation for analytic work, the analyst initiates the working alliance, assesses the patient's condition, offers a response, clarifies roles, and establishes parameters.  In this course, participants will proceed from initial patient contact and conclude where the analysis formally begins.

Instructor: Donald Rossi, Ph.D.
Cost:  $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (517) 694-2990.

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Object Relations Theories in
Psychoanalysis* (Fall)
3:00 - 4:30 P.M.

This course will consider the contributions of the major object relational approaches to psychoanalysis, and their implications for treatment.  While the Kleinian (British), neo-Kleinian, and American (Kernberg, Volkan) schools will be discussed, there will be an emphasis on the contributions of the Scottish school (Fairbairn, Guntrip). 

Instructor: Bertram Karon, Ph.D.
Cost:  $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (517) 332-3083.

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*Indicates a required course
for candidates.

Beginning in January
15 Sessions

Ann Arbor-Wednesdays

Continuous Case Seminar* (Fall & Winter)
11:00 a.m. -1:00 P.M.

Instructor: Murray Meisels, Ph.D.
Cost: $325 for 15 weeks
For information, call (734) 662-0884.

Open only to participants in Fall Seminar.


Technique I, Part 2: The Beginning Phase of Analysis* (Winter)
2:00 - 3:30 P.M.

This course concentrates on issues revolving around the introduction of patients to the analytic process.  Issues to be explored include:  development of a course of action based upon assessment, development of a treatment alliance, perspectives on free association and other treatment structure elements, ground rules and logistical concerns, the beginning manifestations of transference and countertransference,   and development of an analytic 'style.'  Readings will span Freud to contemporary theorists.  Clinical material from participants and instructor will be used for illustration.

Note: Technique I, Part I is a prerequisite for this course.

Instructor: Robert Hooberman, Ph.D.
Cost:  $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (734) 663-7588.

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Self Psychology* (Winter)
4:00 - 5:30 P.M.

This course will explore the origins of self psychology theory, from the writings of Heinz Kohut, through the current off-shoots, such as intersubjectivity and Morrison's work on shame.  Emphasis will be placed on the exploration of the need for healthy self-object relationships.  The development of narcissistic disorders in the absence of them, and the use of empathic attunement to understand the shame-based foundations upon which such disorders of the self are based.

Instructor:  Diane Drayson, A.M.
Cost:  $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (734) 971-0440

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Psychoanalysis and Postmodern Thought (Winter)
3:00 - 4:30 P.M.

This course will explore the influence of postmodern philosophy on psychoanalysis.   Readings will focus on the writings of Lacan, Kestiva, Derrida, Barratt.   There will be an emphasis on how postmodern ideas become operationalized within psychoanalytic treatment. 

Instructor: Franklin Sollars, Ph.D.
Cost:  $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (248) 646-9322.

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East Lansing

There will be no courses offered in East Lansing during Winter 2002.

Huntington Woods - Mondays

Developmental Theory, Part 2:  Adolescence:  A Developmental Perspective* (Winter)
(Prerequisite:  Developmental Theory,
Part 1)

This course will provide an overview of the stages of adolescence, focusing on the interplay between ego structure, self development, and the impact of the larger society.  Major theorists will be reviewed to understand this critical period, often referred to as the second separation-individuation phase.   Normal development and prototypical conflicts will be examined, as well as the psychopathology of adolescence.

Instructor:  Ira J. Schaer, Ph.D.
Cost:  $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call:  (248) 399-6030

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*Indicates a required course for candidates.

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All Rights Reserved.