Training Requirements for Program in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

A. Personal Analysis.
The candidate is required to complete at least 300 hours of personal treatment at a frequency of two or more sessions per week. In practice, the length of the personal treatment usually exceeds this requirement.

B. Supervision.
The candidate is required to complete at least 200 hours of weekly supervision on cases seen two or more sessions per week. There must be at least two cases and at least two supervisors. Candidates may have three or four cases and three or four supervisors, provided that each case is supervised by a particular supervisor for at least 40 supervisory sessions. There also must be at least one male and one female supervisor, and it is further desirable, although not mandatory, to have both male and female therapands, and to carry one case to termination. One therapand may be a child. Candidates who present cases in Continuous Case Seminar may count those hours toward the 40 required with a supervisor.

C. Course Work.
The candidate is required to take a total of 13 courses, each of 30 weeks duration. There are no electives. The courses are:

D. Scientific Paper.
The candidate is expected to write a psychoanalytic psychotherapy paper, preferably one to be read at a scientific meeting, and/or submitted for publication. Candidates may expect help from analysts and mentors in completing this assignment, and papers that meet this requirement may be written as part of coursework assignments. The paper should be submitted to the Training and Certification Committee, which will appoint two analysts to review it and make a recommendation regarding its suitability to meet this requirement.

E. Participation in MPC.
The candidate is expected to attend MPC functions, including the monthly Candidates Meeting, the monthly Scientific Meeting, special workshops, and such other societal activities as may be scheduled from time to time.

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