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Discussion Papers

This page contains working papers in psychoanalysis. The current discussion paper is by Marilyn Charles, Ph.D. To read Dr. Charles' paper on-line, click on the title. To download a copy of the paper in Rich Text Format (RTF), click on the file name below the title, then use your word processor to read or print the document.

      file: charles.rtf (download)


The third discussion paper is by Bertram P. Karon, Ph.D. To read Dr. Karon's paper on-line, click on the title. To download a copy of the paper in Rich Text Format (RTF), click on the file name below the title, then use your word processor to read or print the document.

       file: karon.rtf (download)

The second MPC discussion paper was by Ellen Toronto, Ph.D. To read Dr. Toronto's paper on-line, click on the title. To download a copy of the paper in Rich Text Format (RTF), click on the file name below the title, then use your word processor to read or print the document.

The first MPC discussion paper was by Edward Gibeau, Ed.D. To read Dr. Gibeau's paper on-line, click on the title. To download a copy of the paper in Rich Text Format (RTF), click on the file name below the title, then use your word processor to read or print the document.


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