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Board Minutes


Meeting of the Board

Providence Hospital

Southfield, Michigan

April 20, 2008




MPC Executive Board Members - K. Baker, J. Brandell, A. Brickman,  D. Gartland, R. Hooberman, D. Klein, B. Lepisto, R. Liberman, M. Stirling-Doherty, S. Trylch, B. Waiess, J. Wixom.


MPC Members, Committee Chairs and Representatives, Candidate Representative S. Boyd, B. Klein, M. Meisels, I. Schaer, E. Toronto, S. Wasung, P. Wood, S. Zager.


  1. Secretary’s Report – Diane Gartland – Minutes from March meeting were approved with corrections. 


  1. President’s Report - Brenda Lepisto – No Report


  1. Treasurer’s Report – Mary Ann Stirling-Doherty – submitted her current report:  Operations Fund:  32,182.54; Cunningham Library Fund:  3,678.85; Development Fund:  $36,462.85 with Total Assets of $72,324.24. 


  1. Education and Training – Chaired by the President and facilitated by Murray Meisels, advisor on parliamentary procedure, several motions were made, discussed and voted on by the Board of Directors relevant to the program for Certification in Child Psychoanalysis. 


A proposal was made by Murray Meisels, advisor on parliamentary procedure that “The existing program for training in the psychoanalysis of adults shall be called the Adult Psychoanalysis Program. All MPC psychoanalysts with adult training shall be Training Analysts for all candidates, and Supervising and Teaching Analysts in the adult program. All psychoanalysts whom MPC recognizes as qualified in other fields of psychoanalysis shall be Supervising and Teaching Analysts in those fields.  For example, all MPC-qualified child psychoanalysts shall be supervisors and teachers in the MPC child psychoanalysis program.”


Discussion of the proposal ensued.


A motion to call the question to a vote was made and carried with 8 in favor, 2 opposed and 2 present and abstaining.


A motion to adopt the proposal made by Murray Meisels as read was made and carried with 8 in favor, 3 opposed and 1 present and abstaining.

A proposal was made by Robert Hooberman, VP for Training and Education, that “The Board will approve a Child Psychoanalysis Committee, a sub-committee of the Training and Certification Committee to direct, organize, and administer the Child Psychoanalysis Program. This Child Psychoanalysis Committee shall develop courses, admissions standards, training standards, course requirements, supervision requirements, and all other criteria for admitting, administering, teaching, supervising and certifying graduates. The Training and Certification Committee will review and take votes on all recommendations proposed by the Child Psychoanalysis Committee, and will in turn forward their decisions to the Board of Directors for final action.”


Discussion of the proposal ensued. 


A motion to table discussion of the proposal to a later time was made and failed with 2 in favor, 9 opposed, 1 present and abstaining. 


Further discussion of the proposal ensued.


A motion to call the question to a vote was made and failed with 3 in favor, 8 opposed and 1 present and abstaining.


Further discussion of the proposal ensued.


A motion to call the question to a vote was made and carried with 9 in favor, 2 opposed and 1 present and abstaining.


A motion to adopt the proposal made by Robert Hooberman as read was made and carried with 9 in favor, 2 opposed and 1 present and abstaining.


Robert Hooberman made a further proposal that “Ira Schaer will be chairperson of the Child Psychoanalysis Training Committee, a subcommittee of the Training and Certification Committee, and will invite MPC members to apply for certification in Child Psychoanalyst in MPC, and for training in MPC's new Child Psychoanalysis Program.”


By consensus, the proposal was re-worded:  “Ira Schaer will be chairperson of the Child Psychoanalysis Training Sub-Committee of the Training and Certification Committee, and will invite MPC members to apply for certification in Child Psychoanalysis in MPC, and for training in MPC’s new Child Psychoanalysis Program.”


A motion to adopt the proposal with corrections was made and carried with 10 in favor, 0 opposed and 2 present and abstaining. 


A proposal was made by Ira Schaer, Chair of the Child Psychoanalysis Sub-Committee, that “The Board requires the following criteria for current MPC analysts to be grand parented as a MPC certified Child Psychoanalysts. The MPC analyst will have fulfilled the general requirements of the tripartite training requirements of personal analysis, supervision, and coursework.

  1. As opposed to the three child and adolescent cases which will be required of new candidates, analysts seeking “grand parenting” certification in Child Psychoanalysis will have analyzed at least two children (and/or one child and one adolescent) and have received supervision on these cases. 


  1. Current MPC analysts wishing to be grand parented as MPC Child Psychoanalysts need to only meet general coursework requirements.  Child psychoanalysis courses are recommended.


  1. Applications for grand parenting will be accepted until December 31, 2008.”


A discussion of the proposal ensued.


A motion to call the question to a vote was made and carried with 6 in favor, 5 opposed and 1 present and abstaining.


A motion to adopt the proposal made by Ira Schaer as read was made and carried with 6 in favor, 5 opposed and 1 present and abstaining.


Ira Schaer made a further proposal that “The Board allocates $2000 toward the establishment of this program. The funds will be used for educational opportunities, advertising, and other programs and promotions for the Training Program in Child Psychoanalysis.”


A motion to adopt the proposal made by Ira Schaer as read was made and carried with 8 in favor, 3 opposed and 1 present and abstaining. 


  1. Professional and Community Development Committee – Peter Wood - No      Report.


  1. New Business – Brenda Lepisto announced that $150 (corrected as $125) has been allocated for the annual Dining for Kids program advertisement; an Allen Creek Preschool project. 



Respectfully Submitted,


Diane M. Gartland

Recording Secretary





Meeting of the Board

Women’s City Club

Ann Arbor, Michigan

March 20, 2008




MPC Executive Board Members - K. Baker, J. Brandell, A. Brickman,  D. Gartland, R. Hooberman, B. Klein, D. Klein, B. Lepisto, R. Liberman, H. McPherson, , R. Rosenthal, M. Stirling-Doherty, S. Trylch, B. Waiess, J. Wixom.


MPC Members, Committee Chairs and Representatives, Candidate Representative - S. Frieband, P. Marciniak, M. Meisels, K. Pratt, L. Tenbusch, E. Toronto.


  1. Secretary’s Report – Diane Gartland – Minutes from January meeting was approved.


  1. President’s Report - Brenda Lepisto – Brenda initiated a discussion of people serving on two boards.  Some discussion ensued.  There was further a discussion of the MPC President’s column being published on the MSPP website.   There was consensus approval for the column being published. 


Brenda also distributed a draft of a list of the various Listsev and Email groups.  A discussion of access to the various lists ensued. 


  1. Treasurer’s Report – Mary Ann Stirling-Doherty – submitted her current report:  Operations Fund:  29,857.10; Cunningham Library Fund:  3,649.67; Development Fund:  $37,150.54 with Total Assets of $70,657.31. 


  1. Certification – Ruth Rosenthal – A motion was made and carried that Peter Wood be certified as a psychoanalyst with MPC.


A discussion ensued about certification for current psychoanalysts for the child psychoanalysis program and the child psychoanalysis program in general.   A motion was made and carried that a vote on the matter be tabled for further discussion.


  1. Education and Training – Robert Hooberman – briefly discussed the courses offered.  He also mentioned that the Bylaws limit the size of the committee and that the Training and Certification Committee was now in compliance.


Robert reminded that MPC would sponsor the MPI visiting professor Linda Mayes, M.D. from the Western New England Psychoanalytic Institute giving a dinner paper presentation at the Ann Arbor Women’s City Club, Thursday, April 3 from 6 PM to 9 PM.


  1. Programs – Karen Baker – announced that Joseph D. Lichtenberg, M.D. will be the MPC speaker for the Fall Conference.  He recommends certain readings in preparation for the conference:  Craft and Spirit: A Guide to the Exploratory Psychotherapies (2005) and Sensuality and Sexuality Across the Divide of Shame  (in paperback 2007)


There was a proposal that Batya Monder, the presenter who had to be cancelled due to inclement weather in February, be brought back for a presentation and that her air fare be paid for.  A motion was made and carried that air fare for Batya Monder be given.


Karen also discussed and recommended that we sponsor Elizabeth Danto, CSW; a researcher of Freud’s free clinic and a recipient of the Goethe award.  A motion was made and carried to bring Elizabeth Danto here and a budget of $500 - $750 was approved. 


VII. Website development – Reena Liberman – Reena gave an update on the

   progress of the website construction and a written presentation of the website plan.  The company that she originally found appears to be more expensive than thought at first because additional costs could be anticipated.    A discussion of this wrinkle in the planning ensued.


      VIII.    Membership – B. Waiess – No report


IX.             Professional and Community Development/Social Work CEU – Hugh McPherson – Nothing to report.


X.                Old Business – David Klein indicated that the cost of having Bert’s article from the Bulletin made available was $253 and that the last Bulletin came in at $412 below budget.  He requested $5000 budget for the next bulletin.  A motion was made and carried that a budget of $5000 be allotted for the next Bulletin. 


XI.             New Business – There was a discussion of the Child Psychoanalysis Program and child psychoanalysis as a specialty.  A motion was made to vote on the Child Psychoanalysis Program at that time but it was not carried.  Members agreed to table the vote until next month’s meeting.




Respectfully Submitted,


Diane M. Gartland

Recording Secretary



Meeting of the Board

February 19, 2008 


The February Board meeting was cancelled due to an ice storm.




Meeting of the Board

Women’s City Club

Ann Arbor, Michigan

January 20, 2008




MPC Executive Board Members - K. Baker, J. Brandell, A. Brickman,  D. Gartland, R. Hooberman, B. Lepisto, R. Liberman, H. McPherson, , R. Rosenthal, M. Stirling-Doherty, S. Trylch, B. Waiess.


MPC Members, Committee Chairs and Representatives, Candidate Representative - S. Frieband, P. Marciniak, K. Pratt, L. Tenbusch.


  1. Secretary’s Report – Diane Gartland – Minutes from November meeting was approved with minor changes in format.  Diane thanked everyone who has taken minutes when she has been unable to attend. She asks that people who take minutes record the exact wording of any motions made.


  1. President’s Report - Brenda Lepisto - Brenda acknowledged David Klein’s work on Volume III of the Bulletin of the Michigan Psychoanalytic Council and David also recognized the work of others. 


She brought up the issues of elections and the need to provide some description of the function of the various offices and office holders duties and responsibilities.  Such a description might be disseminated on the member listserv as well as the website. 


Brenda also indicated that it might be time for a review of the By-Laws.  A discussion ensued about using a resource parliamentarian such as Murray Meisels to advance this objective. 


  1. Treasurer’s Report – Mary Ann Stirling-Doherty – submitted her current report:  Operations Fund:  29,532.18; Cunningham Library Fund:  3,649.67; Development Fund:  $38,440.02 with Total Assets of $71,621.87 (+8075.94 compared to figures from last January). 


Lynn discussed how the Development Funds were invested.  Mary Ann introduced the Finance Committee:  Susan Boyd, Robert Hooberman, David Klein, Lynn Tenbusch and Mary Ann.  


There was a consensus that membership in the IFPE would be renewed and it was announced that their conference would be held in November in Massachusetts. 


  1. Education and Training – Robert Hooberman – indicated that a syllabi of

classes would be available by February 1.  The classes that are being offered were listed. 


Robert spoke of revising the policy and procedure manual for the training committee and that the committee would be looking into this as well as creating a training brochure and discussing mentorship issues.


Robert announced that, as customary, we would have the MPI visiting professor give a paper presentation.  This year’s professor is Linda Mayes, M.D. from the Western New England Psychoanalytic Institute.  The MPC sponsored program will take place at the Ann Arbor Women’s City Club, Thursday, April 3 from 6 PM to 9 PM.


An error in the November meeting regarding a motion to change the By-Laws relevant to the size of the Training and Certification Committee was acknowledged.  This motion is vacated and Brenda iterated that the Committee would have to immediately comply with operational guidelines specified in the By-Laws regarding its size.  By-Laws can only be changed by vote of the membership.   


VI. Programs – Karen Baker – The June banquet will be held in Lansing.  Pat Marciniak will be organizing the banquet and Beth Waiess and Ruth Rosenthal would both be on the committee.  She indicated she has not been able to identify a presenter/lecturer for the Fall Conference as of yet.


VII. Website development – Reena Liberman – Reena gave an update on the

         progress of the website construction.  Currently there is a difficulty with

         finding a good, reasonably priced website designer.  She is asking for

         suggestions.  A portal for a member’s only space, a directory/referral

   service, distance learning, etc. are some of the features that we would like to see included.                  


VIII.       Membership – B. Waiess – The new members’ luncheon will take place at the May 18th meeting.  There are 9 new members so far and new candidates.  There are 104 members presently.  She discussed the new directory which would be published in the spring and sent out to the membership in the summer and the possibility of interfacing this with a website directory.


IX.             Professional and Community Development/Social Work CEU – Hugh McPherson – Nothing to report.


X.                Old Business – David Klein gave the final expense accounting for the latest volume of the Bulletin of the Michigan Psychoanalytic Council.  The final cost was $4333.81 which was $670 below budget.  He would like to have reprints of Bert’s article on Supervision made available for an additional expenditure of $300 or $400. 


Pursuant to last month’s comments about members being nominated for elected office, there are several women and at least one man who have been nominated and will be running for the Member-at-Large offices.


XI.             New Business – There was some concern expressed about the status of the Detroit discussion group and a call for clarification.



Respectfully Submitted,


Diane M. Gartland

Recording Secretary



Meeting of the Board

University Club

East Lansing, Michigan

November 18, 2007



MPC Executive Board Members - K. Baker, J. Brandell, A. Brickman,  R. Hooberman, B. Lepisto, R. Liberman, H. McPherson, , R. Rosenthal, M. Stirling-Doherty, S. Trylch, B. Waiess, J. Wixom


MPC Members, Committee Chairs and Representatives, Candidate Representative - D. Burgermeister, S. Frieband, P. Marciniak, M. Meisels, K. Pratt, P. Wood.


  1. Secretary’s Report – Diane Gartland could not attend today’s meeting.  Art Brickman took the minutes.  The minutes from the September meeting were approved.


  1. President’s Report - Brenda Lepisto - Brenda indicated she will not be available 12/10 – 1/1, President-elect Jerry Brandell will cover any concerns.

a)      Announcements made related to well wishes for former board member Bertram Karon and his wife Mary and thank you received from Diane Drayson

b)     Volume Three of the Bulletin of the Michigan Psychoanalytic Council, Fall 2007 will be mailed shortly.

c)      The donation of $10,000 was withdrawn because the specifications of the 501(3)c could not be met.  Some discussion ensued pertaining to necessary requirements for that tax status.

d)     A motion was made and carried that the Certification Committee be given until the first of the year to propose either a revised structure or amendments to the By-Laws, in order to come into full compliance with existing operations. 

e)      Committees and Positions were reviewed and clarified.

f)       The June banquet will be held in Lansing and will be facilitated by the Programs Committee.

g)      The new MPC stationery was distributed.


      III. Treasurer’s Report – Mary Ann Stirling-Doherty – was submitted and         accepted.  Procedures for clearing invoices and payments were discussed.


III. Certification – Ruth Rosenthal – A motion was made and carried that Kay

Pratt, having completed coursework in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy would

receive certification.


V.    Education and Training – Robert Hooberman – A motion was made and carried that the current honorarium be maintained for course instructors.

The case conference has been cancelled for this term.  An update on other scheduled courses was given.  A discussion ensued regarding the supervision carried out by MPC members at various facilities in the area.


VI. Programs – Karen Baker – A report was given on the October 19 and 20, 2007 Jessica Benjamin Conference citing the importance of support for ancillary conference activities.  A discussion ensued regarding funding for programs given jointly with other analytic organizations.  A discussion ensued regarding the possible development of a program specifically for certified analysts and this was referred to the Programs Committee for further study.


VII. Cinema Talk – R. Liberman – An update on Cinema Talk programs was                    given as well as the status of discussions with MPI regarding reciprocity of                 programs.


VIII.       Membership – B. Waiess – Discussed the status of Website development regarding a members-only entry portal for certain areas and a possible referral service that could be embedded in the Website.  In addition, she discussed the new directory which would be printed soon and the possibility of interfacing this with the website.


IX.             Professional and Community Development – Hugh McPherson – Gave an update on courses, current and anticipated, as well as income from all courses.  He reports a current income of $730 and a projected total income of $1400.  A motion was made and carried for an additional authorization of $600 for advertising for MPC courses. 


X.                Social Work CEU Committee – Hugh McPherson - provided an update on a study of social workers in MPC courses, combined with a request to keep statistics in the future on the distribution of those in various course specialties.


XI.             Newsletter/Publicity Committee – Sheila Wasung (not present) – A discussion ensued regarding a request from UDM for an article in the MPC Newsletter about UDM’s low-fee clinic.  The issue was tabled for future discussion.


XII.          New Business – Murray Meisels asked for suggestions for potential candidates for the next MPC election.


Respectfully Submitted,

Recorded by Arthur S. Brickman


Diane M. Gartland

Recording Secretary




Meeting of the Board

Women’s City Club

Ann Arbor, Michigan

September 16, 2007


Present:  K. Baker, T. Bernardez, S. Boyd, A. Brickman, M. Stirling-Doherty, D. Drayson, S. Freiband, D. Gartland, R. Hooberman, D. Klein, B. Lepisto, R. Liberman, P. Marciniak, H. McPherson, M. Meisels, R. Rosenthal, L. Tenbusch, E. Toronto, S. Trylch, B. Waiess, S. Wasung, J. Wixom, P. Wood


I.             Secretary’s Report – Diane Gartland – Last month’s meeting minutes were approved by the board.


II.                      President’s Report – Brenda Lovegrove Lepisto – reported that the 501(3)c paperwork must be in place by Dec. 15 to accept the anonymous gift of $10,000.  Discussed committee chairs, stationery proofs and whether there would be a board meeting in October.  A motion was made and carried that there would be no board meeting in October due to the Jessica Benjamin conference.


III.                   Treasurer’s Report – Mary Ann Stirling-Doherty – Discussed using paper image to facilitate the procedure for payment and reimbursement of MPC expenses. 


IV.                   Survey Committee – Ellen Toronto – Ellen discussed the 2007 Survey and the possibility of having a self reflective group.  Teresa Bernardez discussed the possibility of having a December group meeting.


V.                      Past President – David Klein – proposed the budget for the MPC Bulletin – A motion was made and carried approving the budget for the MPC Bulletin


VI.                   Programs – Karen Baker – noted the upcoming Jessica Benjamin conference on October 19 and 20, 2007 “Our Appointment in Thebes:  The Analyst’s Fear of Harming and the Need for Acknowledgement”.  A motion was made and carried approving the budget for the Jessica Benjamin conference.  Karen discussed options for 2008 and introduced the Programs committee:  Art Brickman,  MaryBeth Atwell, Ellen Toronto, Jean Wixom, Sheila Wasung and herself.  A motion was made and carried to accept the Programs Committee.


VII.                Candidate’s Report – Reena Liberman announced that Sonya Frieband would be the new candidate’s representative.


VIII.             Education and Training/Certification –Robert Hooberman – Jerry Brandell will be added to the committee.  A motion was made and carried to accept the Education and Training /Certification budget.


IX.                   Membership – Beth Waiess – discussed the brochure and categories of membership.  A motion was made and carried to accept the Membership budget.


X.                      Professional and Community Development  – Hugh McPherson and Peter Wood – discussed CEU and PCD budget.  A motion was made and carried to accept the PCD budget.


XI.                   Cinema Talk – Reena Liberman – discussed the next date for Cinema Talk.  A motion was made and carried to accept the budget for Cinema Talk program.


XII.                Social Work CE Committee – Hugh McPherson – A motion was made and carried to accept the budget for the Social Work CE.


XIII.             MPC Newsletter and Publicity – Sheila Wasung – announced December 1 is the deadline for the next newsletter.  A motion was made and carried to accept the budget for the MPC Newsletter and publicity.


XIV.             Old Business - Website Development – A motion was made and carried for the budget for Website Development



Respectfully submitted,

Diane M. Gartland

Recording Secretary 





Michigan Psychoanalytic Council

Minutes of the Board Meeting

The Homestead

Glen Arbor, Michigan

June 3, 2007



Present: Marybeth Atwell, Karen Baker, Teresa Bernardez, Susan Boyd, Jerrold Brandell, Diane Drayson, Sonya Freiband, Cynthia Hockett, Robert Hooberman, Ralph Hutchison, Bert Karon, Sally Keener, David Klein, Carol Levin, Reena Liberman, Murray Meisels, Pamela Orosan-Weine, Janet Robinson, Ruth Rosenthal, Kay Sorrell, Lynne Tenbusch, Ellen Toronto, Beth Waiess, Sheila Wasung, Jean Wixom, Peter Wood


I.                    Secretary’s Report – There were two minor corrections. The content of minutes stand.


II.                 President’s Report – David thanked the outgoing board members: Susan Boyd as treasurer; Pam Orosan-Weine as chairperson of the PCD committee; Frank Sollars as Member-at-Large; Sue Zager as chairperson of the Programming committee; and Diane Drayson as past-president with 19 consecutive years of serving on the board.


David also thanked everyone for their attendance at the retreat and particularly the candidates. Several candidates thanked the board for their general and financial support, which made it more possible for candidates to be at the retreat. Lastly, David extended his appreciation to the Retreat committee.


David read Frank Sollar’s letter of resignation from two committee positions and his plan to help develop a new psychoanalytic organization. David then invited members to discuss this decision. It was decided that David will contact Frank on behalf of the Board and Jerry Brandell, Teresa Bernardez, Murray Meisels, and Robert Hooberman will also call him. David had drafted a letter to Frank to let him know that the Board would like to find a way to include him more in the organization and to address any concerns he might have.  Also, while Board members are clear about his wish to resign his committee positions with the Board, his role with the Union Institute program remains to be clarified. Other topics addressed included the potential relationship between MPC and the newly forming psychoanalytic organization, potential programming conflicts and the use of parliamentary procedure in programming determinations.

A motion was made and carried to give all new Board members and Committee chairpersons a book of operating procedures for the Board of Directors.  A friendly amendment was added to have the guide completed by May of 2008. Diane Drayson read the portion of the By-Laws that includes some of those procedures. David called for volunteers to draft the handbook. Kay Sorrell volunteered and Karen Baker and Pam Orosan-Weine agreed to be consultants for Kay.


A motion was made and carried for David Klein to invite Franklin Sollars for a group dialogue with MPC members about his decision to be less active in MPC.  Most of the group volunteered to be at that meeting and three possible dates were offered: June 24, July 15, and July 22.


III.       Programs – Sue Zager.  Sue was not present but members discussed her programming plans with MSPP for next year. A motion was made and carried to accept Sue’s programming with MSPP for next year.  David will also invite Sue to the group dialogue scheduled with Frank.


III.               Treasurer’s Report – Susan Boyd – Susan passed out a current report.  She talked about how our funds have fluctuated over the years and members speculated about why this is so. Susan pointed out that we have become more mindful but we don’t pay enough attention to the diverse factors that impact the treasury over the course of the year. She thinks that as a group we don’t realize how easily our funds are depleted. She offered a vivid nautical metaphor to help us appreciate this.  Total Assets at the close of the year are $60,389.44 with $18,749.15 in the

Operations Fund, $3,532.20 in the Cunningham Library Fund and $38,108.09 in the Development Fund.


IV.              Retreat Committee - Lynne Tenbusch.  Lynne reported that she is pleased with how the retreat is going. She expressed concern about follow-up meetings and suggested quarterly meetings to reduce and prevent conflict among group members. The meeting scheduled for June or July would be the first of such meetings. Members expressed the value of these group discussions and many felt it would promote group cohesion and communication. A motion was made and carried that we schedule three quarterly group discussions beginning with the one in June/July and that we consider training more people for ‘when the oldsters pass on’.  An exchange ensued regarding the nature of the committee and group discussions. Teresa Bernardez invited those interested in group dynamics to work together on determining a structure for them. David Klein and Lynne Tenbusch thanked Reena Liberman for Cinema Talk at the retreat.


V.                 Survey Committee- Ellen Toronto.  Ellen raised the question of how best to disseminate the survey results to members. Ellen will send them by e-mail and regular mail for those who don’t have e-mail. Ellen requested that a date for the second group discussion be set at this time.  A motion was made and carried to schedule the next group discussion on December 2, 2007. 


VI.              Candidates Report -  No Report  


VII.            Education and Training Committee – No Report


VIII.         Certification – No Report


IX.              Professional and Community Development Committee – No Report


X.                 Social Work CEU Committee – No Report


XI.              Recruitment Committee – Robert Hooberman. Robert asked for volunteers for committee members. He plans on developing a plan for recruitment in lieu of the recent efforts at individual outreach. Lynne Tenbusch may join.


XII.            Membership Committee: No Report


XIII.         Website Committee - Peter Wood and Reena Liberman.  Peter gave a report on the potential benefits of investing in MPC website development. He and Reena Liberman have been talking to web designers and estimate an investment between $5 K and $10 K. Several members indicated strong support. Susan Boyd recommended a fundraiser. David Klein reminded us that the Development Fund is for these purposes. A motion was made and carried that MPC support its website development in spirit and financially through the Development Fund. 


XIV.         Newsletter Committee - Sheila Wasung.  Sheila reminded the Board that newsletter items are due by June 15.  Pam Orosan-Weine suggested that new candidates submit bios for the newsletter.


XV.           Old Business: Lynne Tenbusch said that the Retreat Committee forgot to bring evaluations for the retreat and will send them by e-mail and/or regular mail. Diane Drayson thanked the Board for the wonderful tribute (Flowers from MPC and commendation from Ellen Toronto presented at Saturday night dinner). She plans to continue her involvement in MPC through committee work.


XVI.         New Business: Sheila Wasung talked about the importance of outreach to graduate students and new professionals by offering membership. A motion was made and carried to offer free membership to graduate students and new professionals who are one-year post-graduate. Murray Meisels congratulated David Klein on his excellent job in handling the presidency and the challenging issues that came with his two-year post. David thanked non-Board members for joining the Board today.


Respectfully submitted:

Recorded by Reena Liberman



Diane M. Gartland

Recording Secretary





Meeting of the Board

Women’s City Club

Ann Arbor, Michigan

May 20, 2007


Present:  S. Boyd, D. Drayson,  S. Freiband, D. Gartland, R. Hooberman, R. Hutchison, D. Klein, B. Lepisto, R. Liberman, H. McPherson, M. Meisels, P. Orosan-Weine, J. Robinson, R. Rosenthal, F. Sollars, L. Tenbusch, E. Toronto, S. Trylch, B. Waiess, S. Wasung, J. Wixom, S. Zager


I.             Secretary’s Report – Diane Gartland – Last month’s meeting minutes were approved by the board with slight changes.  Diane brought up the matter about the distribution of minutes.  She was referred to a separate email list for board members.   Diane brought up the matter of PEP access which is obtainable through APA – Division 39.  Any mental health professional can join the division without becoming a member of APA.  Only psychologists are obligated to join the APA first.  Information is obtainable through apa.org and the division’s web page.  PEP access is obtainable for $55 in addition to the division membership fee.  It is not clear whether there is an opportunity for those interested in psychoanalysis but who are not mental health professionals but Dr. McWilliams is looking into it.   


II.                      President’s Report – David Klein –The president of the Appalachian Psychoanalytic Society sent a letter praising MPC on its web site.  Peter Wood was congratulated for his hard work.


III.                   David and Murray reported that the anonymous donation being offered to MPC could be handled through an Ann Arbor organization and this is being looked into further. 


IV.                   Treasurer’s Report - Susan Boyd – This is Susan’s last term as treasurer and her hard work was recognized and applauded by the board.  Currently, MPC assets total $63,834.53 with $22,194.23 in the Operations Fund, $3532.20 in the Cunningham Library fund and $38,108.09 in the Development Fund.


Susan provided a year by year comparison since 2004 which indicated that we are doing increasingly better in fiscal solvency compared with previous years.


IV.          Survey Committee – Ellen Toronto – Ellen distributed some more detailed results of the survey for the board’s perusal.  Further discussion followed.  Peter Wood and Teresa Bernardez do not feel comfortable about group facilitation in the style of discussion leaders concerning the results of the survey at the retreat but will nevertheless give some support.  A continued lively discussion ensued regarding the survey.


V.                      Education and Training – Ruth Rosenthal for Robert Hooberman – Robert gave a hand out reviewing the training committee report.  Lynne Tenbusch will assume a new position as Progression Coordinator to help candidates with their progression through the program.  Suanne Zager, Marybeth Atwell, Mary Anderson and Diane Burgermeister will put together a welcoming process and welcoming packet for new candidates.  The candidates have expressed an interest in low-fee supervision and Brenda Lepisto and Michele Rivette will work on a proposal for low fee supervision.  The candidates have expressed satisfaction with their training through positive course evaluations.


VI.                   Certification Committee – Ruth Rosenthal – Ruth presented Cynthia Hockett, Ph.D. to the board for approval as a new candidate.  A motion was made and carried to accept Dr. Hockett as a new candidate.  Ruth presented two candidates to the board who have completed all training requirements and are recommended for certification as psychoanalysts.  A motion was made and carried that Jean Wixom Ph.D. be certified as a psychoanalyst with MPC.  A motion was made and carried that Julia Davies, Ph.D. be certified as a psychoanalyst with MPC.


VII.                Retreat – Lynne Tenbusch –  The final touches on the retreat were discussed by Lynne and Janet Robinson.  There ensued some discussion about the expense for candidates.  A motion was made and carried that the organization pay half the fee for housing for the candidates and their meals.  Interested parties are referred to Janet and Lynne to work out details on reasonable rates for accommodations.  


VIII.             Website Development Committee – Peter Wood and Reena Liberman – Peter spoke further about the many enhancements planned for the web site including the ability to pay on line.   


IX.                   Social Work CE Committee – Hugh McPherson was not present but a proposal was presented on his behalf for advertising in the MH Networker concerning the programs for next year.  The proposal involved four elements 1. The issuing of a check for $750.00 to the Social Work CE Collaborative for “unlimited provider status” for June 2007 – May 2008.  2.  The issuing of a check to The Michigan Chapter of the NASW for $500 for a display advertisement in the NASW-MI August Newsletter. 3.  The issuing of a check to the MI Mental Health Networker for $661.25 for the printing and distribution of a double-sided legal size flyer in the Networker’s Oakland and Washtenaw County July and August mailings.  4. The issuing of check to Jennifer Rahn for approximately $500-$600 for the copying and mailing of the above flyer to approximately 900 mental health professionals in the Lansing, Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo areas.  A discussion ensued about the relative merits of the proposal. A motion was made and carried to approve all four elements of the proposal.


X.                      Recruitment Committee – Frank Sollars – No report.


XI.                   Professional and Community Development – Pamela Orosan-Weine.

No report.


XII.                Programs – Sue Zager – No report


XIII.             Membership – Beth Waiess – Beth was not present but David indicated that he believed there is one new member and one returning member.


XIV.             Newsletter – Sheila Wasung – Sheila indicated that she would like to receive committee reports from all for inclusion in the newsletter with a deadline of June 15. 


XV.                Candidates Representative – Ralph Hutchison and Sonya Freiband – Sonja presented a breakdown of MPC analysts and the number of candidates that each had in supervision and analysis.  There was general agreement that a relatively even and equitable distribution of candidates among the analysts for these functions was evident.  Ralph indicated that Reena Liberman would be the candidate representative for next year.  


Respectfully submitted,

Diane M. Gartland

Recording Secretary 








Meeting of the Board

Providence Hospital

Southfield, Michigan

April 15, 2007


Present:  S. Boyd, D. Drayson, D. Gartland, R. Hooberman, R. Hutchison, D. Klein, R. Liberman, H. McPherson, P. Orosan-Weine, J. Robinson, L. Tenbusch, E. Toronto, S. Trylch, B. Waiess, S. Wasung, J. Wixom, S. Zager


I.             Secretary’s Report – Diane Gartland – Last month’s meeting minutes were approved by the board.


II.                      President’s Report – David Klein – We managed to acquire a 30% discount of $866 for Volume 2 of the Bulletin due to the problems in printing.  We ended by coming in $455 under budget.


David reported that an anonymous donor would like to contribute $10,000 to MPC provided and only provided that a 501C3 is established in 2007.  There was some concern expressed that setting it up would be so time intensive that it might end up costing more than the donation.  A discussion of the pros and cons of establishing this foundation ensued.  It was suggested that APA or MPI might help. 


III.                   Treasurer’s Report - Susan Boyd – Currently, MPC assets total $62,620.13 with $20,107.69 in the Operations Fund, $3532.20 in the Cunningham Library fund and $38,980.24 in the Development Fund.

Dues collection has been completed.  There was a discussion about investments and a brief discussion about the library fund.


IV.          Survey Committee – Ellen Toronto – Ellen distributed some preliminary results of the survey for the board’s perusal.  Results will continue to be examined and another version presented at the May meeting for the board’s scrutiny and comments.  Teresa Bernardez will facilitate a discussion of the survey results at the retreat.  A lively discussion ensued regarding the survey.


V.           Education and Training – Robert Hooberman – Commented on the  Mark Solms visit and the MPC dinner and how well-received these were.  He also indicated that brochures for the courses are to be printed up. 


VI.         Retreat – Lynne Tenbusch –  Lynne discussed the budget for the retreat which should be less than the last one without music.  There ensued some discussion of a la carte meals.  Janet Robinson distributed a proposed agenda for the retreat which was discussed and commented on by the board.  


VII.                   Website Development Committee – Peter Wood and Reena Liberman – Peter and Reena are looking into enhancing the usability of the website so that registration for courses can be done on-line. The initial estimate for doing this was upwards of $1000 and as much as $4000-$5000 but they feel that it shouldn’t cost that much.   Ellen will check with a friend who does website development.


VIII.                Recruitment Committee – Robert Hooberman, Sue Zager and Frank         Sollars are on this committee.  They are still looking for more members to become involved.


IX.                      Professional and Community Development – Pamela Oroson-Weine. 

More members and a chair are sought for this committee.  Pam     distributed a preliminary program under development for  2007 and 2008 for the seminar series.  Seminars offered by Beth Waiess, Ph.D., Hugh McPherson, MSW, and Dorella Bond, Ph.D. are slated with details to be worked out and a number of other professionals are considering offering some seminars as well.  All courses may be used to earn continuing education credit for MI social workers.


X.                         Programs – Sue Zager reports that the MPC Fall Program with Jessica Benjamine will be held October 19 and 20.   Sue commented that our last two monthly presentations, with Beth Waiess and Jean Wixom had record turnouts.  She reminded that next Saturday April 21, 2007 there would be a presentation at Providence by Richard Hertel, Ph.D. and with Salman Akhtar as discussant. 


XI.                      Social Work CE Committee – Hugh McPherson will be bringing a proposal to the May meeting laying out the cost of advertising for the academic program for next year.  It will be the same as last year’s with the addition of a mailing to MH practitioners in the Lansing and Grand Rapids areas using a mailing list currently maintained by the Michigan Mental Health Networker.


XII.                   Membership – Beth Waiess – No report


XIII.                Newsletter – Sheila Wasung – No report


XIV.                Candidates Representative – Ralph Hutchison – No report


Respectfully submitted,

Diane M. Gartland

Recording Secretary 




Meeting of the Board

University Club

East Lansing, Michigan

March 18, 2007


Present:  K. Baker, S. Boyd, D. Drayson, R. Hooberman, R. Hutchison, D. Klein, R. Liberman, H. McPherson, P. Orosan-Weine, R. Rosenthal, L. Tenbusch, E. Toronto, S. Trylch, B. Waiess, S. Wasung, J. Wixom, S. Zager


I.             Secretary’s Report – Diane Gartland could not be at today’s meeting. Hugh McPherson volunteered to take the minutes.  The minutes from the 2/18/07 meeting were reviewed and adopted by the Board.


II.                      President’s Report - David Klein stated that Volume 3 of Bulletin of Michigan Psychoanalytic Council is in progress.  The deadline for the submission of articles is June 1st. 


III.          Treasurer’s Report - Susan Boyd distributed a written report dated 3/18/07 and reviewed the figures.  She commented that the membership dues level seemed acceptable and similar to past levels at this point in time.


IV.          Nominations & Elections – There was no report as none of the members of this committee were present.  President Klein expressed appreciation for all who ran for MPC offices in this last election.  The new board members will take office on July 1st. {Sonya Freiband emailed members on 3/13/07 with the results of the election}:

               President-elect:  Jerry Brandell

               Vice-president for certification:  Ruth Rosenthal

               Vice-president for Training and Education:  Robert Hooberman

               Vice-president for Program:  Karen Baker

               Recording Secretary:  Diane Gartland

               Treasurer:  Mary Anne Stirling-Doherty

               Female Member-at-Large:  Elizabeth Waiess

               Male Member-at-Large:  Arthur Brickman 


V.          Certification – Ruth Rosenthal was present but did not have anything to report.


VI.         Retreat – Lynne Tenbusch reported that Janet Robinson is working on an agenda for the retreat and will be asking for input from the board in an email soon.  A proposed agenda for the retreat will be sent out to board members prior to the April board meeting and a full discussion of it will take place then.



VII.                  Education and Training:  Robert Hooberman reported on the Mark

Solms  April presentation.  He thanked Diane Drayson for her help in preparing for this event.  He recommended that the Board adopt the committee’s proposal for a child psychoanalysis program.  He stated that this proposal was approved by the committee at its February ’07 meeting and sent to board members in an email some time in the last month.  A copy of the proposal was passed around at this time for board review before a motion was made to adopt.  Further discussion on the program will be held at the next board meeting when Brenda Lovegrove Lepisto will be able to attend.


Motion:  Robert Hooberman moves and Jean Wixom seconds that the board adopt the Education and Training Committee proposal for a child psychoanalysis program.  Motion carried.


VIII.               Recruitment Committee – Robert Hooberman, Sue Zager and Frank         Sollars are on this committee.  Robert Hooberman asked that more persons from the board volunteer to help with recruitment.


IX.                     Survey Committee – Ellen Toronto states that the results of the recent survey will be brought to the board for full discussion prior to the ’07 summer retreat.


X.                Professional and Community Development – Pamela Oroson-Weine. 

was present but did not have anything to report.


XI.             Programs – Sue Zager reports that Jessica Benjamin has agreed to present at the Fall ’07 MPC Conference.  Discussion was held regarding possible locations ( Doubletree, Genoa Woods,  Ann Arbor Women’s City Club).  Diane Drayson Agrees to contact the Women’s City Club to determine feasibility and availability.


XII.          Social Work CE Committee – Hugh McPherson was present but had nothing to report.


XIII.       Membership – Beth Waiess reports that at present there are 92 paid in full memberships and 20 persons who have not yet paid for their current membership.


XIV.       Newsletter – President Klein read a communication from Sheila Wasung who was unable to attend the meeting.


XV.          Candidates Representative – Ralph Hutchison was present but did not have anything to report.


XVI.       New Business


Motion: Robert Hooberman moves and Diane Drayson seconds a motion for MPC to contract for a $125 display advertisement on the Allen Creek School booklet for their “Dining for Kids” silent auction and dinner this Spring.  Motion carried.



Respectfully submitted,

Recorded by Hugh McPherson

Diane M. Gartland

Recording Secretary 




Meeting of the Board

Women’s City Club

Ann Arbor, Michigan

February 18, 2007


Present:  K. Baker, S. Boyd, D. Drayson, D. Gartland, E. Gibeau,   R.  Hooberman, R. Hutchison, D. Klein, R. Liberman, H. McPherson, P. Orosan-Weine, K. Pratt, R. Rosenthal, F. Sollars, K. Sorrel, L. Tenbusch, S. Trylch, B. Waiess, S. Wasung, J. Wixom, S. Zager


I.             Secretary’s Report – Diane Gartland.  Last month’s minutes were approved.


II.                      President’s Report - David Klein. 


Diane Drayson had a death in the family and would not be attending.  David introduced Franklin Sollars’s idea of having a Recruitment Committee or Membership Development Committee for the purpose of encouraging people to join the organization.  There was a consensus agreement that this was a good idea and Sue Zager and Robert Hooberman agreed to help.


David indicated that he had written a direct letter to the press that had put together the Bulletin asking that they assume the entire cost of the project due to the problems that they had bringing the Bulletin out.  He has not as yet received a response.


III.          Treasurer’s Report - Susan Boyd.    Currently, Total MPC Assets are $66,577.17 with $24,328.70 in the Operations Fund, $3,479.28 in the Cunningham Library Fund, and $38,769.19 in the Development Fund.  

               There is still some concern about dues collection and a query about whether people who have not paid their dues in a year should be dropped from the membership.  There was a consensus that this was appropriate.


IV.          Newsletter – Sheila Wasung.  The newsletter has gone out.  The deadline for submissions to the next newsletter would be June 15. 


V.           Fundraising - Karen Baker discussed the issue of fundraising and the need to explicitly state that what the monies from fundraising are to be used for.  She proposed that the committee be an inactive but standing committee which becomes active when there is a specific project for which to raise funds such as recruitment, child services, supervision, adult low fee clinic, etc.  There was general agreement that this was appropriate.   


VI.                    Survey Committee – Lynne Tenbusch.  Ellen Toronto plans to have some prelimary report for the board by the March or April meeting.  The results should be compiled and analyzed before the retreat and all members will have input.


VI.          Retreat – Lynne Tenbusch.  Lynne related that they are working                         on the food right now.  There will be a proposed agenda brought to the March meeting since the Board will be involved in establishing the

            Agenda.  Committees have input as well.


      VIII.          Nominations and Elections – No report.


IX.          Membership – Elizabeth Waiess.  We have one new members. 

            17 new members have been invited to the new members luncheon in



X.                 Professional and Community Development – Pamela Oroson-Weine. 

Pam suggested that there were opportunities for professional development through PsyBC and other on line sources and we might also make use of on line teaching.  She suggested that “great books” course including books that people are currently interested in.  She indicated also that Hugh has been interested in developing a course in psychoanalytic perspective in social work.  Reena Liberman discussed an upcoming program for Cinema Talk.  On Saturday, March 31, 2007 Art Brickman will facilitate discussion on Tony’s Dream in the Soprano series.  We will be meeting at Washtenaw Community College.


XI.              Social Work CEU Committee - Hugh McPherson and Kay Pratt. 

The presentations over the next three months will have CE credits associated with them.  There are evaluation forms on the table.  The certification form is on the table.  There was a discussion about having a donation box for CEUs and whether non members should pay for the CE credits and have it waived if they are members.  A motion was made and carried that non members who attend presentations and who are interested in CE credits would be charged $10 a credit.  Members are exempt from the fee.


XII.           Education and Training - Robert Hooberman.  Ms. Kay Sorrel was presented to the board requesting to be admitted to candidacy.  A motion was made and carried to accept Kay Sorrel as a candidate in psychoanalysis.  


Robert announced that Mark Solms, known for his work in neuron-psychoanalysis, will present a paper at a dinner at the Women’s City Club for 6 to 9 PM on April 12.  Robert indicated that the courses for the coming year would be Case Conference in East Lansing by Carol Levin, Basic Concepts in Psychoanalysis by Suanne Zager in Birmingham, Psychopathology, Symptom Development and Assessment by Robert Hooberman in Ann Arbor, The Beginning Phase of Psychoanalysis by Karen Baker in Ann Arbor, Self Psychology by David Klein in Ann Arbor, Object Relations by Ellen Van der Mark in East Lansing, Relational Theory by Lynne Tenbusch in Ann Arbor and The Developmental Sequence by Brenda Lepisto in East Lansing.  In addition, there would be a course in the Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual taught by Lynne Tenbusch in Ann Arbor and Suanne Zager in Birmingham.  There are two candidates for the Adult Psychotherapy course and Franklin Sollars will teach the course they need.    


XIII.        Certification – Ruth Rosenthal – Ruth presented Pam Orosan-Weine to the board for consideration for certification in psychoanalysis having completed all requirements.  Ruth recommended to the board that Dr. Orosan-Weine be certified as a psychoanalyst.  A motion was made and carried to certify Dr. Pamela Orosan-Weine as a psychoanalyst.   


XIV.        Programs - Suanne Zager – Sue indicated that the curriculum was being developed.  She would like suggestions for the October program.  Diane Drayson indicated that there would need to be a consideration as to whether the organization would like to have a membership in the Women’s City Club.  Due to certain rules of the organization and personal commitments, she would be unable to serve as the WCC representative at MPC meetings in the coming year. A discussion ensued and it was agreed that the possibility of membership for an individual or the organization as a whole would be taken under advisement.


Sue announced that Jessica Benjamin had accepted an invitation to be our guest for our Fall program.  The program is scheduled for October.  Genoa Woods is being considered as a site.  She announced that there is a special presentation at Providence Hospital Fisher Auditorium on April 21 with a paper presentation by Richard Hertel and Salman Akhtar as discussant sponsored by the Detroit Community of the MPC.  Sue indicated that next year it would be nice to have new people present who have not presented this year.  Ed Gibeau might present a paper.   


XV.           Candidates’ Report – Ralph Hutchison.  No Report

XVI.        Old Business.

XVII.     No New Business


Respectfully submitted,

Diane M. Gartland

Recording Secretary 




Meeting of the Board

The University Club

East Lansing, Michigan

January 21, 2007



Present:  S. Boyd, D. Drayson, D. Gartland, R. Hooberman, R. Hutchison,   D. Klein, B. Lepisto, R. Liberman, H. McPherson, M. Meisels, P. Orosan-Weine, K. Pratt, J. Rahn, R. Rosenthal, F. Sollars, L. Tenbusch, E. Toronto, S. Trylch, B. Waiess, S. Zager



I.             Secretary’s Report – Diane Gartland.  Last month’s minutes were approved with a minor change.


II.                      President’s Report - David Klein. 


Jennifer Rahn, our central office secretary who puts together our brochures and directory among other projects attended this month’s meeting and was introduced by David and congratulated for all her hard work over the years.


Jennifer expressed an interest in knowing more about the various positions and there was a general discussion of the need for creating job descriptions which delineate the various roles and responsibilities.  Reena agreed to coordinate this effort. 


David announced that Art Brickman is recovering from surgery.


Pam Orosan-Weine indicated that there was a pressure to have 2 representatives from each institute at the meetings of the Association for Autonomous Psychoanalytic Institutes.  A general discussion ensued as to the relative merits of belonging to this organization, the investment in time, finances and resources.  A motion was made that we withdraw our membership.  A friendly amendment was substituted and the final motion that we discontinue our membership by allowing the current membership to run out was made and carried. 


David discussed briefly the problems in bringing Volume 2 of the Bulletin to press with many delays and now a second issuing.  There was a discussion about the fee and a general consensus that a re-negotiation of the fee might be appropriate. 



III.          Treasurer’s Report - Susan Boyd.    Currently, Total MPC Assets are $63,545.93 with $21,825.66 in the Operations Fund, $3,479.28 in the Cunningham Library Fund, and $38,240.99 in the Development Fund.  

               Susan expressed concern about the tardiness in dues collection and indicated that there would be a second letter sent.


               There was a discussion about investments and about donations to other psychoanalytically oriented organizations.  There was a general agreement to create a finance committee to discuss investments and donations and a specific request from Allan Creek preschool.  Decisions are tabled until recommendations by the committee can be made.


IV.          Karen Baker submitted a memo to the board raising the issue of fundraising and requesting clarification from the board on various facets of fundraising.  There was a general consensus to table the discussion until such time as Karen could be present. 


               There was a brief discussion about the need for a low cost clinic with a general consensus that this was an important topic, would likely be a large project and should be discussed more at length at a later time.


V.                Survey Committee – Ellen Toronto.  Ellen presented her plan for the compilation of survey results from the 60 surveys which were returned.

The survey committee, consisting of Ellen, Beth Waiess, Ruth Rosenthal, Diane Drayson, Lynne Tenbusch, Janet Robinson, Teresa Bernardez, Ralph Hutchison planned to meet after today’s board meeting to begin the work of analyzing the results.


VI.       Nominations and Elections – Peter Wood.  Peter indicated in Mary Beth’s absence that there are candidates for all positions and that he, Mary Beth Atwell and Sonja Freiband will be finalizing this material.  There are currently 8 positions that are to be filled.


VII.       Membership – Elizabeth Waiess.  We have nine new members. 


VIII.          Professional and Community Development – Pamela Oroson-Weine. 

Pam announced that the committee has two new members, Peter Wood and Hugh McPherson.  She indicated that there were several tentative proposals to teach classes from Marilyn Charles (Kleinian seminar), Ed Gibeau (Depression seminar in February), Jack and Kerry Novick, Etta Saxe.  There are ideas for outreach to clinics and CSS and a proposal for creating study groups for the PDM throughout the state.


IX.                Social Work CEU Committee - Hugh McPherson and Kay Pratt.  Despite considerable advertising and pressure for CEU from the state, there has been little response so far but that it may still be early for people to register interest.


X.        Education and Training - Robert Hooberman.  Ms. Reena Liberman was presented to the board to be admitted to candidacy.  A motion was made and carried to accept Reena Liberman as a candidate in psychoanalysis.


Robert indicated that there is some need for instructors for the next year and he would like to know by February 1.  He briefly outlined the courses being offered and needed and said that a new training brochure would be available soon. 


X.                   Certification – Ruth Rosenthal – No Report. 


XI.                Programs - Suanne Zager – Sue indicated that the curriculum was being developed.  She would like suggestions for the October program.  Diane Drayson indicated that there would need to be a consideration as to whether the organization would like to have a membership in the Women’s City Club.  Due to certain rules of the organization and personal commitments, she would be unable to serve as the WCC representative at MPC meetings in the coming year. A discussion ensued and it was agreed that the possibility of membership for an individual or the organization as a whole would be taken under advisement.


Sue announced that there is a special presentation at Providence Hospital Fisher Auditorium on April 21 with a paper presentation by Richard Hertel and Salman Akhtar as discussant sponsored by the Detroit Community of the MPC.


XII.             Retreat – Lynne Tenbusch indicated that there will be more to report next meeting. 


XIII.          Candidates’ Report – Ralph Hutchison and Pamela Orosan-Weine.  No Report.


XIV.          Newsletter – Sheila Wasung – newsletter in press this coming week.


XV.             Old Business.

XVI.          No New Business – There was a brief mention of recruitment of new members and an interest expressed in recruiting graduate students. 


Respectfully submitted,

Diane M. Gartland

Recording Secretary 





Meeting of the Board

The Michigan League

Ann Arbor, Michigan

November 19, 2006


Present:  M. Atwell, S. Boyd, D. Gartland, R. Hooberman, R. Hutchison,   D. Klein, B. Lepisto, R. Liberman, H. McPherson,  M. Meisels, P. Orosan-Weine, J. Robinson, L. Tenbusch, E. Toronto, S. Trylch, S. Wasung, B. Waiess, J. Wixom



I.             Secretary’s Report – Diane Gartland.  Last month’s minutes were approved.


II.           President’s Report - David Klein. 


Volume 2 of the Bulletin of the Michigan Psychoanalytic Council is in press and should be in mailboxes in two weeks.


President elect Lepisto indicated she would not be in attendance for a portion of the coming year due to her husband’s sabbatical.  There was general agreement that this was acceptable. 


III.          Treasurer’s Report - Susan Boyd.    Currently, Total MPC Assets are $50,086.04 with $7,616.56 in the Operations Fund, $3,341.09 in the Cunningham Library Fund, and $39,028.39 in the Development Fund.  

               There was a brief discussion about whether to increase dues.


               Robert Hooberman indicated that, because of the expense of the PEP he was recommending that we not continue to explore the proposed purchase of PEP on line this year.  A motion was made to thank Dr. Hooberman for his efforts in exploring the purchase of PEP and tabling further discussion of the purchase until next year.  The motion was seconded and carried.


               There ensued a general discussion of dues.  A motion was made that there not be an increase in dues this year.  The motion carried.


               Susan indicated that she would not be able to run again for the office of treasurer.  Her work over the years was acknowledged and appreciated. 


IV.       Survey Committee – Ellen Toronto.  There was a discussion regarding the handling of expenses and agreement that projects should adhere to the proposed budget.  There was a motion that was made and carried that $380 be allotted for the budget for the survey project.  A discussion ensued about the handling of the survey results.  A motion was made and carried that all survey results be brought to the board for consideration before dissemination to the general membership.  Ellen indicated that there would be an on line reminder to members to complete the survey.


V.                 Nominations and Elections – Marybeth Atwell.  There are currently 8 positions that are up for nomination including treasurer.


VI.       Membership – Elisabeth Waiess.  Current MPC membership is 124. 

            There will be a new members luncheon in E. Lansing in March. 


Professional and Community Development – Pamela Oroson-Weine.  A concern about whether there would be a certificate issued for community development classes was tabled because there was no one present to speak to the issue.  Pam indicated that more people are needed on this committee. 


VII.           Social Work CEU Committee - Hugh McPherson


VIII.        Education and Training - Robert Hooberman.  The proposed revised curriculum was passed out.  A motion was made and carried that Lynne Tenbusch be added to the committee.  Diane Burgermeister will be the registrar.  Mark Solms, MD visiting professor of psychoanalysis, will be giving his presentation at a dinner being planned at the Women’s City Club in Ann Arbor on April 12, 2007.  A motion was made and carried to approve the revised curriculum for the study of Psychoanalysis.


IX.              Certification – Ruth Rosenthal – No Report. 


X.                 Programs - Suanne Zager – Absent.  No Report.


XI.              Retreat – Lynne Tenbusch indicated that plans for the retreat are moving forward. 


XII.           Candidates’ Report – Ralph Hutchison and Pamela Orosan-Weine.  No Report.


XIII.        Newsletter – Sheila Wasung - The deadline for contributions is 11/30.  Articles submitted should be a page to a page and a half long. 


XIV.        Old Business – A motion was made and carried that all program proposals include a budget proposal.  Reena Liberman indicated that she would be co-teaching a class at MPI in Psychoanalysis and Sex Therapy.  There was a general consensus that this was fine.  David mentioned that it is important to inform the board if you are going to be away and would miss meetings.  There was also a concern raised that we add MSPP to our brochure on the December 10 Bert Karon presentation since it is a co-sponsored presentation.


XV.           No New Business.


Respectfully submitted,

Diane M. Gartland

Recording Secretary 





Meeting of the Board

University Club

East Lansing

October 15, 2006



Present:  S. Boyd, D. Drayson, D. Gartland, R. Hooberman, R, Hutchison, D. Klein, B. Lepisto, R. Liberman, M. Meisels, P. Orosan-Weine, J. Robinson, F. Sollars, L. Tenbusch, E. Toronto, S. Trylch, S. Wasung, J. Wixom, S. Zager,



I.             Secretary’s Report – Diane Gartland.  Last month’s minutes were approved.


II.           President’s Report - David Klein. 


We received a thank you card from Dr. Krystal who is recovering from recent illness.    


Welcome Jean Wixom, new Member-at-Large.


The President’s reception and barbecue which took place Sunday, October 8 from 3 to 6 PM was considered to be a big success.  David expressed his opinion that it would be nice to have such an event every year.  $1000 nicely covered the expenses except for the musicians which the Kleins themselves sponsored.


III.       Treasurer’s Report - Susan Boyd.    Currently, Total MPC Assets are $49,119.55 with $9,808.98 in the Operations Fund, $3,340.64 in the Cunningham Library Fund, and $35,969.93 in the Development Fund.  Susan provided a comparison of Tuition Received for Fall 2005 - $4325.00 and Fall 2006 $5440.00 representing more than a 20% increase in revenue from courses between last year and this year.  Susan reported that she had consulted with the Schwabb financial advisor about investing in Mutual Funds.  Others indicated that there may be as much as a 4.83 % interest which could be earned though discussions with the Schwabb financial advisor would best include inquiry as to fund management fees. 


IV.       Membership - Elizabeth Waiess was absent today.  Current MPC membership is 123 (103 full members, 11 retired/inactive, 10 students).  


V.                 Professional and Community Development – Pamela Oroson-Weine.  Registration for community classes is still poor and some classes will be cancelled.  Brenda Lepisto will cancel her classes.  Pat Marciniak will go ahead with 2 registrants.  Elizabeth Waiess will offer clinical consult to her one enrollee in lieu of class.  Hugh McPherson will go ahead with 4 registrants.  Some registrants expressed an interest in  MPC membership.  These names will be forwarded to Beth Waiess.  Ed Gibeau would like to offer a depression course during a spring weekend for 8 hours of credit.  Robert, representing Education and Training, thought that would be fine as an elective for candidates. 


The committee felt that September may be too early to offer classes and will aim for October and November for registration next year. 


Introduction of PCD classes should include fliers, brochures and membership forms.  Closing of PCD classes would include a course evaluation.  Pam proposed having a business card made up to add to the packet and in order to enhance the professional appearance of promotional materials.  The committee proposed that a new membership packet be developed which might include fliers, brochures, a membership form, a recent newsletter.  David indicated that a copy of the Bulletin might also be included.


The committee wants to begin planning for next year’s PCD courses and a list of professionals who might be interested in teaching in their area of specialization is being generated. 


Pam will have to resign her position as chair due to other pressing professional duties.  There is a need for one or two more members in addition to the chair.  There is a desire to keep the committee relatively small so that telephone meetings could continue.    


VI.              Social Work CEU Committee - Hugh McPherson was absent today.  However, it was commented that meetings count for CEU credits and that a sign up sheet might be circulated for that purpose.   Interest in CEU is slow.  This is being attributed to difficulties at the state level in clarifying for social workers what is expected of them.  Further, although we are listed on the web site for the NASW, we are difficult to find.    


VII.           Education and Training -  Robert Hooberman.  There will be a meeting at Brenda’s house to discuss the proposed curriculum and the results will be brought to the November meeting.  


Suanne Zager and Franklin Sollars discussed briefly the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Study Program.  Coursework would be located in each of several major areas (cities) so that registrants would not have to go back and forth but could finish their program of study in one city.  The proposal would be to divide the year into theoretical courses during the first part of the year, practical courses during the second part of the year, about 25 hours of supervision, some history of treatment in a psychoanalytic psychotherapy but current engagement in treatment is recommended though not required.  It is also proposed that a coordinator for each geographic location might be helpful. 


Brenda Lespisto is talking to Ira Schaer about having the same or a similar model for the Child Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy  Study Program as it pertains to having the whole program offered in each geographic area.  The Child Psychoanalysis Track is under consideration.


Internet conferencing is also thought to be an option.


Currently there is one applicant and one request for application into candidacy.


Robert reviewed the PEP proposal and indicated that we have until December 1 to decide on the PEP on line.


VIII.        Survey Committee – Ellen Toronto – A copy of the proposed survey was handed out.  There were some objections raised as to the format of the survey, whether some questions should be included, whether it should be more quantitative in style, whether it should be mailed or sent electronically, whether more material on the respondents’ backgrounds should be requested for programming purposes.  A motion was made and seconded that questions #16 and #17 should be omitted.  The motion failed to carry.  A motion was made and seconded that the survey should be sent out without further discussion.  The motion carried. 


IX.              Certification - Ruth Rosenthal.  No Report.


X.                 Programs - Suanne Zager.  We will co-sponsor MSPP Bert Karon presentation on December 10, 2006.  Dr. Karon will present the APA video on treatment of schizophrenia followed by discussion.  MPC will also be on the brochure at no cost to us. 


If there are any people who would like to present in the future or any ideas for conference presenters, please see Sue.   She has been trying to contact Daniel Stern but has been unsuccessful.  There was a question about participating with the MPI visiting professor program and the response was that we will be doing so and the announcement is tabled until a later date.   


Lynne Tenbusch announced that Dr. Lew Aron will be giving an online seminar on Intersubjectivity and the Analytic Third.


XI.              Retreat – Lynne Tenbusch indicated that the retreat dates have been confirmed for June 1, 2 and 3 and that, because of a Friday night fete, we should be able to come out in the black on the affair overall. 


XII.           Candidates’ Report – Ralph Hutchison.  No Report.


XIII.        Newsletter – Sheila Wasung - The deadline for contributions is 11/30.  Articles submitted should be a page to a page and a half long. 


XIV.        Old Business – Reena Liberman brought up a concern about the email group that has been established and whether it is appropriate for on line discussion.  There was some discussion of this concern with some saying that it was not created for this purpose and others indicating that the limited on line discussion of the PEP issue did not give the overall impression of misuse.  The possibility that the issue would need to be revisited in the future remains, particularly if there is a dramatic increase in email traffic.   A suggestion was made to include this issue in the survey that will be distributed among members and there was a general nod of agreement.


XV.           No New Business.


Respectfully submitted,

Diane M. Gartland

Recording Secretary 




Meeting of the Board

University Club

East Lansing

September 17, 2006



Present:  S. Boyd, D. Drayson, D. Gartland, R. Hooberman, R, Hutchison, D. Klein, B. Lepisto, R. Liberman, M. Meisels, H. McPherson, J. Robinson, R. Rosenthal, L. Tenbusch, S. Trylch, E. Waiess, S. Zager,



I.             Secretary’s Report – Diane Gartland.  Last month’s minutes were approved.


II.           President’s Report - David Klein. 


New Appointments:  Diane Gartland replaces Kathy Koepele as    Secretary.  The board extends appreciation to Kathy Koepele for her years of service to MPC in her capacity as secretary. 

Jean Wixom and Scott Trylch replace Karen Baker and Ira Schaer as Members-at-Large.  Pam Orosan-Weine replaces Karen Baker and Michelle Rivette as PCD Committee Chair.

Lynn Tenbusch has been appointed as Retreat Committee Chair.


We received two thank you cards.  One from the family of Judith Zager (mother of Suanne and Rachel Zager) and one from the Frieband family (father of Sonya and father-in-law of David Frieband) for expressions of sympathy sent on behalf of MPC.  It is also noted that Frank Sollars had a death in the family and that several members have had serious illnesses or operations.  Further, it is noted that Sue Zager, Diane Drayson, Susan Boyd and Sheila Wasung have taken the lead in responding on behalf of the Board. 


David brought forth the issue of whether and to what extent condolences or expressions of concern should be forthcoming and who should be involved.  A discussion followed.  A motion was made and carried that the deaths of immediate family members of board members or serious illnesses in board members will be acknowledged with a card and flowers.  Expressions of sympathy for health issues and deaths in the membership at large will be handled on a case by case basis. 


Since the board met in May, the Newsletter was mailed out.  Sheila Wasung and her committee are recognized for the beautiful job that they did. 


Since the board met in May, MPC enjoyed a wonderful Banquet.  Janet Robinson and her committee are recognized for the well done event.


Another contribution to last year’s President’s Kick-off Fundraiser – Jean Wixom contributed $100 bringing the total to $3100.  A thank you note was sent.


The President’s reception and barbecue is set for Sunday, October 8 from 3 to 6 PM.  As previously decided by the Board, the reception would involve both catered and pot luck food.  $1000 from the general fund was allocated for this activity and a sign up sheet for the pot luck was passed around.  David clarified that the reception is open to all members, prospective members and family members. 


The Bulletin of the Michigan Psychoanalytic Council, Volume Two is ready to be sent to the printer.  It is 180 pages long (66 pages longer than Volume I) but will cost a bit less because much of the typesetting was done for Volume I and copy editing was considered to be unnecessary.   The cost was found to be $3980.  A motion was made and carried to approve this budget for the printing and issuing of the Bulletin.  A discussion followed concerning the relative merits and objections to a web publishing.  The discussion was tabled to a future time. 


III.       Treasurer’s Report - Susan Boyd.    Currently, Total MPC Assets are $49,415.64 with $8,349.96 in the Operations Fund (as of 9/17/06), $3,403.60 in the Cunningham Library Fund, and $37,662.08 in the Development Fund.  Susan presented a profit and loss comparison for fiscal years 2005-06 compared to 2004-05.  We are doing substantially better at present than we were at this time last year.  Then we were $7,048.49 in the red and we are now $4,014.62 in the black.  The projected break down of expenses and income for the coming year is attached.  Susan predicts that we will break even with big events but that our discretionary funds are very limited and we must be careful.  A discussion ensued about investment income and whether we were investing in the most advantageous funds.  Susan will take this issue under advisement.  A request was made for $750 for the MPC application to the Michigan Social Work Collaborative for approval of MPC courses for CEU credit for social workers. A motion was made and carried that $750 would be allocated for this.


IV.              Membership - Elizabeth Waiess.  Current MPC membership is 123.  It was brought forth that one new member was instrumental in adding the Providence Hospital in Southfield as a meeting place without a fee.  It was mentioned that there are occasions to waive the fee for new members for a year for contributions such as this.  It was noted however, that to publish in the Bulletin an author must be a member.  Beth also indicated that an update to the Membership Directory would be made at the end of January.  New members are:


Howard Lerner, PhD

Gail Vanlangen, PhD

Janice Baker, MSW

Marilyn Frye, PhD

Patricia Gibbs, PhD

Barry Dauphin, PhD

Peggy Burke, PhD

David Castine, MSW


V.                 Professional and Community Development – Reena Liberman representing Pamela Oroson-Weine.  Registration for community classes is poor and several classes may not go.  A brief discussion ensued over possible reasons and Reena indicated that the classes may be offered again even though they might not go the first time they are offered.  Advertising from Hugh McPherson for social workers, Peter Wood on the web and announcements at the Sunday meetings were all gratefully acknowledged as helpful.  The committee is looking at proposals of low fee supervision to professionals in the community by certified analysts and possible supervision groups to augment its work.  Reena also mentioned that the first offering for MPC Cinema Talk will be Separate Lies due for screening on November 10 at WCC from 7-10 PM.  Reena also mentioned that a guest speaker would be scheduled to lead discussions at future screenings.


Reena indicated that she had received a large donation of psychoanalytic journals from a semi-retired bookseller Jeanne Paul and there arose a discussion of where to house the now ever growing collection of books and journals located in several members’ houses.  The discussion was tabled for another time.


VI.              Social Work CEU Committee - Hugh McPherson discussed several options for CEU credits for social workers.   


VII.           Education and Training -  Robert Hooberman indicated that the courses and sign up is being finalized and reviewed the courses and current registration.  He reminded that there is difficulty getting new candidates and proposed two ideas:  having analysts give talks at clinics and having low cost supervision for the community.  Ralph Hutchison mentioned that limited license psychologists would have to actively seek more formalized supervision based on new licensing board requirements.  Robert asked about the PEP CD which gives extensive access to psychoanalytic materials but which could be costly to the membership.  A brief discussion of the relative merits of this access arose and was tabled for further discussion at a later time.


VIII.        Survey Committee – Diane Drayson for Ellen Toronto – Diane handed out copies of a proposed survey which Ellen had drafted.  A brief discussion ensued.  A motion to defer the survey approval in order to integrate feedback from the discussion was made and carried.


IX.              Certification - Ruth Rosenthal.  No Report.


X.                 Programs - Suanne Zager.  No Report.


XI.              Retreat – Lynn Tenbusch indicated that she is in discussions with site personnel.


XII.           Candidates’ Report – Ralph Hutchison.  No Report.


XIII.        Newsletter - The deadline for contributions is 11/30.


XIV.        Old Business – discussed in each category


XV.           No New Business.


Respectfully submitted,

Diane M. Gartland

Recording Secretary 






Meeting of the Board

University Club

East Lansing

May 21, 2006



Present:  P. Orosan-Weine, R. Hooberman, K. Baker, M. Meisels, D. Klein, S. Boyd, H. McPherson, R. Liberman, S. Zager, D. Drayson, I. Schaer, K. Pratt, E. Waiess, F. Sollars, R, Hutchison, J. Robinson, K. Koepele.



I.             Last month’s minutes are to be corrected as follows:  Board Minutes

are to be sent to Board Members, Committee Chairs, and posted on the web site.

         II.           President’s Report:  David Klein.  David expressed his appreciation to

Sheila Wasung, Susan Boyd, and Diane Drayson for their responsiveness in organizing condolences to Sue Zager upon the death of her mother.  David also thanked Pam Orosan-Weine for updating the list serve and for extending a warm welcome to new members. David explained that he had polled Board members relative to K. Baker’s request that MPC support Allen Creek fundraising by taking out an ad in their brochure for Dining for Kids.  The Board voted to place the requested ad.  The President’s Reception will be held on Sunday, October, 8, 2006.  The Board agreed that $1000.00 would be allocated to fund this combination catered/pot luck event.  The Candidates’ Forum will also be held on October 8.  David also thanked the CEU Committee for their continued work.

III.       Treasurer’s Report:  Susan Boyd.    Currently, Total MPC Assets are $51,745.71 with $11,300.98 in the Operations Fund (as of 5/19/06), $3,369.93 in the Cunningham Library Fund, and $37,074.80 in the Development Fund.  Taxes have been completed and have been mailed to Susan.  Liability Insurance paperwork has been submitted; policy is in the mail to Susan; premium will be $950.00  AAPI dues have not been paid; decision pending.  Mutual fund investment remains unchanged.  Susan will prepare an MPC proposed budget and requests that ideas and changes be forwarded to her; this proposed budget will be a helpful guideline for the organization.

IV.       Membership:  Elizabeth Waiess.  Current MPC membership is 116 with one new member.  The New Member Luncheon will follow today’s meeting.

V.                 Professional and Community Development:  Karen Baker and Michelle Rivette.  The PCD Committee has now completed its first year of work.  Planned PCD courses for the coming year will be B. Lepisto, parenting; Ed Gibeau, depression; Elizabeth Waiess and Patricia Marciniak, trauma; Sue Miller, shame and disgust.  The PCD Committee will continue outreach and networking.  The Committee is thinking about how MPC might offer low fee supervision with K. Baker and J. Davies exploring this issue.  PCD supports the CEU Committee and raised various questions needing exploration such as, how will decisions about instructors be made; will instructors be given the choice as to whether to offer their course for CEU credit.  Reena Liberman then gave the Cinema Talk report and requested renewal of last year’s budget for the coming year in which she plans to continue the same Cinema Talk format for one more year.  Motion:  That MPC authorize a $600.00 budget for Cinema Talk for the coming year.  Motion seconded and approved.

VI.              Social Work CEU Committee:  Hugh McPherson and Kay Pratt.  The CEU Committee last met on 5-15-06.  Present were D. Drayson, P. Marciniak, H. McPherson, K. Pratt, K. Sorrell.  The committee was pleased to note that progress was being made toward the committee’s 2nd recommendation (“Any person who has not previously enrolled in any MPC 15 week course would be required to take a foundation course called “Introduction to Psychoanalytic Theory & Practice” to be held in one of the three MPC locations.  The Committee will be sending in this application in the hopes that the Collaborative will allow a grace period for the class instructor to be identified.  The Board entertained vigorous discussion about this proposed course and about whether and how it might be differentiated from a candidate course with a similar name.  A Motion was made:  For the coming year or two “Introduction to Psychoanalytic Theory & Thought” will be placed under the auspices of the PCD Committee; the course length will be for a maximum of 10 weeks.  Further discussion followed the making of the motion.  Motion seconded and approved.  Further courses will be added to the application as they are in place.  Hugh explained that his Committee is prepared to provide the necessary administration for the record-keeping for the CE credits earned by social workers taking MPC classes and workshops, along with the issuing of certificates of completion required by the Michigan Social Work Collaborative.  Patricia Marciniak has volunteered to take on this responsibility for the committee.  The MPC application to the Michigan Social Work Collaborative for approval of MPC courses for CEU credit for social workers will be submitted the week of 5-26-06.  A cover letter by R. Hooberman, representing MPC, will be included in the packet.  Thanks given to Hugh McPherson and Kay Pratt for their hard work in this arena.

VII.           Education and Training:  Robert Hooberman.  Robert announced that, beginning in the Fall of 2006, MPC Education and Training courses will have a new format; there will be a greater number of courses and the courses will be of shorter duration in number of weeks.  He also stated that the Visiting Professor on Thursday evening, April 8, 2007 will be Mark Solms, M.D.  Robert requested that the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy program be removed from the website until this program has been further developed.

VIII.        Certification:  Ruth Rosenthal.  No Report.

IX.              Programs:  Suanne Zager.  Sue announced the schedule for the coming 2006-2007 Program year as follows:  September, Bornstein, East Lansing, October Seminar possibilities continue to be explored with an invitation to consider having been extended to Serena Wieder, Ph.D.  It was decided that a Fall, 2006 Symposium would not be held should Dr. Wieder be not able to consider the invitation; November, Ellen Toronto, Ann Arbor; January, 2007, Bert Karon, East Lansing, February, Jean Wixom, Ann Arbor; March, Elizabeth Waiess, East Lansing, April, Julia Davies, Detroit; May, Michelle Rivette, Ann Arbor; June, Banquet.  If necessary, the Board will meet briefly prior to this year’s June banquet to approve the Fall Symposium speaker.  It was announced that Karen Baker is resigning as coordinator for the MPC brochures.  Thanks given to her for the considerable amount of time she has given developing and implementing the MPC brochure.  Sonya Freiband has volunteered to do the program and course brochures.  Sue indicated that, as Program Chair, she thought it useful and appropriate for her to do the Program brochures during her tenure; this plan will facilitate her being able to proof read the final draft of the brochure.  After discussion, David Klein indicated that Sue will do the program brochures and Sonya, the course brochures.

X.                 Banquet:  Janet Robinson.  Thus far, 22 guests have signed up for the June banquet.  At the banquet, Carol Levin will be certified as an MPC analyst.  Please contact Janet if you wish to be included on the program.

XI.              Candidates’ Report:  Michelle Rivette and Pam Orosan-Weine.  Ralph Hutchison and Pam Orosan-Weine are the new Candidate Representatives to the Board.  Mary Anderson and Sonya Freiband are the current co-presidents of the Candidate Group; they will also represent the candidates at Education and Training meetings.  The Candidate Group is looking for writing mentors.

XII.           Newsletter:  Sheila Wasung.  The Newsletter went to the printer on 5-15-2006 and will soon be mailed.

XIII.        Old Business.  Discussion continues on the creation of new dues paying categories and the designation of an emeritus status.  Other organizations’ practices will be explored.  Current “inactive/out of state” dues are $50.00 per year.

XIV.        No New Business.


Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen C. Koepele

Recording Secretary 




Meeting of the Board

Kresge Hall

Madonna University

April 30, 2006



Present:  D. Klein, R. Hooberman, H. McPherson, S. Boyd, M. Meisels, R. Rosenthal, S. Wasung, E. Toronto, R. Liberman, I. Schaer, S. Zager, F. Sollars, E. Waiess, P. Orosan-Weine, B. Karon, K. Koepele.



I.                   Minutes for March meeting with Waiess membership correction approved.

II.                President’s Report:  David Klein.  Diane Gartland has accepted the position of MPC Recording Secretary, effective September, 2006.  David expressed his appreciation for the recent programs given by H. Lerner/B. Lepisto and Lew Aron (program arranged by S. Zager, Program Chair).  David noted that the Program Committee is comprised of R. Rosenthal, D. Drayson, E. Waiess, J. Robinson, D. Klein, S. Wasung, F. Sollars and K. Koepele.  Thanks was also given to R. Hooberman for liaison work that resulted in bringing this year’s Visiting Professor, Dorothy Holmes to MPC to speak about prejudice.  Motion:  motion made to send Board Minutes to committee chairs, Board members, Board attendees, and to post on MPC website.  Motion seconded and approved.

III.             Treasurer’s Report:  S. Boyd.  Prior to taxes that are being completed, liability insurance, and AAPI dues, the MPC Treasury is as follows:  Operations fund, $13,565.33, Cunningham Library Fund, $3,369.93, Development Fund, $37,074.80 with Total Assets of $54,010.06.  Susan noted that year income to date has exceeded expenses by $13,331.25 and that this figure represents an improvement of approximately $13,500.00 over finances at this same time one year ago when there was an income/expense deficit of $518.00.  It is her feeling that an improved financial picture is contingent upon the close attention of the Board and the Treasurer to expenditures and fund raising opportunities.    Thanks given to Susan.

IV.              Membership:  E. Waiess.  Elizabeth noted that the new member’s luncheon will be held after the May meeting in East Lansing.  Current membership is as follows:  22 new members, 96 active members, 10 retired and inactive members, 9 students.  Appreciation given to Elizabeth by R. Hooberman for her referral of new members to him for introduction of MPC education and training opportunities.

V.                 Professional and Community Development:  K. Baker’s and M. Rivette’s report given by P. Orosan-Weine.  This committee has been working with H. McPherson to formulate a way for MPC offerings, including the 4 hour seminars, to meet social worker CEU requirements.  Possible PCD weekend seminars for the fall and winter are: Sue Miller on shame and disgust, Brenda Lepisto on parenting.  Ed Gibeau will offer a weekend seminar on depression.  Frank Sollars has expressed an interest in teaching a 10 week course on Jung.  Work is also being done on Carol Levin’s upcoming seminar.

VI.              Social Work CEU Committee:  H. McPherson and K. Pratt.  See forwarded report:  McPherson 4-26-06.  Some significant aspects of the Social Work CEU application model are:  Organizations such as MPC may apply for approval of their educational package with a $750.00 application fee (required annually); the social work CEU Board needs 60 days to review the educational package which means that MPC needs to submit its package by August.  All MPC classes, seminars, and forums will be considered for inclusion in the package.  There is now an MPC CEU committee of six members:  M. Atwell, D. Drayson, P. Marciniak, H.McPherson, K.Pratt, and K. Sorell.  MPC advertising for CEU qualified courses will target the experience level required for the course.  H. McPherson will coordinate with all the committees offering educational programs.  Motion:  H. McPherson and committee will prepare an MPC educational package with application fee to submit to the Social Work CEU Collaborative Consortium by August, 2006.  Motion seconded and approved.

VII.           Committee to Discuss Non-MPC Trained Analyst Certification:  E. Toronto.  Ellen stated that her committee had met to discuss the question of MPC certification of non-MPC trained analysts.  Upon discussion of this issue, the committee came to feel that this issue was symptomatic of deeper conflicts within the organization and that it would be useful to attempt to locate these other conflicts and divisions; it was further felt that some of the divisions are as follows:  analyst/candidate; old and founding members/newer members; teachers/candidates; underappreciated/under satisfied; geographical.  Ellen suggested that her committee develop a survey to attempt to elucidate and identify these underlying divisions and conflicts and that the survey be readied for presentation to the MPC Board at its September meeting.  Ellen would chair this committee, the Survey Committee, composed of Ellen, S. Zager, E. Waiess, R. Rosenthal, and some candidates.  All suggestions for the survey from the Board and membership are welcome.  Murray Meisels noted that MPC was founded upon the results of a survey.  Motion:  To disband the Committee to Discuss Non-MPC Trained Analysts.  Motion seconded and approved.  Motion:  To create a new committee, The Survey Committee, to survey membership about MPC practices, issues of importance, and attitudes to the organization with E. Toronto as chair.  Motion seconded and approved.

VIII.        Education and Training:  R. Hooberman.  See Forwarded Report.  There have been two new inquiries on candidate training.  All recent classes have received positive evaluation.  New curriculum work is underway.  B. Lepisto is pursuing the child analytic/psychotherapy track.  Psychoanalytic psychotherapy track is on hiatus and will be reconfigured and coordinated with R. Hooberman.  The new course brochure will be mailed soon.

IX.              Certification:  R. Rosenthal.  Mary Nowack, Ph.D. recommended for certification of completion of psychoanalytic psychotherapy training.  Motion:  Motion to certify M. Nowack.  Motion seconded and approved.

X.                 Programs:  S. Zager.  At the Lew Aron conference, there were 83 registered with 11 participants new to MPC; 24 attended the Friday night event.  Proceeds were $9145.00 and expenses $10,293.00 for a net loss of $1150.00.  The payment that had to be made to Genoa Woods when Lew Aron had to cancel in October was $1200.00.  Without this factor, there would have been a small profit on this event.  Sue indicated that she would like to add a meeting in Detroit for the coming program year.  R. Hooberman suggested that focused extra meetings be considered.

XI.              Banquet:  J. Robinson.  No new business.

XII.           Candidates’ Report:  M. Rivette and P. Orosan-Weine.  No new business.

XIII.        Newsletter:  S. Wasung.  Sheila indicated that she awaits one more article before the newsletter can go to the publisher.

XIV.        Bulletin:  D. Klein.  David issued a reminder of the May 15 deadline for Bulletin articles.

XV.           Old Business:  No new old business.

XVI.        New Business:  K. Koepele suggested that MPC consider the beginning purchase of long distance education equipment in order to diminish the geographic hardship with which MPC continually struggles.  She also suggested that Professional and Community development implement a brief program or seminar for pre-med students.  Kathleen last                     suggested that when analysts of a particular theoretical orientation such as Lew Aron are brought in for a seminar, that it might be educationally profitable to pay for the candidate presenting to him/her to have 5-10 further hours of telephone supervision on the case presented and to then bring the pair back to MPC for another seminar elucidating the development of treatment within this theoretical perspective.



Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen C. Koepele

Recording Secretary




Meeting of the Board

Michigan League

Ann Arbor

March 26, 2006



Present:  J. Robinson, H. McPherson, K. Pratt, F. Sollars, I. Schaer, R. Hooberman, P. Orosan-Weine, R. Liberman, D. Klein, K. Baker, E. Waiess, R. Rosenthal, B. Lepisto, D. Drayson, S. Boyd, S. Wasung, K. Koepele.



I.                    Minutes for February meeting approved.  K. Koepele noted that her move to Vermont in August, 2005 will necessitate her resigning her position as Recording Secretary as of August, 2005; a one year appointment will be necessary to complete her term.

II.                 President’s Report:  David Klein.  David thanked S. Zager and E. Waiess for keeping the Board informed as to Mary Karon’s progress and for sending flowers.  B. Karon will be absent from Board functions for a time.  David thanked K. Pratt for her excellent work on the Social Worker CEU project.  He has asked H. McPherson to be the new person to head the Social Worker CEU committee.  Motion: to approve H. McPherson’s appointment; motion seconded and approved.  David also thanked S. Boyd and J. Rahn for creating the new MPC Directory.

III.               Treasurer’s Report:  Susan Boyd.  As of 02 28 2006, MPC has in its Operations Fund $20, 545.06, in its Cunningham Library Fund $3, 340.64, and in its Development Fund $36,766.96.  Total Assets:$60,652.66.  Susan will be in communication with the new Registrar, D. Burgermeister.  A discussion was held as to whether to create an “emeritus” category for retired and/or advanced age MPC analysts.  Motion:  motion made to create and emeritus category with reduced membership fees for fully retired analysts.  Motion seconded and tabled.

IV.              Membership:  E. Waiess.  E. noted the creation of a new category for fee purposes of New Professionals who have been practicing in the field for three years or less.  There are two new members who have likely already paid full fee.

V.                 Professional and Community Development:  K. Baker and M. Rivette.  K. Baker presented report.  Weekend seminar series has a profit of $995.00.  The final seminar for this series is Carol Levin’s and 5 are registered.  Advertising is requested.  A Fall, 2005 Seminar Series is planned.  Thanks given to E. Waiess for promoting MPC over the MPA list serve.  B. Lepisto has organized a child consultation group with 5 people, thus far, expressing interest.  Two individuals have expressed interest in a child training program.  The Child and Adolescent list serve has 17 people interested.  Cinema Talk, R. Liberman; a new venue is desired and being investigated; the current format is being evaluated.  B. Lepisto has been asked by The Lansing State Journal to contribute to an advice giving column.  Might MPC have analysts or candidates who might do something similar in other venues?  It was suggested that members invite guests to special MPC events and offer to pay their fee.  The Professional and Community Development Committee welcomes input.

VI.              Continuing Education:  H. McPherson and K. Pratt.  See H. McPherson’s forwarded report.  Hugh is working toward MPC presentation of necessary materials to NASW, Michigan Chapter, before July, 2005 in order to secure the right for MPC to offer educational programs that would qualify to offer social workers CEU’s to meet their new CEU requirement; the new licensure requirement is 45 CEU’s every 3 years.  Hugh is optimistic that MPC might acquire approval by Fall, 2005.  If approved, all of the MPC programs which meet the requisite guidelines would qualify for hour for hour CEU credit; this would include classes, mini classes, seminars and Sunday programs.  The educational programs may be presented by social workers, psychologists, physicians and this list may not be inclusive.  It was noted that there are 30,000 social workers in Michigan and that this new CEU requirement offers MPC a real opportunity to become a significant player in the training of mental health professionals in Michigan.

VII.            Education and Training:  R. Hooberman.  See scanned report of Education and Training minutes, March 12, 2006 which will follow.  K. Baker, K. Ahbel-Rappe, C. Levin, E. Waiess, I. Schaer, S. Zager, D. Klein will all be offering courses for the 2006-2007 class year.  It was agreed that if a candidate misses two classes, they will be required to write a paper on the material missed.  Visiting Professor this year will be Dorothy Holmes, Ph.D.  She will present at 6:00, Women’s City Club, Ann Arbor, Thursday, April 27, 2006.  Her field is prejudice and her paper will discuss the ways in which analyst/patient prejudice can enter the treatment situation.  35 individuals can be accommodated.  Members are encouraged to bring and pay for a guest.

VIII.         Programs:  S. Zager.  Report read by K. Koepele.  Scanned report will follow.  B. Lepisto requested that, as soon as possible, she be given a schedule of next year’s program.

IX.              Nominations and Elections:  M. Atwell.  No Report.

X.                 Banquet:  J. Robinson.  The full fee for the banquet was set at $65.00 per person.  The candidate fee will be $25 or $30.  Janet will hold a 50/50 raffle at the Banquet; perhaps the winner will donate winnings to MPC!  The Banquet will be held June 10, 2006 at the Michigan League, Ann Arbor and Carol Levin will receive her analyst certificate that evening.  It was suggested that periodic emails be sent to the membership reminding them of the Banquet.

XI.              Candidates’ Report:  P. Orosan-Weine.  L. Rapp is stepping down as candidate representative to the Board.  The candidates support the procedure established by MPC that gives or refuses analyst status to outside analysts requesting acceptance as MPC analysts.  The candidates also hope that “talented” outside analysts are welcome.  The candidates’ group is working hard with the PCD committee and are welcoming and integrating new candidate, Ralph Hutchison.

XII.            Newsletter:  S. Wasung.  Sheila noted that the Newsletter needs either 8 or 12 pages; she currently has 9; Sheila hopes to print the next Newsletter in several weeks.  Sheila will contact Peter Wood to post the next Newsletter on the MPC website.

XIII.         Bulletin:  D. Klein.  David asked for a May 15 deadline for submissions to the Bulletin.  The next Bulletin will include book reviews and movie reviews. 

XIV.         Old Business:  The next MPC retreat will be June, 2007.  P. Orosan-Weine reported that the Association for Autonomous Psychoanalytic Institutes is requesting past and present dues.  Past dues have been paid with the payment having been lost/check not cashed.  It was noted that this association appears to be revitalizing and might blossom into an accrediting body.  Pam will continue to handle the liaison with the Association and suggests that an MPC member go to their next meeting.

XV.           New Business:  Brenda Lepisto has a booklet prepared by The Commission on Children at Risk that she would like to circulate as a report supported by MPC as part of her kickoff of an MPC child program.  This will be discussed at the next Board meeting.  The meeting place for MPC monthly meetings will again be evaluated with Women’s City Club costs compared with those of the Michigan League.  S. Zager will be asked to make this comparison.  K. Baker will coordinate the next two MPC brochures and then will resign.



Respectfully submitted,




Kathleen C. Koepele

Recording Secretary





                                                           February 19, 2006

                                                            University Club

                                                       East Lansing, Michigan


Present: D. Klein, B. Lepisto, , D. Drayson, R. Hooberman, R. Rosenthal, S. Zager, R. Liberman, P. Orosan-Weine, I. Schaer, M. Rivette, P. Wood, K. Pratt, E. Toronto, J. Robinson, , B. Waiess,  M. Atwell


I.  Secretary’s Report- Kathleen Koepele (absent):  Corrections to January 15, 2006 minutes

        a. Item VIII   Hotel Baronette in Novi

        b. Item VI     new member/new candidate luncheon to be held May 21 in East Lansing

        c. Item VII “nine month long study group”-change to nine month long course, “consistent    

               curriculum in lieu of” change to “consistent curriculum as”

   Minutes approved with corrections


2. President’s Report- David Klein:  Jeff Glindmeyer has resigned from his member-at –large position due to his wife’s health.  David will send Jeff a letter of appreciation.  David asked Hugh McPherson to fill this position pending board approval.  Motion made and seconded, no discussion, motion approved.  Hugh requested to be added to the Board List Serve, asked if minutes could be available on the MPC Website. Peter said he would do this.  The Presidential kick-off fund-raiser has raised $2910.00 with sixteen contributors.  Karen Baker is the new fund raiser.  The 2006 Presidential Reception viewed as opportunity to build organization and use as fund raising instrument.  Discussion whether should be pot-luck dinner supplied by Board Members or formally catered, and if the Reception should be open to the general membership.  Brenda pointed out that this is only event in which analysts and candidates are formally brought together, arguing against opening it up to the general membership.  David suggested that the Reception be open to all members.  Michelle suggested that the Reception could provide an opportunity to meet new people, bring new people in, and encourage more candidates to come.  Brenda then suggested two levels of invitations, a general invitation to the membership as well as specific invitations to individuals desired at the Reception.  Discussion followed as to whether the Reception should be catered or pot luck, with Robert, Michelle, Pam, and Dianne offering comments.  A compromise was reached with the decision to have a mixed catering-and pot luck dinner with alcoholic beverages available.  A date in September of 2006 will be found.  A motion to allocate $1000.00 for the reception was moved, seconded, and approved.


3. Treasurer’s Report:  Susan Boyd was unable to attend, her report given by David.  As of 01/31/06, the Operations fund has $22,170.15, the Cunningham Library Fund has $3, 340.64, and the Development Fund has $36, 605.40.  Total assets are $62,116.19. 


4. Professional and Community Development- Michele Rivette (Karen Baker, absent).  Michele reported that the Weekend Seminar series was quite successful, attracting a number of people outside of MPC.  The seminar series had been profitable, netting over $700.  Two of the forthcoming seminars have already completely filled.  It was felt that keeping the price for the seminars reasonable has facilitated optimal enrollment. Brenda reported that the Child Consultation Group is being worked on and will soon be available, the date to be announced in the near future.  David reported an E-mail from Irv Leon, who presented one of the seminars.   Leon expressed how pleased he was with the opportunity to do the seminar. David noted that Irv Leon and Sue Miller will both be given a full year’s membership to MPC in recognition of their presenting these seminars.  Thanks were also offered to Peter for working with the Committee.  David also raised the possibility of lowering dues for potential members who may not be able to afford the full dues rate.  The option of lowering dues to $20 for students and $40 for new professionals was raised.  Brenda noted that we could not have a full discussion of this until the treasurer was present.  David offered that he had already spoken to Susan Boyd about this and she was agreeable, as long as a time period was specified in which the reduced fees would be offered for each new member.  Robert suggested that a dues of $50 yearly be offered to recent graduates of programs.  A motion was made to offer the $50 yearly dues for a time period of three years to recent graduates; the motion was seconded and passed. 


  1. Programs- Sue Zager.  Sue reported that she and Jeff Glindmeyer are working on revamping the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy program.  She also noted that there were a number of spelling errors in the February 2006 brochure, although the January brochure was error free.  Sue suggested that the printer be contacted to see who does the final grammar and spelling check.  Diane offered that the Program chair should proof it.  Sue expressed her concerns about spelling misprints for our presenters, and how embarrassing this was.  She has already forwarded letters of apology to the presenters whose names have been misspelled.   It was also proposed that MPC consider another meeting in the Detroit area as the number of people interested appears to be growing there.  Henry Krystal will be presenting for MPC in Detroit in April.


  1. MPC Newsletter- Sheila Wasung (absent).  Sue Zager reported for Sheila, noting that while there had been great optimism that the newsletter could receive an ‘aesthetic upgrade’, Sheila had made numerous attempts to contact Elaine which all came to naught.  Ultimately, Elaine bowed out of the project, noting that she was overburdened. Sheila has had no response from Elaine in the last two weeks.  Given the delay in publication, we will not be able to publish an MPI advertisement.  The question of timeliness vs. aesthetic upgrading was discussed.  It was decided to publish the newsletter within the next four to six weeks, with an attempt to spruce it up aesthetically.


  1. Continuing Education: Kay Pratt spoke to the value of offering Continuing Education Units to social workers in the organization.  Structuring these CEU’s will have to fall within the ACE guidelines, and this will entail a lot of bureaucratic detail and paperwork, including the construction of a number of forms and the ability to keep this documentation for five years.  An initial application fee of $450 will be made to the Michigan Board of Social Workers, which will allow us one year of probationary status.  A $900 fee will be required later.  Discussion followed regarding use of pre and post tests, and constructing objectives and evaluations for the various presentations.  It was also decided that a social worker be the director of this project.  A motion was made to give full support for pursuing the CEU program, this motion was seconded and passed. 


  1. Cinema Talk- Reena Liberman.  The third film in the series has been shown, and there appears to be an active and enthusiastic following.  Discussion on how to develop and expand this activity was made, including advertising, E-mail, fliers, and placing on the Bulletin Board of the Mental Health Networker.  The schedule is currently placed on the Networker now and in April at no charge by Hugh McPherson.  However, this activity is limited by location, and discussion followed about showing the film series in Lansing and Birmingham.  It was proposed that additional costs could be partially offset by nesting the advertising for the films within the larger advertisements for MPC, so that all advertising could be coordinated.  It was also suggested the Cinema Talk series could be placed within the Professional and Community Development.


  1. Education and Training- Robert Hooberman. Robert noted that  Pat Marciniak has resigned as registrar, Diane Burgermeister has agreed to fill the position.  Peter Wood stated that the candidates are developing a position paper on the subject of MPI analysts.  Conferences and classes for 2006-2007 are currently being developed with a number of courses and instructors already assigned, a meeting to be held on February 27, 2006 to further this work.  Brenda noted that she is currently developing a Child Psychoanalysis and Child Psychotherapy Tract which will be designed to dovetail with the current adult tract curriculum.  A list serve and a child study group on the Internet is being readied, and more child related courses are being developed.  If anyone is interested in teaching these courses, they should contact Brenda.  Currently, Brenda and Ira will be offering courses in the next Fall or Winter terms.  Ellen suggested that we delay accepting further admission of MPI training analysts until a full review process can be initiated.  Ruth noted that there is no one in the pipeline to be certified, and that the process for application had already been specified.  Pam was not in favor of a motion for changing anything, at the present time.  Ellen noted that the Board could vote to delay to admit further training analysts.  Michele reported that there is not a formal representative from the candidates, due to there being fewer candidates and many of the candidates are close to finishing the program.
  2. Banquet: Janet Robinson.  Janet reported that the June 10th banquet will be held at the Michigan League, and a jazz trio has already been found to entertain.  If anyone wants to work on this program, they should let Janet know.  We will also need to have someone in Ann Arbor to work with a florist regarding centerpieces for the tables. 
  3. David wanted to issue a formal thank you to Susan Boyd and Jennifer Rahn for their work on the MPC directory.
  4. Old Business- Brenda offered her thanks to the membership regarding their condolences on the death of her grandmother. 
  5. New Business- Peter spoke to publishing articles on line. 







Respectfully submitted by Ira J. Schaer, sitting in for Kathleen Koepele, Recording Secretary



January 15, 2006

Women’s City Club

Ann Arbor, MI



Present: K. Baker, S. Boyd, D. Drayson, R. Hooberman, B. Karon, D. Klein, R. Liberman,         P. Marciniak, M. Meisels, P. Orosan-Weine, K. Pratt, M. Rivette, I. Shaer, F. Sollars,

L. Tenbusch, E. Toronto, S. Zager



I.                    Secretary’s Report – Kathleen Koepele (absent): Corrections to the November, 2005 minutes –

a.       Item VII – the letter was a collaborative effort by David Klein and Karen Baker

b.       Item XIX – there will be another 2 programs in the first series of Cinema Talk

c.       XI – typo . . . there is a late fee  . . .  not fell

Minutes accepted with corrections.


II.                 President’s Report – David Klein:  In response to feedback of previous agendas, David trimmed today’s agenda to 14 items. David welcomed back Sheila Wasung from her surgery and recovery, and Sheila thanked the board for the gift of housekeeping services. David thanked Susan Boyd for serving as Membership Committee Chair and welcomed Beth Waiess as new Membership Chair. The Association for Autonomous Psychoanalytic Institutes has a new President and administrator who would like more interaction and communication with us. David asked for a board member liaison and Pam Orosan-Weine volunteered. The President’s Kickoff Fundraiser has received $1910 in contributions so far from 10 contributors, only 4 from the Board. There was some discussion about the year end timing of the mailing and cash flow limits. David gave an inspiring Sunday sermon about building our organization. He stressed the importance of not being complacent or relying solely on the PCD or Training committees and suggested several ideas for outreach to outliers, such as sending out personal letters to identified people, writing more articles about the classes, and a giving a welcome packet that includes the Bulletin for new members. David suggested building a strong organization based on an Eriksonian model, explaining that there are intrapsychic benefits working in a psychosocial milieu, such as MPC; it helps build our identity and counterbalances the superego, maximizing a non-conflictual sphere of ego and including energy, creativity, and work for a common cause.


III.               MPC Newsletter – Sheila Wasung: There are plans to revamp the newsletter to improve the content, add new features, and increase fees for ads, and to attain the look and quality of the Bulletin and recent MPC brochures. Michele Rivette suggested we send it to MPC prospects. Sheila asked for a $2500 budget, an increase of $1000 from previous years to be paid for by the Professional Education and Development Fund. The source of funds was accepted as a friendly amendment. The budget was passed.


IV.              Professional and Community Development – Karen Baker and Michele Rivette: Mary Anderson has resigned from the committee. The report was on the number of enrollees in weekend courses which has collected $400 in fees with $180 in expenses. They are generating ideas for courses for next Fall. Robert Hooberman asked for names of enrollees for outreach. It’s looking like a wonderful, new format and creative curriculum. Recommendations included a marketing survey on what kinds of courses people would like, putting advertising brochures in clinics, and having more personal contact. They announced that Michele Rivette is providing pro bono in-services and supervision at Ozone House on addiction and self-harm.


V.                 Treasurer’s Report – Susan Boyd: The report was sent via e-mail. The majority of dues were paid by December but still down from the previous year. Susan will follow up on the two analysts who have not paid their dues. We are on par with the 2004/05 fiscal year but it’s a decrease from the 2003/04 fiscal year. The Lew Aron conference fees are artificially inflating the bottom line. David noted that we still need to be alert to the bottom line and said that it’s good that Susan is tracking yearly changes.


VI.              Membership – Beth Waiess (absent): There is a new member/new candidate luncheon for 14 new members.


VII.            Education and Training – Robert Hooberman: Ralph Hutchison has been approved for candidacy status and Carol Levin has been approved for analyst status. The committee has also approved that candidates can serve on the same committee as their analysts. The committee is planning to shorten courses to 7.5 or 10 weeks long without changing the total number of required hours. Murray Meisels suggested weekend courses. Suanne Zager promoted the idea of having 9-month long study group in different locations, each with a core group and a consistent curriculum in lieu of the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Course. The planned Child Analytic Program would have courses that overlap with the Adult Analytic Program.


Ellen Toronto revisited the policy of admitting analysts to MPC and proposed a committee to address this issue. She thinks it’s important to air varying points of view in order to avoid divisiveness within the organization. Robert Hooberman stated his opposition to the idea and Ellen and Robert expressed their opposing views. David Klein said that he sees no harm in having a committee to discuss the issue without using too much of MPCs resources. David appointed Ellen as head of an ad hoc committee and several members volunteered to be on the committee. The idea for dialogue excludes a town meeting.


VIII.         Programs – Suanne Zager: The conference with Lew Aron has been rescheduled for April 8 at the Hotel Baranat in Novi. The March 26 MPC meeting will be at the Michigan League and the April meeting will be on April 30 with Henry Krystal.


IX.               Nominations and Elections – Marybeth Atwell (absent): David Klein read Marybeth’s report about her plans for elections and reviewed the method to uphold anonymity.


X.                 Candidates’ Report – Leslie Rapp (absent): David Klein announced that Leslie Rapp will no longer be the committee head. There are no major issues to report and David asked for a regular report from the candidates.


XI.               Cinema Talk – Reena Liberman:  The next Cinema Talk is scheduled for January 27 and one more is scheduled for April. When Reena announced that there have been no volunteers to work with her, Suanne Zager volunteered with the idea of setting up venues in Lansing and Birmingham.


XII.            CEUs – Kay Pratt: Kay distributed a handout on the MSW license requirements to earn approved credits. It explained the two ways to get CEU status granted. Kay asked for social workers who are willing to assist her in deciding if and how MPC can participate in this process.


XIII.          Old Business: None


XIV.         New Business: None






Respectfully submitted by Reena Liberman, sitting in for Kathleen Koepele, Recording Secretary



November 19, 2005

University Club

East Lansing, MI


Present:  I. Schaer, B.Karon, D.Drayson, R.Liberman, P.Orosan-Weine, B.Lepisto, R. Hooberman, K.Baker, R.Rosenthal, K.Pratt, S.Boyd, J.Rahn, L.Tenbusch, P.Marciniak, S.Zager, D.Klein, M.Meisels, E.Waiess, P.Wood, F.Sollars, J.Robinson, K.Koepele



I.                   Secretary’s Report:  Kathleen Koepele.  Thanks to Sue Zager and Susan Boyd.  Prior minutes accepted.


II.                Administrative Secretary:  Jennifer Rahn.  Jennifer has MPC stationary and envelopes available.  Contact Jennifer in order to add a name to the MPC brochure list.


III.             President’s Report and Bulletin of the Michigan Psychoanalytic Council:  David Klein.  Thanks to Sue Zager for handling correspondence and gifts to Shiela Wasung who is recovering from extensive surgery.  David has appointed Marybeth Atwell to chair Nominations and Elections and Janet Robinson to chair the June banquet.  The MPC Bulletin, a juried bulletin, after two years of work, has now been published and is available to members.  The total cost (debit Development Fund) is $3892.00.  It is hoped that the Bulletin will help MPC reach and develop a larger membership.  Peter Wood will indicate on the MPC website that the Bulletin is available.


IV.              Professional and Community Development:  Karen Baker, Michelle Rivette (not present).  Michelle has developed an attractive flyer on all MPC programs to be utilized for marketing purposes.


V.                 Treasurer’s Report:  Susan Boyd.   See previously forwarded report. MPC total Assets are $60,449.95.  Tuition income is up approximately $500.00 from last year and down approximately $5000.00 from two years ago.  Dues and analyst certification fees are currently at $12,380.00, down approximately $5000.00 from a year ago.  It was noted that the number of candidates taking classes has declined.


VI.              Membership:  Susan Boyd.  Current MPC membership is at 81.  It was noted that all professional groups have been struggling with membership issues for the past two years.  The New Member Luncheon will be held in 2006.  Elizabeth Waiess will become Membership Chair in January, 2006.


VII.           Fund Raising:  Karen Baker.  Karen has composed a fund raising letter that will soon be mailed to the membership.


VIII.        Vice-President for Education and Training:  Robert Hooberman. See previously forwarded report.  There is ongoing discussion in Education and Training as to whether an analyst and his/her anal sand can serve on the committee at the same time.  It was noted that MPC has no requirement that analytic training and personal analysis be concurrent.  All applications to MPC for training will be kept confidential.  Requests for MPC instructors will be sent by regular mail.  Brenda Lepisto will hold the position of MPC Ombudsperson.  It was noted that there is a procedure in place for outside analysts who wish to be qualified as MPC analysts to apply for such qualification.  The procedure is as follows:  fill out an application; submit transcripts, present a paper to MPC, demonstrate a consistent commitment to MPC by consistently attending meetings, serving on a committee, etc.; be interviewed and evaluated by two MPC analysts; it is important that the applicant be in agreement with the MPC philosophy of welcoming a diversity of theoretical viewpoints.  Any applicant may be denied qualification if it is felt that his/her inclusion will not benefit the organization, MPC.  Lynne Tenbusch has responded by letter (dated Nov. 18, 2005) as follows to this issue:  I would like to make some clarifying comments on Murray’s note regarding MPI graduates being certified by MPC.  I do not recognize myself in the ‘outrage’ regarding MPI/MPC, or in the specific financial concerns attributed to me.  I do have deep concerns about becoming a satellite of MPI, though I feel no outrage about it.  Additionally, my concerns are not financial.  My analytic practice is not now and has never been dependent on MPC or even connected to it.        My apprehension is as follows:  MPC was founded on the principle of heterogeneity, equality among analysts and appreciation of, as well as respect for, approaches other than one’s own.  I do not see these qualities evidenced in the ethos of MPI.  In short, my unease is informed by my continuing commitment to the spirit and values on which the Michigan Psychoanalytic Council was founded.  If we become a ‘junior MPI’ or a satellite of MPI we will no longer be the Council that the founding members worked so hard to create.  Robert noted that the Training Committee makes a recommendation to the whole Board relative to an applicant and the whole Board makes the decision.  It was noted by some that MPI’s philosophy of training is authority based. D.Drayson noted that in the MPC By-laws it states that all MPC graduate analysts shall be Training and Supervising Analysts.


IX.              Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy:  Jeff Glindmeyer, Suanne Zager. 

Applicants to this program are few.  Changes to the program are being considered.  L. Tennbusch’s Relational class is going well.


X.                 Vice-President for Certification:  Ruth Rosenthal.  No New Business.

XI.              Registrar:  Patricia Marciniak.  Patricia requested that it be noted on the website that there is a late fell that will be assessed for late class fees.


XII.           Vice-President for Programs:  Suanne Zager.  Lew Aaron Conference

will be rescheduled for April, 2006; exact date being explored.  Sue noted that there had been 60 registrants for the Saturday program, 28 for the Friday program, and at least 5 additional showing interest.  R. Hooberman indicated that the Visiting Professor will be April 27.  Div. 39 is April 19-23.


XIII.        Past President:  Diane Drayson.  Diane needs to be notified as to whether

the June dinner will be at the Women’s City Club or the Michigan League so as she can notify the Women’s City Club.


XIV.        President-Elect:  Brenda Lepisto.  No New Business


XV.    Ombudsperson:  Brenda Lepisto.  On November 24, 2005 the candidates

           Asked me to serve in the position of an ombudsperson for them.  Specifically,

           They requested that I would function as a third party should there be any

           Individual or collective/systemic issues that need addressing on behalf of the

           Candidates relative to the Training and Certification Committee or the

                Organization.  They want the position to (1) provide a liaison and advocate

           for candidates, especially new groups (when there is a turnover of candidates

          who may not know how to navigate the system or feel comfortable addressing

          issues with analysts:  (2) provide some continuity in the sense that this

          position would best suited to analysts who are only a few years or so outside

         of their own training so they can better relate to the issues of the candidate

         group and can provide information on how things have run in the past.

         I will only be reporting to the Board as the candidates request.  My meetings

        With them will be confidential in order to protect the integrity of the position.


XVI.    Candidates Representative:  Leslie Rapp.  No Report.


XVII    Newsletter:  Sheila Wasung.  No Report.


XVIII. Publicity.  Sheila Wasung.  No Report.


XIX.    Cinema Talk. Reena Liberman.  There will be a program in January and

      another four programs for the year.


XX.     By-Laws:  Murray Meisels. Murray that any committee report automatically

            becomes a Motion.


XXI.         Union Institute Affiliation:  Frank Sollars.  No New Business.


XXII.      Website:  Peter Wood.  Gratitude was expressed to Peter Wood for so

promptly posting website requests.


XXIII.   Gender and Diversity:  Ellen Toronto.  No Report.


XXIV.  Nominations and Elections:  Marybeth Atwell.  Will begin calling for



XXV.       Old Business:  No new Old Business.


XXVI.   New Business.  Kay Pratt was appointed to the task of exploring whether

             MPC programs can count for required social worker CEU’s.




Respectfully submitted,


Kathleen C. Koepele, MSW

Recording Secretary 

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