Monday, Mar. 2, 2009          

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Membership App





Name ___________________________________________________Credentials____________________

 (As you wish your name and credentials to appear in the membership directory)

Primary Mailing Address  _________________________________________________________________


Secondary Address _____________________________________________________________________


Primary phone   _____________________________ Secondary phone ____________________________


E-mail address (print clearly) ______________________________________________


Educational Background:

Institution                                                               Degree                      Date                         Major




Current Positions:    _____________________________________________________________________



Are you currently certified in Psychoanalysis:   _________yes    _________no


Are you interested in training and certification in Psychoanalysis through MPC    _______yes    ________no


Please describe your interests in Psychoanalysis (course work, independent study, teaching, other):





Professional areas of interest (check all that apply)    ______adult ______adolescents ______children

_____forensic  _______neuropsychology  _______marriage & family ________substance abuse


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Full members:          We welcome all persons interested in Psychoanalysis

Retired/Inactive:       Those who no longer practice yet wish to affiliate with MPC

Student:                   Graduate students or psychiatric residents.


Please indicate status for which you are applying:


_________Full Member (Annual dues $125.00)  Note: Greatly reduced dues are offered to new professionals who have graduated within the past three years. Please ask for more information if you would like this option.

_________Retired/Inactive Member (Annual dues $50.00)


_________Student Member (Annual dues $40.00)  Note: Waiving of annual dues is offered to student members upon request.  


Please return this application and dues to:  (make check payable to Michigan Psychoanalytic Council)

Elizabeth A. Waiess, PsyD

PO Box 4402                                                                       

East Lansing, MI  48826                                                 


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For Administrative Purposes:


Date Received _________________________


Dues forwarded ________________________


Welcome letter prepared _________________


Listserv Updated   ______________________


Website updated _______________________


New Member Luncheon invitation __________






















