Saturday, Sep. 23, 2006          

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Freud's Papers 
The Michigan Psychoanalytic Council

Karin Ahbel-Rappe, Ph.D


Schedule of readings

Freud’s papers  Fall 2006




Week 1     No assigned reading.  Please compose a brief biographical sketch of Freud’s life using the sources of your choice.


Week 2     * Studies on hysteria (J. Breuer and S. Freud):  read  ‘Preliminary Communication’, and the cases of Katarina and Elisabeth  (v. 2 Standard Edition)


Week 3      ^‘Neuro-psychoses of defense’, ‘Further remarks on the neuro-psychoses of defense’, ‘The aetiology of hysteria’  ( all in v. 3 S.E.)


Week 4     * Three essays on the theory of sexuality (v. 7 S.E.)


Week 5     ^The psycho-analytic view of psychogenic disturbance of vision’, *Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis: read chapters (17, 18, 19) 22, 23, (v. 22, S.E.); ^Formulations on the two principles of mentaL functioning (v. 12, S.E. + p. 480, pp. 364-368.) 


Week 6     * Introductory lectures on psychoanalysis: p. 408-420;  A special type of object choice made by men’, ‘On the universal tendency to debasement in the sphere of love’  (all in v. 11 S.E.)


Week 7      ^  ‘The unconscious’,  ^ ‘Repression’  (v. 14 S.E.)


Week 8      ^  ‘On narcissism’, ^ ‘Instincts and their vicissitudes’  (v. 14 S.E.)


Week 9     ^  ‘Mourning and melancholia’ (v. 14 S.E.),


Week 10    * Beyond the pleasure principle (v. 18 S.E.); ^'The economic problem of masochism' (v. 19, S.E.)


Week 11     * The ego and the id  (v. 19 S.E.)


Week 12     * Inhibitions, symptoms, and anxiety (v.  20 S.E.)


Weeks 13-15  TBA




*= text available in paperback; please secure one

^= I will make copies available






Freud's Cases

The Michigan Psychoanalytic Council

Karen Baker, M.S.W.



The content of this section is in process.  Stay tuned.





Progression in Psychoanalytic Thought.

The Michigan Psychoanalytic Council

Lynne Tenbusch, Ph.D.


 Progression of Psychoanalytic Thought– Course Syllabus


This course will study the evolution of psychoanalytic thought from Freud to the present. We will look particularly at what pressures informed the creation of new schools of thought. It can be claimed that most new ideas are created in reaction to the blind spots of prevailing systems of thought. Some believe that new schools of thought have evolved from dissatisfaction with one’s own analysis. Still others have suggested that a sense of competition with one’s analyst has propelled the formulation of innovative thought. We will keep these ideas in  mind as we progress from Freud’s theory of personality and system of psychoanalysis to contemporary Freudian thought, object relations, self-psychology, interpersonal theory and relational theory.


As we read our way from the Freud to the twenty-first century we will look at pressures and input from other fields such as post-modern philosophy, political systems, quantum physics, relativity theory, economics, etc to further understand the evolution of analytic thinking.


Readings will include:


Week 1-4.  OBJECT RELATIONS IN PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY, Greenberg and Mitchell, 1983.

Week 5-7. Selected Chapters from FREUD AND BEYOND, Mitchell and Black. 1995.

Selected Chapters from CASSANDRAS DAUGHTER, THE HISTORY OF PSYCHOANALYSIS, Joseph Schwartz. 1999.



Week 12-15. Selected Chapters from the following books: WAY BEYOND FREUD: POSTMODERN PSYCHOANALYSIS OBSERVED, (ED.) J. Reppen, J. Tucker, M.A. Schulman: BRINGING THE PLAGUE, TOWARD A POSTMODERN PSYCHOANALYSIS, (ed.) Fairfield, Layton and Stack, 2002: MY LIFE IN THEORY, L. Rangell, 2004.


Note: The above readings are subject to change based on time and the interest of class participants.




Continuous Case Conference
The Michigan Psychoanalytic Council

David Klein, Ph.D


Case material will be used to further enhance the candidates understanding of psychoanalytic technique and theory. Special attention will be paid to understanding the transference and countertransference. One case will be followed throughout the year. Selected readings on transference and countertransference will be assigned and utilized in the discussion of the case.






Michigan Psychoanalytic Council

 Carol Levin, MD


This two-semester class will oscillate between present and past conceptualizations of the fundamental dynamic and complex processes of transference/countertransference, between in depth discussion of readings and clinical material (the instructor’s and class participants’),  between adult and child and adolescent transference/countertransference, and  between the instructor and guest instructors Teresa Bernardez, M.D, and Brenda Lepisto, Ph.D. We will explore the conscious and unconscious choices that we make in working with transference/countertransference with the hope that we can intervene more mindfully, moving the treatment forward rather than becoming mired in poorly understood stalemates.  Even though we seem to have the opportunity of time in this long course, the readings are only a sampling of the vast literature on transference/transference and related topics.  We will survey the field broadly by including topics like neuroscience, the real relationship, enactment, projective identification, self disclosure, countertransference as a royal road to understanding our patients’ non-verbal experience, traumatic and sadomasochistic transferences, and race, gender, and culture.


I will distribute a supplemental bibliography of additional important papers that have not been assigned because we will read only one or two papers for each class (with a couple of exceptions) so that there is time to discuss them in depth and also to discuss clinical material.  The class begins on Monday, September 11 and continues on 29 subsequent Mondays, with the exact dates to be negotiated on-going.  I will have master copies of the readings available for those that I can’t send electronically.  I will send you the readings for the first class electronically so please send me your email address when you register for this class ().  




CP Contemporary Psychoanalysis

IJP The International Journal of Psychoanalysis

JAPA The Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association

PD Psychoanalytic Dialogues

PI Psychoanalytic Inquiry

PP Psychoanalytic Psychology

PQ The Psychoanalytic Quarterly



Week 1

Schafer, R. (2003) The Analytic Attitude. New York, Basic Books. Introduction,  pp. 3-13.

Harris, A. (2005) Transference, countertransference and the real relationship, Chapter 13, pp. 201-216, in Person, E. S. et al. Textbook of Psychoanalysis.  American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. Washington, DC.

Esman, A. H., editor. (1990) Introduction, pp.1-14, in Essential Papers on Transference. New York University Press, New York.


Week 2

Greenson, R. R. (1965)  The working alliance and the transference neurosis.  PQ 34:155-181.

McWilliams, N. (2003) The educative aspects of psychoanalysis. PP 20:245-260.


Week 3

Clyman, R.H.(1991)  The procedural organization of emotions:  a contribution from cognitive science to the psychoanalytic theory of therapeutic action.  JAPA 39(S): 349-382.

Freud, S. The dynamics of transference. Vol. XII, pp. 99-108.


Week 4

Freud, S. Remembering, repeating and working through.  The Standard Edition, Vol. XII, pp. 147-156

Westen, D. & Gabbard, G.O (2002).  Developments in cognitive neuroscience II:  implications for transference.  JAPA 50:99-134.


Week 5

Stern, D, et al. (1998) Non-interpretative mechanisms in psychoanalytic therapy:  the ‘something more’ than interpretation. IJP 78: 903-921

The Boston Change Process Study Group (2002). Explicating the implicit: the local level and the microprocess of change in the analytic situation. IJP 83:1051-1062.


Week 6

Poland, W. (1992) Transference, an original creation.  PQ 61:185-205.

McLaughlin, J. (1981) Transference, psychic reality, and countertransference. PQ  50:639-664.


Week 7

Fosshage, J. (1994) Towards reconceptualizing transference:  theoretical and clinical considerations.  IJP 75: 265-280.

Stolorow, R. & Lachmann, F. (1987) Transference—the organization of experience.  In

Psychoanalytic Treatment: an Intersubjective Approach.  Hillsdale, N.J.:  the Analytic  

Press.  pp. 28-46.

Week 8

Loewald, H. (1960) On the therapeutic action of psychoanalysis.  IJP 41:16-33.

Loewald, H. (1986) Transference-countertransference. JAPA 34:275-288.


Week 9

Sandler, J.  (1996)  Countertransference and role responsiveness.  IJP 3: 43-47.

Schwaber,E. A. (1992) Countertransference:  the analyst’s retreat from the patient’s vantage point. IJP 73:349-361.


Week 10

[Brenda Lovegrove-Lepisto, Ph.D. on child/adolescent transference/countertransference]


Week 11

[Brenda Lovegrove-Lepisto, Ph.D.]


Week 12

Gill, M. M. (197)  The analysis of transference. JAPA 27(S): 639-664.


Week 13

Lichtenberg, J.D. et. al.  (1992) Self and Motivational Systems:  Toward a Theory of Psychoanalytic Technique.  Hillsdale, N.J., The Analytic Press. Chapter 8: The selfobject experience,  pp.122-148.                      .

Lichtenberg, J.D.(1990) Rethinking the scope of the patient’s transference and the therapist’s counterresponsiveness. Progress in Self Psychology 6: 22-33.


Week 14

Aron, L. The patient’s experience of the analyst’s subjectivity. PD 1:29-51

Hoffman, I.Z. The patient as the interpreter of the analyst’s experience.  CP 19:389-422.


Week 15

Casement, P. (1986) Countertransference and interpretation. CP 22:548-559.

Casement, P. (1991) Learning from the Patient.  New York, N. Y., The Guilford Press.  Chapter  15: The experience of trauma in the transference,  pp.258-272. 


Week 16

Bollas, C.(1993) Expressive uses of the countertransference—notes to the patient from oneself. CP 19: 1-33.

Bollas, C. (1982) On the relation to the self as an object.  IJP 63:347-359.


Week 17

[Brenda Lovegrove Lepisto, Ph.D.]


Week 18

[Brenda Lovegrove Lepisto, Ph.D.]


Week 19

Blum, H.  (1973) The concept of the erotized transference. JAPA 21:61-76.

Trop, J. L. (1988) Erotic and erotized transference:  a self-psychology perspective. PP 5:269-284.


Week 20

[Teresa Bernardez, M.D. on Countertransference]

Racker, H. (1958) The Meaning and uses of countertransference. PQ 26:303-357.


Week 21

[Teresa Bernardez, M.D.]

Searles, H. (1959) Oedipal love in the countertransference. IJP 40:180-190.

Spillius, E. B. (1993) Varieties of envious experiences. IJP 74:1199-1212.


Week 22

[Teresa Bernardez, M.D.]

Joseph, B. (1985)  Transference:  the total situation. IJP 66:447-454.

Winnicott, D. W. (1949)  Hate in the countertransference. IJP 30:69-74.


Week 23

Chused, J.(1991) The evocative power of enactments. JAPA 39:615-640.

Schwaber, E. A. (1998)  The non-verbal dimension of psychoanalysis:  ‘state’ and its clinical viscissitudes. IJP 79:667-679.


Week 24

Steiner, J. (2000) Containment, enactment and communication. IJP 81:245-255.

Jacobs, T. (2001)  On misreading and misleading patients. IJP 82:653-669.


Week 25

Ogden, T. (1991) Analyzing the matrix of transference. IJP 72:593-605.

Ogden, T. (1995) Analyzing forms of aliveness and deadness in the transference. IJP 76:695-709.

Ogden, T. (1994) The analytic third:  working with intersubjective clinical facts.  IJP 75:



 Week 26

Renik, O. (1993)  Analytic interaction: conceptualizing transference in the light of the analyst’s irreducible subjectivity. PQ 62:553-571.

Renik, O. (1996) The perils of neutrality. PQ 65:495-517.

Renik, O.  (1999) Playing one’s cards face up in analysis: an approach to the problem of self-disclosure. PQ 68:521-539.


Week 27

Leary, K. (1997) Race, self-disclosure, and “forbidden talk”: race and ethnicity in contemporary clinical practice. PQ 68:163-189.

Hamer, F. M.(2002) Guards at the gate:  race, resistance and psychic reality. JAPA 50:1219-1237.


Week 28

Ferenczi, S.  (1949)  Confusion of tongues between the adults and the child—the language of tenderness and passion. IJP 30:225-230.

Davies, J. M., and Frawley, M. J. (1992)  Dissociative processes and transference-countertransference paradigms in the psychoanalytically oriented treatment of adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. PD 2:5-36.


Week 29

Wrye, H. K. & Welles, J  K. (2001)  The maternal erotic transference. IJP 72:93-106.

Charles, M. (1999) The promise of love: a view among women. PP 70:387-416.

Wrye, H. K. (1993) Erotic terror:  the male patient’s horror of the early maternal erotic transference. PI 13:240-257.



Week 30

Reed, G. (1997) The Analyst’s interpretation as  fetish.  JAPA 45:1153-1181.

Renik, O. (1992) The interpretation as a fetish.  PQ 61:542-563.




Attachment Theory

The Michigan Psychoanalytic Council

Elizabeth A. Waiess, Psy.D.





Ainsworth, Mary   PATTERNS OF ATTACHMENT (selected chapters)


Bowlby, John  ATTACHMENT AND LOSS:  Volume 1:  Attachment.









The instructor will provide handouts on basic neurology and other articles that are relevant to the discussions.





                     DREAMS IN CLINICAL PRACTICE-WINTER 2006

                                    ROBERT HOOBERMAN





1. Freud’s Interpretation of Dreams, Chapter I, brief review; Ch. II, pp. 96-219.


2. Interpretation of Dreams, pp. 220-338.


3.  Interpretation of Dreams, pp. 339-460.


4. Interpretation of Dreams, pp. 461-625.


5. Sharpe’s Dream Analysis


6.  Hanna S, “The Function of Dreams”,(1983), in Lansky, M. (1992) Essential Papers on Dreams, NYU: New York ;  Meltzer, D. (1976) “Dream Narrative and Dream- Continuity, Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 12:423-432.


  1. Greenson, R.(1970) “The Exceptional Position of The Dream in Psychoanalytic Practice” Psychoanalytic Quarterly,39:519-549;   Brenner, C. (1969) “Dreams in Clinical Psychoanalytic Practice”, in Lansky, M. (Ed.), (1992), Essential Papers on Dreams, NYU: New York .  
  2. Goldberger, M.(1989), “On the Analysis of Defenses in Dreams”, Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 58:396-417;  Loden, S.(2003), “The Dream in Contemporary Psychoanalysis”, Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 51:43-70. 

9.   Gabel, S. (1994).  Chapter 12 The Development of a Self-Psychological Theory           of Dreams.  Progress Self Psychology, 10:183-196; Fosshage, J., (1997) “The           Organizing Functions of Dream Mentation”, Contemporary Psychoanalysis,     33:429-458.


  1. Blechner, M. The Dream Frontier, 2001, Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press, pp. 3-48.
  2. Blechner, M. The Dream Frontier,  pp. 49-104.
  3. Blechner, M. The Dream Frontier, pp. 105-153.
  4. Bromberg, P.(2000), “Bringing in the Dreamer”, Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 36:685-405 Caligor, L.(1996), “The Clinical use of the Dream in Interpersonal Psychoanalysis: A Dream Specimen”, Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 6:793-811.
  5. Robbins, M.(2004), “Another Look at Dreaming”,  Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 52: 355-384;  Pulver, S. (1987) “The Manifest Dream in Psychoanalysis”, Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association,   35:99-118.
  6. Clinical






 Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy

Theory to Practice.

Lynne Tenbusch, Ph.D


This course will focus on the practice of Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. We will spend the first four weeks looking at the evolution of the theoretical foundations of the relational approach. Specifically we will look at the classical dictates of anonymity, neutrality and abstinence and see how relational analysts position themselves and why. We will also consider the paradigm shift from classical to relational theory and explore: How does the new paradigm inform ideas about the analyst’s authority? What are the implications about the analyst’s knowledge? What can the analyst know?  How does the analyst know what she/he knows? Is this knowledge discovered or created? How does the analyst position himself/herself in relation to ‘truth?’ How does the analyst experience herself/himself in the analytic setting? How does the paradigm shift inform standards for the analyst’s behavior?



We will use the following books and articles:


Weeks 1,2,3. Aron, L. (1996), A MEETING OF MINDS: MUTUALITY IN PSYCHOANALYSIS. Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press.  We will read the entire book. Aron provides a historical perspective on the evolution of relational psychoanalysis.


Weeks 4,5,6. Mitchell, S.A. (2000), RELATIONALITY: FROM ATTACHMENT TO INTERSUBJECTIVITY. Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press.  This will provide a theoretical foundation.


Weeks, 7,8,9. Hoffman, I.Z. (1998), RITUAL AND SPONTANEITY IN THE PSYCHOANALYTIC PROCESS. Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press.  We will read the entire book which explicates one application of Relational theory to practice.


Weeks, 10,11,12. Pizer, S. (1998). BUILDING BRIDGES, THE NEGOTIATION OF PARADOX IN PSYCHOANALYSIS. Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press.  We will read the entire book which offers another application of Relational theory to practice.


I have intentionally left 3 weeks open to allow for more time on any of the above books. If we follow the above schedule exactly, we will read articles from; RELATIONAL PSYCHOANALYSIS, EVOLUTION OF A TRADITION, VOL 11. (ed.), Lew Aron and Adrianne Harris (2005).


Anyone with questions about the course or further readings can call or e-mail me.


Lynne G. Tenbusch, Ph.D.





The Michigan Psychoanalytic Council

Professional & Community Development Program


Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, and Clinical Application

1.The TRAUMA SPECTRUM:  Hidden Wounds and Human Resiliency

by Robert Scaer  published by Norton & Co. 2005
2.  POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER IN CHILDREN Edited by S. Eth and R. Pynoos, 1985, American Psychiatric Press
(available through used books)
3.  Rethinking Psychiatric Drugs:  A Guide for Informed Consent
by Grace E. Jackson    published by AuthorHouse, 2005


Suanne Zager, MSW, LMSW

Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy   

725 S. Adams Ste 235                           

Consultation                                                                                                                                       Birmingham, MI 48009




Psychodynamic Views of Psychosomatics

15 week course

Saturday’s beginning 9/16/2006



The field of Psychosomatics is developing and growing rapidly as interest in the relationship between physical and psychological aspects of illness grows. The methods, by which physical illness has been treated by psychotherapists, have changed over the years. A diagnosis of Psychosomatic disorder typically is made when a person has physical symptoms, such as psoriasis, asthma, back pain, or high blood pressure, that appear to be caused or worsened by psychological factors, rather than by some underlying physical disease. This course will introduce the participants to current psychodynamic views of psychosomatic disorders and methods of treatment. Case material will be utilized to further the participants understanding of the readings.


We will focus our attention on 2 specific theories of causes of psychosomatics: Hysterical Conversion Reaction and Alexithymia.


Week  1:  Introduction to psychosomatics. Definition. History. The 7 classical psychosomatic diseases.


Week  2:  Psychodynamic View of Psychosomatics

                        -A Psychodynamic View of Psychosomatic Medicine, John Nemiah, MD in Psychosomatic Medicine 62:299-303 (2000)

-Developmental Determinants of Psychosomatic Symptoms, Leonore Foehrenbach, Carolyn Celentano, Josephine Kirby, and Robert Lane in    

  Mind-Body Problems: Psychotherapy with Psychosomatic Disorders, Janet Schumacher, Editor, Jason Aronson, Inc. (1997)

-The Classical Era of Psychosomatic Medicine, Graeme Taylor, MD in Psychosomatic Medicine and Contemporary Psychoanalysis, IUP, (1987)


Week 3:  Psychodynamic Views Cont’d.

-          Chapters 1-3 in Theaters Of The Body, Joyce McDougall, W. W. Norton & Co. (1989)

-          The Implications of the Specificity Concept for the Treatment of Psychosomatic Patients, Jan Bastiaans, in Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 28: 285-293 (1977)


Week 4:  Hysterical Conversion and its relation to psychosomatics.

-         Conversion Hysteria, Vegetative Neurosis, and Psychogenic Organic Disturbance, Franz Alexander, MD, in Psychosomatic Medicine: Its   

      Principles and Applications, W. W. Norton & Co., Inc. (1950)


Week 5: Hysterical Conversion cont’d.

-         Symbolization as a Formative Stage of the Conversion Process, Felix Deutsch, M.D., in On The Mysterious Leap From The Mind To

Body, IUP, (1959)


Week 6: Alexithymia and its relation to psychosomatics.

-         Emotional Expressiveness and the Psychosomatic Process, Graeme Taylor in Psychosomatic Medicine and Contemporary Psychoanalysis

-         Alexithymia and Mind-Body Problems, Janet Schumacher, in Mind-Body Problems: Psychotherapy with Psychosomatic Disorders


Week 7:  Alexithymia Cont’d.

                        -     Desomatization and the Consequences of Infantile Psychic Trauma, Henry Krystal, M.D., in Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 17: 126-150 (1997)


Week 8-15:  Treatment Issues (Readings to be discussed as class desire and time permits.)


-         Skin Communication: Early Skin Disorders and Their Effect on Transference and Countertransference, Dinora Pines, M.D. in A Woman’s Unconscious Use of Her Body, Yale University Press, (1993)

-         The Stress Connection: Arthritis and Related Disease, Bertrand Agus, in Mind-Body Problems, Janet Schumacher, Editor.

-         Somatic Violence: Cancer and the Psychosoma, Joyce McDougall. Unpublished

-         Implications for Technique (Anorexia and Bulimia), Em Farrell, in Lost for Words: The Psychoanalysis of Anorexia and Bulimia, Internet publication

-         Psychic Reality and Mastectomy, Suanne Zager, MSW, unpublished

-         Pinocchio – a Psychosomatic Syndrome, A. Sellschopp-Ruppett and M. von Rad in Psychotherapy & Psychosomatics 28: 357-360 (1977)

-         The Fear of Being Fat and Anorexia Nervosa, C. Phillip Wilson, M.D. Int J Psychoanal Psychother. 1982-1983;9:233-55.

-         Anorexia Nervosa: A Psychoanalytic Commentary, Cecil Mushatt, M.D. Int J Psychoanal Psychother. 1982-1983;9:257-65.

-         Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Janet Schumacher in Mind-Body Problems

-         A Case of Severe Anxiety and Panic Manifested as Psychosomatic Illness, B. Sue Epstein in Mind-Body Problems

-         Miscarriages, Michael Eigen, in Mind-Body Problems



Suggested Readings

-         The Child, Vulnerable in the Mother’s Desire, A. Pipineli-Potamianou, in Psychotherapy & Psychosomatics 26: 211-218 (1975)

-         The Significance of the Transitional Object for Psychosomatic Thinking, M. Mitscherlich in Psychotherapy & Psychosomatics 28: 272-277 (1976)

-         The Pathology of the Self as a Basis of Psychosomatic Disorders, Renata Gaddini, in Psychotherapy & Psychosomatics 28: 260-271 (1977)

-         Primary Socialization and Alexithymic Defects in Symbol Concept Formation, S. Zepf in Psychotherapy & Psychosomatics 28 278-284 (1977)

-         Alexithymia and the Effectiveness of Psychoanalytic Treatment, Henry Krystal, M.D. in Int J Psychoanal Psychother. 1982-1983;9:353-78.

-         Psychotherapy of the Psychosomatic Patient, Toksoz B. Karasu, M.D. in American Journal of Psychotherapy 33: 354-364 (1979)

-         Alexithymia and Psychotherapy, Henry Krystal, M.D. in American Journal of Psychotherapy 33 17-31, (1979)





Introduction to Child Psychoanalysis: Ira J. Schaer, Ph.D. 

Winter: 2007  (Tuesdays, 12:30-2:00)


The course will focus on an examination of the theory and technique of child psychoanalysis, emphasizing the Ego Analytic model of the Hampstead Clinic (Anna Freud).  The Developmental Profile will be utilized to help conceptualize the child’s structure and understand their difficulties.  The formation of the therapeutic alliance, handling of resistances, transferences and interventions in child treatment will be discussed, with their specific applications to the neurotic child and other major psychopathologies.  Kleinian technique and its underlying rationale, as well as more contemporary relational models will also be discussed.




The Writings of Anna Freud, Volume VI, 1965.  Normality and Pathology in Childhood: Assessments of Development.  Anna Freud, International Universities Press, N.Y.  1973.


The Technique of Child Psychoanalysis: Discussions with Anna Freud.  J. Sandler, H. Kennedy, R. Tyson.  Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1980.


Techniques of Child Therapy: Psychodynamic Strategies.  Morton Chethik.  Guilford, New York, 1989.


Working with Parents Makes Therapy Work.  K. Novick and J. Novick. Aronson, New York, 2005.


Freud, A.  Assessment of Childhood Disturbances (1962).  In Psychoanalytic Assessment: The Diagnostic Profile.  Eissler, Freud, Kris, Solnit.  Yale University Press, New Haven, 1977.*


Freud, A.  The Concept of Developmental Lines (1963).  In Psychoanalytic Assessment…..*


Freud, A. The Symptomatology of Childhood: A Preliminary Attempt at Classicfication (1970).  In Psychoanalytic Assesment……*


Freud, A. Indications and Contrindications for Child Analysis, 1968.  The Writings of Anna Freud, Volume VII, 1966-1970.*


Pick, I., and Segal, H.  Melanie Klein’s Contribution to Child Analysis: Theory and Technique.  In Child Analysis and Therapy, J. Glenn, ed.  Aronson, New York, 1978.*


Anna Freud’s Developmental Profile.  Modifications and Present Form (Draft of the Diagnostic Profile).  A. Freud, H., Nagera, J. Bolland.  Hampstead Clinic.*



While not required-for those whose understanding of psychoanalytic metapsychology may be somewhat weak, the following book is highly recommended:


Psychoanalytic Theories of Development: An Integration.  P. Tyson and R.L. Tyson.  Yale University Press, New Haven, 1990.


*  These articles will be available as handouts.