MPC Course Offerings: 2005-2006
Beginning September 12, 2005, ending December 21, 2005,
(15 Sessions)
Ann Arbor - Wednesdays
Technique III: Working Through* (Fall)
11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
This course will explore various theoretical positions in relation to the concept of working through. Conflict, structural, deficit, object relational and self psychological positions may be examined. Psychoanalytic technique as it applies to each theoretical position will be emphasized. Clinical material will be used.
Instructor: Karen Baker, MSW
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call 734) 996-8185.
Register for this course
Ego Psychology (Fall)
1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
This course will consider the major contributions to the development of ego psychology. We will begin with classic papers. Prominent contemporary contributors will also be included. The implications for treatment will be considered throughout this course.
Instructor:David Klein, Ph.D
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (734) 989-0949
Register for this course
East Lansing - Mondays
Continuous Case Conference*
11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Case material will be used to further the participant's understanding of psychoanalytic technique and theory. Various theoretical approaches and ongoing assessment issues will also be delineated. Each participant and the instructor will be sharing their clinical experiences. Course enrollment is limited to Candidates.
Instructor: Sue Zager, MSW
Cost: $325 for 15 weeks
For information, call (517) 484-5065.
Register for this course
Psychoanalytic Theory and Treatment of Trauma (Fall)
4:00 - 5:30 p.m.
This course is designed to help acquaint professionals with the vast psychoanalytic literature on the topic of psychological trauma. The individual who takes this class will be aware of the historical psychoanalytic base of current trauma theory, the contribution of many psychoanalysts who worked with individuals traumatized by war, and the most recent developments in the field of attachment and neurobiology that have profound implications for trauma theory and treatment.
Instructor: Elizabeth Waiess, Psy.D
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (517) 336-9930.
Register for this course
Readings in Child Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic Technique(Fall)
9:30- 11:00 a.m.
This course is designed as a study of various phases of child/adolescent psychoanalysis and various other topics in working with children/adolescents and their parents. The implications for treatment will be considered through reading various papers and course discussion of clinical case material. The impact made by child and adolescent analysis on psychoanalytic conceptualization and technique used in adult psychoanalysis will be discussed.
Instructor: Brenda Lovegrove Lepisto, Psy.D
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (517) 333-0332.
Register for this course
*Indicates a required course
for candidates.
Beginning January 9, 2006 -
ending April 19, 2006
(15 sessions)
Ann Arbor - Wednesdays
Dreams in Clinical Practice* (Winter)
1:00-2:30 p.m.
Beginning with some of the writings of Sigmund Freud, and continuing with contemporary contributions, this course will emphasize the role of dreams and dream interpretation in the practice of Psychoanalysis.
Instructor: Robert Hooberman, Ph.D.
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (734) 663-7588
Register for this course
Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy:
Theory to Practice (Winter)
11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
This course will focus on the practice of Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. We will spend the first four weeks looking at the evolution of the theoretical foundations of the relational approach. Specifically we will look at the classical dictates of anonymity, neutrality and abstinence and see how relational analysts position themselves and why. We will read at least two different applications of the relational approach to psychoanalysis.
Instructor: Lynne Tenbusch
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (734) 973-3232
Register for this course
Buddhism and Psychoanalysis(Winter)
7:30 - 9:00 p.m.
This fifteen-week course will explore the overlap of Psychoanalysis and Buddhism. We will begin with an overview of Buddhism followed by an overview of psychoanalysis. The remainder of the course will be dedicated to an exploration of the intersection of these two systems of thought. Some of the questions to be explored include: 1) What does psychoanalysis claim to offer? 2) Does psychoanalysis deliver on these claims? 3) What does psychoanalysis miss? 4)What does Buddhism offer? 5) Does Buddhism deliver on their claims? 6) What does Buddhism miss? 7) How does the use of both systems offer a more complete approach to psychological growth? 8) Is there synergy in combining psychoanalysis and Buddhism?
Instructor: Lynne Tenbusch
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (734) 973-3232
Register for this course
East Lansing - Mondays
Continuous Case Conference*
11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Case material will be used to further the participant's understanding of psychoanalytic technique and theory. Various theoretical approaches and ongoing assessment issues will also be delineated. Each participant and the instructor will be sharing their clinical experiences. Course enrollment is limited to Candidates. This course is limited to candidates who have taken the Fall course.
Instructor: Sue Zager, MSW
Cost: $325 for 15 weeks
For information, call (517) 484-5065
Register for this course
Technique III: Termination*(Winter)
9:30 - 11:00 a.m.
In this course we will examine various aspects of the termination process in Psychoanalysis, not only as the final stage in the therapeutic work, but also in general as it relates to losses, endings, and death. Analytic and associated writings, as well as clinical material will be used in an effort to examine the anxieties and resistances aroused by termination, and to develop an approach to listening to patients' unconscious communications as a guide through this important process.
Instructor: Brenda Lovegrove Lepisto, Psy.D
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (517) 333-0332
Register for this course
*Indicates a required course for candidates.
MPC Course Offerings: 2004-2005
Beginning September 13, 2004, ending December 22, 2004, (15 Sessions)
Ann Arbor - Wednesdays
Development I: Infancy and Childhood* (Fall)
1:00-2:30 p.m.
This course will consider the theoretical and research literature on human development from infancy through early childhood, including implications for adult treatment. A variety of psychoanalytic viewpoints will be utilized, including attachment theory, psychosexual development, separation-individuation, cognitive and affective development, and psychosocial development. Clinical material from course participants will be welcome .
Instructor: David Klein, Ph.D.
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (734) 998-0949.
Register for this course
Case Conference* (Fall)
3:00-5:00 p.m.
Case material will be used to further the participant's understanding of psychoanalytic technique and theory. Various theoretical approaches and ongoing assessment issues will also be delineated. Each participant and the instructor will be sharing their clinical experiences. Course enrollment is limited to Candidates
Instructor: Karen Baker, MSW
Cost: $325 for 15 weeks
For information, call (734) 996-8185.
Register for this course
Evolution of Freudian Theory (Fall)
5:30-7:00 p.m.
This course will track the evolution of Freud's personality theory from one which emphasized the phenomenoon of split consciousness and the libidinal drive and its suppression as the main features of personality organization to a more holistic view of the personality. Through this evolution there emerged ideas about narcisssism (the self), internalized objects, aggression, the tripartite model of the mind and the role of the ego in defense, and especially in the management of anxiety. The purpose of the course is to illustrate the fact that Freud developed many of the building blocks of a mental theory of the whole person that can encompass all of what we now think of as the structural theory: ego psychology, object relations theory, self psychology, subjectivity and relational ideas. As time permits, aspects of the structural theory will also be critiqued.
Instructor: Merton Shill,
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
Register for this course
East Lansing - Mondays
Technique I, Part 1: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Psychopathology and Psychodynamic Assessment* 12:15 - 1:45 p.m.
This course will concentrate on providing the student with a sound basis in psychoanalytic theory for a variety of theoretical perspectives. Further emphasis will be placed on helping the student to be able to use the theory to assess patient psychic structure and psychopathology. These understandings provide a solid foundation for the beginning phase of treatment and for the continuing work of the analysis.
Instructors: Pat Marciniak and Ruth Rosenthal
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (517) 332-2006.
Register for this course
Object Relations Theory* (Fall)
2:00 - 3:30 p.m.
This course will consider the contributions of the major object relational approaches to psychoanalysis and their implications for treatment. Readings from British (Kleinian, neo-Kleinian) Scottish (Fairbairn, Guntrip) and American (Kernberg) schools, as well as Racker, and current theorists will be discussed.
Instructor: Ellen VanDeMark
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (989) 463-6656.
Register for this course
Birmingham - Wednesdays
Fundamentals of Psychoanalytic Theory and Practice, Part 1 (Fall)
10:00 - 11:30 a.m.
This course will focus on core concepts in psychoanalysis. Topics such as drives, object relations, self, structural, topographic and economic theories will be discussed. Transference, countertransference, defense and interpretation will also be discussed. Case material will be used.
Instructor: Franklin Sollars, Ph.D.
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (248) 646-9322.
Register for this course
*Indicates a required course
for candidates.
Beginning January 10, 2005 - ending April 20, 2005 (15 sessions)
Ann Arbor - Wednesdays
Development II: Adolescence* (Winter)
1:00-2:30 p.m.
This course will continue our exploration of the developmental point of view in psychoanalysis. Focusing on late childhood and adolescence, we will agaion utilize a variety of psychoanalytic viewpoints to understand the interplay of ego structure, self development and the impact of the larger society in this critical period. We will explore both normal development and psychopathology, as well as clinical implications.
Instructor: David Klein, Ph.D.
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (734) 998-0949
Register for this course
Case Conference* (Winter)
3:00-5:00 p.m.
Case material will be used to further the participant's understanding of psychoanalytic technique and theory. Various theoretical approaches and ongoing assessment issues will also be delineated. Each participant and the instructor will be sharing their clinical experiences. Course enrollment is limited to Candidates
Open only to participants in Fall Seminar.
Instructor: Karen Baker, MSW
Cost: $325 for 15 weeks
For information, call (734) 996-8185.
Register for this course
East Lansing - Mondays
Technique I, Part 2: The Beginning Phase of the Treatment*(Winter)
12:15 -1:45 p.m.
This course concentrates on issues revolving around the introduction of patients to the analytic process. Issues to be explored include: the development of acourse of action based upon assessment, the centrality of interpretation (context and content) development of a treatment alliance, perspectives on free association and the frame or structural elements (including ground rules and logistical concerns), the beginningmanifestations of transferecne and countertransference. Analytic style will also be explored and will include discussion of the advisability of analyst self-dsiclosure. Readings will span Freud to contemporary theorists. Clinical material from participants and instructor will be used for illustration.
Instructor: Kathy Koepele
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (517) 333-8158
Register for this course
Birmingham - Wednesdays
Self Psychology* (Winter)
10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
This course will explore the origins of self psychology theory, from the writings of Heinz Kohut, through the current off-shoots, such as inter-subjectivity and Morrison's work on shame. Emphasis will be placed on the exploration of the need for healthy self-object relationships, the development of the narcisssistic disorders int he absence of them, and the use of empathic attunement to understand the shame-based foundations upon which such disorders of the self are ased.
Instructor: Diane Drayson
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (734) 971-0440
Register for this course
Fundamentals of Psychoanalytic Theory and Practice, Part 2 (Winter)
10:00 - 11:30 a.m.
Continuing with the direction of the Fundamentals I, we seek to apply the methodology and theory we previously learned. Technique will be emphasized with an eye for unconscious commubnication, transference and counter-transference, the formulation of interpretation and working through. Case material will be used.
Instructor: Franklin Sollars, Ph.D.
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (248) 646-9322.
Register for this course
*Indicates a required course for candidates.
MPC Course Offerings: 2003-2004
Beginning September 8, 2003, ending December 17, 2003, (15 Sessions)
Ann Arbor - Wednesdays
Freud's Papers* (Fall)
1:00-2:30 p.m.
The reading of Freud’s papers will proceed chronologically, with emphasis on the continuing development of psychoanalytic theory and technique and the implications this holds for current theory and practice.
Instructor: Murray Meisels, Ph.D.
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (734) 662-0884.
Register for this course
Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Suicide (Fall)
3:00-4:30 p.m.
Skill in assessment and treatment of suicidal patients can be invaluable to the practicing clinician. Suicidal crises which occur in evaluation, therapy, or analysis present urgent challenges, with much at stake for both patient and clinician. In this course, suicide assessment and intervention will be approached through the viewpoint of the four psychologies (Pine): drive psychology, ego psychology, object relations, and self psychology.
Instructor: David Klein, Ph.D.
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (734) 998-0949.
Register for this course
East Lansing - Mondays
Continuous Case Conference* 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Case material will be used to further the participant's understanding of psychoanalytic technique and theory. Various theoretical approaches and ongoing assessment issues will also be delineated. Further, integrated study of child, adolescent, and adult analyses provide an optimal opportunity to develop a broad understanding of the development and functioning of the mind and the opportunity to synthesize various aspects of psychoanalysis. To this end discussion of adult, adolescent, and child cases will be encouraged. Each participant and the instructor will be sharing their clinical experiences. Course enrollment is limited to Candidates.
Instructor: Brenda Lovegrove-Lepisto, Psy.D..
Cost: $325 for 15 weeks
For information, call (517) 333-0332.
Register for this course
Teachnique II: Transference and Countertransference* (Fall)
1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
Beginning with readings from classical psychoanalytic literature, course participants will explore the discovery, impact and evolution of these most fundamental aspects of the therapeutic endeavor. Through later writings from a variety of theoretical perspectives and clinical material presented by participants, we will elucidate the interrelatedness of transference and countertransference within the therapeutic relationship and their use and interpretation to further the analytic work.
Instructor: Marilyn Charles, Ph.D.
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (517) 333-9274.
Register for this course
Birmingham - Wednesdays
Fundamentals of Psychoanalytic Theory and Practice (Fall)
10:00 - 11:30 a.m.
This course will focus on core concepts in psychoanalysis. Topics such as drives, object relations, self, structural, topographic and economic theories will be discussed. Case material will be used.
Instructor: Franklin Sollars, Ph.D.
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (248) 646-9322.
Register for this course
*Indicates a required course
for candidates.
Beginning January 12, 2004 - ending April 21, 2004 (15 sessions)
Ann Arbor - Wednesdays
Freud's Cases* (Winter)
1:00-2:30 p.m.
This course is a review of Freud’s case histories. Current perspectives and the implications for current theory and practice are included in the course.
Instructor: Murray Meisels, Ph.D.
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (734) 662-0884.
Register for this course
Contemporary Perspectives on Homosexuality (Winter)
3:00 - 4:30 p.m.
This course will examine the literature on homosexuality. Revisions in developmental theory and the dynamics of homosexuality will be examined. This will include, but not be limited to, issues of transference and countertransference, coming out, gay and lesbian parenting and the developmental tasks for lesbian and gay male identity formation. Clinical material will be welcomed.
Instructor: Karen Baker, MSW
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (734) 996-8185
Register for this course
East Lansing - Mondays
Continuous Case Conference*(Winter)
10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Case material will be used to further the participant's understanding of psychoanalytic technique and theory. Various theoretical approaches and ongoing assessment issues will also be delineated. Further, integrated study of child, adolescent, and adult analyses provide an optimal opportunity to develop a broad understanding of the development and functioning of the mind and the opportunity to synthesize various aspects of psychoanalysis. To this end discussion of adult, adolescent, and child cases will be encouraged. Each participant and the instructor will be sharing their clinical experiences. Course enrollment is limited to Candidates.
Open only to participants in Fall Seminar.
Instructor: Brenda Lovegrove-Lepisto, Psy.D.
Cost: $325 for 15 weeks
For information, call (517) 333-0332
Register for this course
Technique II: Transference & Countertransference*(Winter)
1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
Beginning with readings from classical psychoanalytic literature, course participants will explore the discovery, impact and evolution of these most fundamental aspects of the therapeutic endeavor. Through later writings from a variety of theoretical perspectives and clinical material presented by participants, we will elucidate the interrelatedness of transference and countertransference within the therapeutic relationship and their use and interpretation to further the analytic work.
Open only to participants in Fall Seminar.
Instructor: Marilyn Charles, Ph.D.
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For further information, call (517) 333-9274
Register for this course
Psychoanalytic Therapy of Psychotic Patients (Winter)
3:00 - 4:30 P.M.
The special resistances and counter transference issues in working with psychotics and other severely disturbed patients, as well as the myths that get in the way will be discussed. Since most psychotic patients who get real treatment today are seen in private practice by psychoanalytic practitioners who ordinarily do not treat psychotics, the emphasis will be on outpatient treatment, and how the general processes of psychoanalysis apply. Patients who only sometimes show psychotic reactions as well as those who are continuously psychotic will be discussed. Videotapes and readings as well as clinical material will be discussed.
Instructor: Bertram Karon, Ph.D.
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (517) 332-3083
Register for this course
*Indicates a required course for candidates.
MPC Course Offerings 2002-2003
Beginning in September
15 Sessions
Ann Arbor-Wednesdays
Continuous Case Seminar* (Fall & Winter)
11:30 a.m. -1:30 P.M.
Case material will be used to further the participant’s understanding of psychoanalytic technique and theory. Various theoretical approaches and ongoing assessment issues will also be delineated. Each participant and the instructor will be sharing their clinical experiences.
Instructor: Robert Hooberman, Ph.D.
Cost: $325 for 15 weeks
For information, call (734) 663-7588.
Register for this course
Technique III: (Part 1, Working Through)* (Fall)
3:00 - 4:30 P.M.
This course will focus on the analytic process and the working through of various forms of resistance, including association resistance. Several collateral topics, such as insight, structural change, mourning, and termination, will also be highlighted.
Instructor: Franklin Sollars, Ph.D.
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (248) 646-9322.
Register for this course
East Lansing-Mondays
Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Addictions (Fall )
1:00 - 2:30 P.M.
This course will study the expected underlying dynamics of individuals struggling with addiction(s) to substances, sexual activities, gambling, and high-risk behavior. Dynamics to be focused upon include self-representation,; the capacity for self-care and the blocking of self-caring functions; ambivalence in object relations; affective functions; maternal transference and body image; internal blocking and overcoming; fusion-individuation conflict; problems in retaining the good introject; psychic blocking; and transference. Writings from Freud, Krystal, Kumin, Levin, Wurmser, Lichtenberg, Zetzel, Khantzian and Ornstein among others will be used to discuss clinical material.
Instructor: Patricia Marciniak, M.S.W.
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (517) 332-2006.
Register for this course
Dreams in Clinical Practice* (Fall)
3:00 - 4:30 P.M.
Beginning with some of the writings of Sigmund Freud, and continuing with contemporary contributions, this course will emphasize the role of dreams and dream interpretation on the practice of psychoanalysis.
Instructor: Bertram Karon, Ph.D.
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (517) 332-3083.
Register for this course
*Indicates a required course
for candidates.
Beginning in January
15 Sessions
Ann Arbor-Wednesdays
Continuous Case Seminar* (Fall & Winter)
11:30 a.m. -1:30 P.M.
Instructor: Robert Hooberman, Ph.D.
Cost: $325 for 15 weeks
For information, call (734) 663-7588.
Open only to participants in Fall Seminar.
Technique III: (Part 2: Termination)* (Winter)
2:00 - 3:30 P.M.
In this course, we will examine various aspects of the termination process in psychoanalysis not only as the final stage in the therapeutic work, but also in general as it relates to losses, endings, and death. Analytic and associated writings, as well as clinical material will be used in an effort to examine the anxieties and resistances aroused by termination, and to develop an approach to listening to patients' unconscious communications as a guide through this important process.
Instructor: Mark Root, MD
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (734) 996-0161
Register for this course
East Lansing
Ego Psychology*(Winter)
1-2:30 p.m.
This course will consider the major contributions to the development of ego psychology. We will begin with classic papers by S. Freud, A. Freud, Bibring, Hartmann, Rapaport, Sandler, and Sterba. Prominent contemporary contributors will also be included. The implications for treatment will be considered throughout this course.
Instructor: Edward Gibeau, Ed.D.
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (517) 339-4191
Register for this course
The Metapsychological Profile and Its Applications to Clinical Work (Winter)
11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
This course will offer the student the opportunity to become familiar with Anna Freud’s developmental profile and to study the points of view of metapsychology upon which it is based. Readings will include A. Freud’s seminal papers (1965) on the assessment of normality and pathology in childhood. In contrast to descriptive, symptom-based diagnosis, this approach allows for a comprehensive, multidimensional understanding of personality based upon dynamic, genetic, economic, structural, and adaptive data. Recent additions to the profile will be presented. Discussions will focus on how students may apply Metapsychological formulations in their own clinical work.
Instructor: Denia Barritt, Ph.D., Ed.D.
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For content information, call (216) 321-9594
For scheduling information, call (517) 332-2006
Register for this course
*Indicates a required course for candidates.
Course Offerings 2001-2002
Beginning in September
15 Sessions
Ann Arbor-Wednesdays
Continuous Case Seminar* (Fall & Winter)
11:00 a.m. -1:00 P.M.
This seminar will consider clinical material from psychoanalytic work with adults. We will use a variety of perspectives, with an emphasis on developmental, attachment, and object relational theories. We will address numerous clinical issues, including the clinical use of countertransference.
Instructor: Murray Meisels, Ph.D.
Cost: $325 for 15 weeks
For information, call (734) 662-0884.
Register for this course
Agents of Change in Psychoanalysis (Fall)
2:30 - 4:00 P.M.
In this course we will attempt to clarify which elements in the psychoanalytic setting promote change in patients/analysands. We will examine such elements as interpretation, empathy, mirroring, self-disclosure, etc. from the vantage point of Object Relations, Self Psychology, Interpersonal, and Drive theories. We will also consider the effects of gender combinations in the analytic pair on promoting growth. Discussions will included the use of relevant clinical material.
Instructor: Lynne Tenbusch, Ph.D.
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (734) 973-3232.
Register for this course
East Lansing-Mondays
Developmental Theory, Part I: Infancy and Early Childhood* (Fall )
10:30 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
This course will explore psychoanalytic theories of human development and of the development of mind, from infancy to early adolescence. Theoretical concepts and research findings will be related to clinical material. Fonagy, Bion, Papousek, Furman, Greenacre, Feldman, and O'Shaughnessy are some of the authors whose thinking will be explored.
Instructor: Kathleen Koepele, M.S.W.
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (517) 333-8158.
Register for this course
Technique I, Part 1: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Psychopathology and Psychodynamic Assessment* (Fall)
1:00 - 2:30 P.M.
As the universe is ordered, so too is the human mind. Psychoanalysis explains human dimensions, healthy and pathological. Assessment is the task of diagnostics. Treatment is determined in accordance with the principles governing the mental apparatus. In preparation for analytic work, the analyst initiates the working alliance, assesses the patient's condition, offers a response, clarifies roles, and establishes parameters. In this course, participants will proceed from initial patient contact and conclude where the analysis formally begins.
Instructor: Donald Rossi, Ph.D.
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (517) 694-2990.
Register for this course
Object Relations Theories in
Psychoanalysis* (Fall)
3:00 - 4:30 P.M.
This course will consider the contributions of the major object relational approaches to psychoanalysis, and their implications for treatment. While the Kleinian (British), neo-Kleinian, and American (Kernberg, Volkan) schools will be discussed, there will be an emphasis on the contributions of the Scottish school (Fairbairn, Guntrip).
Instructor: Bertram Karon, Ph.D.
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (517) 332-3083.
Register for this course
*Indicates a required course
for candidates.
Beginning in January
15 Sessions
Ann Arbor-Wednesdays
Continuous Case Seminar* (Fall & Winter)
11:00 a.m. -1:00 P.M.
Instructor: Murray Meisels, Ph.D.
Cost: $325 for 15 weeks
For information, call (734) 662-0884.
Open only to participants in Fall Seminar.
Technique I, Part 2: The Beginning Phase of Analysis* (Winter)
2:00 - 3:30 P.M.
This course concentrates on issues revolving around the introduction of patients to the analytic process. Issues to be explored include: development of a course of action based upon assessment, development of a treatment alliance, perspectives on free association and other treatment structure elements, ground rules and logistical concerns, the beginning manifestations of transference and countertransference, and development of an analytic 'style.' Readings will span Freud to contemporary theorists. Clinical material from participants and instructor will be used for illustration.
Note: Technique I, Part I is a prerequisite for this course.
Instructor: Robert Hooberman, Ph.D.
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (734) 663-7588.
Register for this course
Self Psychology* (Winter)
4:00 - 5:30 P.M.
This course will explore the origins of self psychology theory, from the writings of Heinz Kohut, through the current off-shoots, such as intersubjectivity and Morrison's work on shame. Emphasis will be placed on the exploration of the need for healthy self-object relationships. The development of narcissistic disorders in the absence of them, and the use of empathic attunement to understand the shame-based foundations upon which such disorders of the self are based.
Instructor: Diane Drayson, A.M.
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (734) 971-0440
Register for this course
Psychoanalysis and Postmodern Thought (Winter)
3:00 - 4:30 P.M.
This course will explore the influence of postmodern philosophy on psychoanalysis. Readings will focus on the writings of Lacan, Kestiva, Derrida, Barratt. There will be an emphasis on how postmodern ideas become operationalized within psychoanalytic treatment.
Instructor: Franklin Sollars, Ph.D.
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call (248) 646-9322.
Register for this course
East Lansing
There will be no courses offered in East Lansing during Winter 2002.
Huntington Woods - Mondays
Developmental Theory, Part 2: Adolescence: A Developmental Perspective* (Winter) (Prerequisite: Developmental Theory,
Part 1)
This course will provide an overview of the stages of adolescence, focusing on the interplay between ego structure, self development, and the impact of the larger society. Major theorists will be reviewed to understand this critical period, often referred to as the second separation-individuation phase. Normal development and prototypical conflicts will be examined, as well as the psychopathology of adolescence.
Instructor: Ira J. Schaer, Ph.D.
Cost: $250 for 15 weeks
For information, call: (248) 399-6030
Register for this course
*Indicates a required course for candidates.
MPC Course offerings 2000-2001
FALL: Beginning in September: 15 Sessions
Ann Arbor-Wednesdays
Technique II: Transference and Countertransference*(Fall & Winter)
2:00-3:30 P.M.
This course will focus on integrating theory and practice related to this essential feature of analytic work. Readings from a variety of theoretical perspectives will be illustrated by clinical material provided by class participants, including the instructor. Particular emphasis will be given to exploring issues of individual with more serious disorders.
Instructor: Robert Hooberman, Ph.D.
For information, call (734) 663-7588.
Agents of Change in Psychoanalysis (Fall)
4:30-6:00 P.M.
In this course we will attempt to clarify which elements in the psychoanalytic setting promote change in patients/analysands. We will examine such elements as interpretation, empathy, mirroring, self-disclosure, etc. from the vantage point of Object Relations, Self Psychology, Interpersonal, and Drive theories. We will also consider the effects of gender combinations in the analytic pair on promoting growth. Discussions will included the use of relevant clinical material.
IInstructor: Lynne Tenbusch, Ph.D.
For information, call (734) 973-3232.
Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Psychotic Structures (Fall)
9:00-10:30 A.M.
Many patients presenting with severe anxiety and dissociative, borderline, and narcissistic organizations utilize psychotic maneuvers in conjunction with neurotic structures. This course will explore both the sources and aims of psychotic defensive organizations. A particular emphasis will be placed upon the roles of aggression, differentiation, conflict, and negative narcissism as an organizing force for the ego ideal.
Instructor: Kathleen Koepele, M.S.W.
For information, call (517) 333-8158.
East Lansing-Mondays
Continuous Case Seminar* (Fall & Winter)
12:30-2:30 P.M
This seminar will consider clinical material from psychoanalytic work with adults. We will use primarily the perspectives of developmental, attachment, and object relational theories. There will be special focus on working with countertransference.
Instructor: Ellen VanDeMark, M.A.
For information, call (517) 463-6656.
Freud's Papers
3:00-4:30 P.M.
The readings will proceed chronologically, with emphasis on the continuing development of psychoanalytic theory and technique and the implications this holds for current theory and practice.
Instructor: Bertram Karon, Ph.D.
For information, call (517) 355-2159.
Grand Rapids-SATURDAYS
Trauma (Fall)
9:00-10:30 A.M.
This course will briefly address the psychoanalytic history of trauma and its treatment, then move on to reading, clinical presentations and discussion which will facilitate and understanding of what "trauma" is. Symptoms in adults and children, such as addictions, violent behavior, dissociation, depression, mania, and psychosis will be viewed through the lens of the individual’s response and attempts at adaptation to psychic trauma. Readings will include selections from Ferenczi, Bettelheim, Krystal, Lifton, Shengold, and others. The treatment approaches considered will be exclusively psychoanalytic.
Instructor: Elizabeth Waiess, Psy.D.
For information, call (517) 336-9930
WINTER: Beginning in January: 15 Sessions
Ann Arbor-Wednesdays
Technique II: Transference and Countertransference*(Fall & Winter)
2:00-3:30 P.M.
Instructor: Robert Hooberman, Ph.D.
For information, call (734) 663-7588.
Freud’s Case Histories from a Feminist Perspective* (Winter)
5:00-6:30 P.M.
This course will review Freud’s case histories, employing the balance in perspective which feminist theorists, such as Benjamin, Chodorow, Kestenberg, and others provide.
Instructor: Ellen Toronto, Ph.D.
For information, call (734) 761-5501.
Readings on Psychoanalysis and Spirituality (Winter)
9:00-10:30 A.M.
This course will explore whether various spiritual and religious perspectives can be compatible with psychoanalysis. We will consider the relationship of psychoanalysis to its religious and mystical origins.
Instructor: Franklin Sollars, Ph.D.
For information, call (248) 646-9322.
East Lansing-Mondays
Continuous Case Seminar* (Fall & Winter)
Instructor: Ellen VanDeMark, M.A.
For information, call (517) 463-6656.
Perversity and the Perverse in Clinical Practice
3:00-4:30 P.M.
This seminar will focus on understanding and working with perversion. We will begin with Freud’s views emphasizing the unique importance of infantile sexuality in psychic development and unconscious life. However, the latest perspectives on the perverse as it commonly appears in clinical practice will be highlighted. Perversion as a complex psychological construction will be studied from multiple theoretical points of view; including ego psychological, object relational, and self psychological. The context for discussion will be our own clinical practice and experience.
Instructor: Edward Gibeau, Ed.D.
For information, call (517) 339-4191.
*Indicates a required course for candidates.
MPC Course Offerings: Predating 2000
MPC offers courses in psychoanalysis and related subjects for professional development to qualified individuals. Courses are offered in Ann Arbor, East Lansing, and Grand Rapids in response to the requirements of candidates and the interest of other students.
Fall 2000 Courses
East Lansing - Mondays
Perversity and the Perverse in Clinical Practice
Edward Gibeau, Ed.D.
3:00-4:30 p.m. $225.00, 15 weeks
for information call (517) 339-4191
Freud's Papers*
Bertram Karon, Ph.D.
3:00-4:30 p.m. $225.00, 15 weeks
for information call (517) 355-2159
Birmingham Course - Mondays
Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Psychotic Structures
Kathleen Koepele, M.S.W.
9:00-10:30 a.m.. $225.00, 15 weeks
Ann Arbor Courses - Wednesdays
Technique II: Transference & Countertransference*(first semester)
Robert Hooberman, Ph.D.
2:00-3:30 p.m. $225.00, 15 weeks
Agents of Change in Psychoanalysis
Lynne G. Tenbusch, Ph.D.
4:00-5:30 p.m. $225.00, 15 weeks
Grand Rapids Course - Saturdays
Psychological Trauma; Theory and Treatment
Elizabeth Waiess, Psy.D.
9:00-10:30 a.m. $225.00, 15 weeks
Winter 2001 Courses
East Lansing Courses - Mondays
Continuous Case Seminar*(second semester)
Ellen S. VanDeMark, M.A..
12:30-2:30 p.m. $300, 15 weeks
Perversity and the Perverse in Clinical Practice
Edward Gibeau, Ed.D.
3:00-4:30 p.m. $225.00, 15 weeks
Ann Arbor Courses - Wednesdays
Technique II: Transference & Countertransference*(second semester)
Robert Hooberman, Ph.D.
2:00-3:30 p.m. $225.00, 15 weeks
Perversity and the Perverse in Clinical Practice
Edward Gibeau, Ed.D.
3:00-4:30 p.m. $225.00, 15 weeks
Birmingham Course - Mondays
Readings on Psychoanalysis and Spirituality
Franklin Sollars, Ph.D.
9:00-10:30 a.m.. $225.00, 15 weeks